Old Skool View: Great, Weird & Wonderful Survivor Series Teams

For a few years now, people have been saying Survivor Series shouldn’t be classed as one of the big four as it hasn’t captured the imagination the other three do year in, year out, and due to the rise in popularity of Money In The Bank. However for me Survivor Series will stay as one of the big four due to the fact there is a lot of variety and potential for a lot to go down during the traditional elimination matches, and in the early days of Survivor Series the ultimate survivors of the show, where the survivors of the individual matches would face off against each other in another Face vs Heel match to determine the overall survivors of the night, yes I remember that going down!

As Survivor Series is traditionally about teamwork, for this article I’m going to be looking at some of the great, weird and wonderful teams to work together in an attempt at Survival!

From Survivor Series 1990 – The Warriors (Ultimate Warrior, Legion of Doom & Texas Tornado)

Now, this is one team that should do very well in any given era. You had Warrior who was so far over the top and so over it was unbelievable, arguably the greatest tag team of all time and the severely under-rated Texas Tornado aka Kerry Von Erich. What wasn’t surprising about that quartet was that only Warrior survived in the match against the Demolition trio and Mr Perfect.

From Survivor Series 1991 – Col. Mustafa, The Berzerker, Skinner & Hercules.

I would love to know who came up with this team. Mustafa was way past his best, so was Hercules. Skinner wasn’t doing much and as for The Berzerker all I need to say is “Huss Huss Huss”. The worst thing about this match was it went almost 15 minutes with that team, good job it was 1991, I would hate to think what the smarky crowds of today would say about this team.

From Survivor Series 1992 – The Hart Family (Bret, Bruce, Keith & Owen)

Bret and Owen were already well known in WWF at this point, but when you can throw in two more Harts, two more guys trained in the Dungeon,  it was an awesome moment to see. We all know Owen was the only Hart to get eliminated, and we all know what happened in the years going forward between Owen and his brother.

From Survivor Series 1992 – Shawn Michales & His Knights

This was the team up against The Hart Family…Shawn Michaels was lumbered with a pathetic team of “Knights” (Red, Blue & Black) and of course, they were zero help and Michaels got himself counted out as the numbers game was too much. The Knights were (Red) Barry Horowitz, (Blue) Greg Valentine, and (Black) Jeff Gaylord.

From Survivor Series 1992 – The Four Doinks  (Bushwackers & Men On A Mission)

Well with a name like The Four Doinks, you’d expect Doink there somewhere, wouldn’t you? I’m not overly sure why Doink wasn’t in the match as he was feuding with Bam Bam at the time, but yeah this was one of the weirder teams.

From Survivor Series 1994 – The Royal Family & Clowns ‘r’ Us

Putting both of these together as it’s just a pure comedy match. Lawler & Doink were feuding over whatever it was, and you had this match with a big man with 3 little men. Lawler had Cheesy, Queasy & Sleazy, whilst Doink has Dink, Pink and Wink, the less said about the rest the better.

From Survivor Series 2006 – Team Legends

This team is in here purely because they went up against The Spirit Squad, and well any legends that are allowed to destroy The Spirit Squad are gold in my book. The legends team consisted of Ric Flair, Sgt. Slaughter, Dusty Rhodes & Ron Simmons. Naturally, Ric Flair overcame the odds after the other legends were eliminated but for nostalgic reasons, this team is on there.

From Survivor Series 2006 – Team DX

Now I know a lot of you will be wondering why Team DX are in here when I’m not usually fond of this new stuff at times, and well for those of you that remember, this was the moment CM Punk broke out. Punk got a reaction that outdone all the other reactions on the night, it even made Triple H take note, so this is why Team DX of DX, The Hardy Boyz & CM Punk make my list.

From Survivor Series 2013 – The Shield & The Real Americans

It would be a tragedy not to include this team on the list of the great, weird and wonderful teams from Survivor Series history. You had The Shield who are arguably the greatest trifecta in history and one of the most under-rated tag teams in recent years The Real Americans. Whilst this match was all about making Roman Reigns the unstoppable monster, this team could have gone up against any team from Survivor Series history and done very well for themselves.

So that rounds up my list of great, weird and wonderful teams from Survivor Series history. I’m sure going forward there’s going to be many more I could add to this list. I am also sure there are a few teams that I perhaps should have mentioned but I chose not to for various reasons, but I hope this article does give you a nice trip down memory lane for some of the teams and names mentioned here, and that you all enjoy Survivor Series this year.

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