So, with NXT UK are about to start tapings again in September, this week I thought I’d fantasy book Episode One of NXT UK, in this “new world”. Hope you enjoy it!
NXT Entrance Music Plays, to a long shot of entire NXT UK Roster, stood on the stage. Triple H’s music hits and he walks his way down to the ring
HHH: I just wanted to come out here and thank you all, in person, for your perseverance in waiting for us to be able to come back, to do what we do in the ring, to entertain you and to most of all, show what British Wrestling is capable of. That being said, we have had to make a few changes, one of which is the position of General Manager. Without going on and on like an old-timer, I’d like to introduce to you the new General Manager of NXT UK. Someone who is able to see the action in the ring, make the decisions and calls as and when they happen. Please welcome into the ring Nigel McGuiness
NXT UK Roster applauds as Nigel McGuiness comes out on stage. He enters the ring, shakes Triple H’s hand, who then walks back up the entrance ramp.
NM: Thank you for that introduction Triple H, and it’s great to be back on television, with this roster and be able to bring you the very best that we have to offer. I’ve been given full latitude and control over the NXT UK Roster, as well as a few other perks of the job that you’ll find out over the coming weeks. Now, as we know, NXT TakeOver Dublin was meant to be taking place, but now, sadly that won’t be. However, 8 weeks from tonight, there will be an NXT UK event taking over the WWE Network: NXT UK: Crowning Glory. Before I speak about that event, I must first invite to the ring the NXT UK Tag Team Champions Gallus and the NXT UK Men’s and Women’s Champions to the ring. So please, can all four of you make your way to the ring.
WALTER, Kay Lee Ray, Coffey and Wolfgang walk down to the ring and climb into it
NM: In this world, we live in, we have been given a new chance. A chance to show what was, what can be, what could happen. With that in mind, I will address each of you, and the implications for your titles. Gallus, you have had the titles and have had a hell of a run since you won them. However, now I must declare the titles vacant. However, you will get a chance to get them back in a Tag Team Gauntlet match, to take place at Crowning Glory, as will every other tag team on the roster. In the upcoming weeks, tag teams will face off against each other in a Beat the Clock fashion. The quicker the wins, the better position the team will enter in the Gauntlet match.
Gallus look stunned, but eventually surrender their belts and walk back up the ramp
NM: Which brings us to our reigning champions. Again, you have had brilliant runs with your respective titles, but it’s time to shake things up a little. Starting tonight, and culminating at Crowning Glory, we will be having a King of the Ring, the winner of which will become the next WWE NXT UK Champion. And, for the first time ever in WWE history, we will also be crowning a Queen of the Ring, who will become WWE NXT UK Women’s Champion. You are both in the competition and will receive Champions Advantage by having a bye in the first round, and the field is open to any and all WWE NXT UK wrestlers. So for now, I must ask that you surrender your belts to me.
WALTER: And if we refuse?
NM: Well, Vince McMahon has a saying which I’m sure you have heard of before
WALTER and Kay Lee Ray surrender their belts and join the rest of the locker-room on the ramp
NM: One more announcement from me regarding titles, then its time for the in-ring action to take centre place. I want NXT UK wrestlers to have the drive and motivation, week in and week out. With that in mind, tonight we will be debuting a new NXT UK Title: The Hybrid Title. This title can be defended anywhere, at any time, in any stipulation the challenger wants. Cage match? Ladder match? Locker room brawl? The champion better be ready for any challenger, at any time. To crown the inaugural champion, tonight’s Main Event will be a Battle Royal match. And to make things interesting, the Battle Royal is open to any and all NXT UK wrestlers.
Commentary talks about the upcoming Crowning Glory PPV and show King and Queen of the Ring Brackets and talk about the matches coming up, including next weeks matches being Eddie Dennis vs Tyler Bates, Xia Brookside vs Nina Samuels and tag team action featuring Gallus vs IMPERIUM in a Timed Match to determine their places in the Gauntlet Match at Crowning Glory.

Backstage, Tyler Bate and Trent Severn are deep in conversation….
TB: King Tyler, has a good ring to it, doesn’t it? I could get a crown and sceptre and walk around Birmingham with it all day long
TS: Whilst that does sound good, King Trent sounds better – I can just picture the merchandise now – the T-Shirts, the mugs, the Crown itself!
TB: The only mug there will be is you, when you see me get crowned as King of the Ring! All jokes aside mate, for now, we must disband Moustache Mountain as we head down the road of Royalty
TS: How does this sound – Tyler Bate vs Trent Severn at Crowning Glory to determine the King of the Ring?
TB: And the King of British Strong Style!
Tyler and Trent shake hands as we go back to the ring
King of the Ring Qualifier : A-Kid vs Jordan Devlin
Devlin heads down to the ring to cut a promo before the match
JD: I can’t believe that I, Jordan Devlin, the most legit wrestler in this entire brand has to compete to be in the King of the Ring finals match at Crowning Glory. Surely, a wrestler like myself, a winner, a champion, should be heading straight to the finals without having to prove myself? A-Kid, you’re young, you’ve got a long career ahead of you, and who knows maybe one day we’ll go one on one in a meaningful match. But for today kiddo, just come out to the ring, lie down and let me pin you 1-2-3. Then, in the future, maybe I’ll let you go one on one with me when I am the greatest WWE UK Champion of all time. Hell, everyone in the locker room knows that I am the best here.
A-Kid makes his way down to the ring and looks at Devlin, who points at the ring mat and tells him to lie down. A-Kid looks around, not sure what to do, but eventually lies down. The ref looks confused, telling Devlin to wrestle, as Devlin makes the pin. Before the ref starts counting, A-Kid pushes off, rolls Devlin up and the ref makes a quick 3 count.
Winner: A-Kid
After the match, A-Kid celebrates before Devlin attacks him from behind. A squad of referees run down the ramp to pull him off A-Kid, who looks out cold.
Queen of the Ring Qualifier: Amale vs Jinny
Jinny makes her way out to the ring first, followed by Amale. The pair lock up, before exchanging blows. Jinny takes control of the match, to begin with, targeting Amale’s back and neck with clubbing blows. Amale rolls out of the ring and Jinny tells the ref to start counting. Amale tries to get back into the ring after 5, but Jinny baseball slides her back out. Amale gets back into the ring just after the 9 comes up from the ref. Jinny beats down on her again, before going to the top rope to shout that she is the best female wrestler. This gives Amale time to recover and take control of the match and get the pin and the win.
Winner: Amale
Backstage, WALTER is taking with Imperium
WALTER: It is imperative that we get back our titles. Fabian, Marcel – you will win your Gauntlet matches and get the NXT UK Tag Team Titles. Alexander, you will win the Hybrid Championship.
They all nod in agreement
WALTER: And I will win the King of the Ring and become, once again, the greatest NXT UK Champion there will ever be
They all cheer
Main Event: Battle Royale for the NXT UK Hybrid Championship – Alexander Wolfe vs Aoife Valkyrie vs Dave Mastiffvs Eddie Dennis vs Flash Morgan Webster vs Ilja Dragunov vs Mark Andrews vs Piper Niven vs Wolfgang vs Xia Brookside
The wrestlers surround the ring and all slowly step up and climb into the ring. The bell sounds and the melee gets underway. Straight away Eddie Dennis goes after Flash Morgan Webster, nearly eliminating him straight away, with Piper working with Xia 2 on 1 against Valkyrie. Valkyrie is up on the ropes but is able to use Brookside’s momentum against her
Xia Brookside is eliminated
Brookside looks stunned as Aoife looks down on her from the ring. Wolfe and Mastiff are throwing everything at each other before they get broken up by Wolfgang and Eddie Dennis. Everyone is taking out everyone else, leaving only two people standing – Mark Andrews and Piper Niven. They both look at each other, before hitting each other with blows. Niven gets the upper hand and picks up Andrews and throws him over the top rope
Mark Andrews is eliminated
Piper turns around immediately and goes after Valkyrie again, whilst Flash Morgan Webster is getting double teamed by Wolfgang and Mastiff in the corner. The two of them working together manage to get Andrews on to the top of the ropes and he starts to go over. In a last act of desperation, Webster grabs onto Mastiff and refuses to let go. Wolfgang takes a step back and lifts Mastiff, eliminating two wrestlers at the same time
Flash Morgan Webster and Dave Mastiff are eliminated
Eddie Dennis turns round to see Webster on the floor and laughs whilst he shouts “I’m the best that Wales has to offer, not you!”, before turning around and going after Niven. Webster jumps back up onto the ring and distracts Dennis, allowing Niven to charge Dennis over the top rope.
Eddie Dennis is eliminated
Dennis and Webster come to blows on the outside of the ring. In the meantime, Alexander Wolfe spots Valkyrie in the corner of the ring, lifts her up and pushes her over the top rope.
Valkyrie is eliminated
Final four: Alexander Wolfe, Ilja Dragunov, Wolfgang, Piper Niven
The four wrestlers back off to a corner each of the ring, eyeing each other up. Dragunov and Niven point at Wolfgang and they nod their heads at each other. Wolfe looks at them both and gives them the thumbs up. All 3 wrestlers charge after Wolfgang, who immediately is on the ropes and not able to put up a defence against the onslaught. Dragunov and Niven take a limb each and get Wolfgang on the top rope, and Wolfe comes in for the assist.
Wolfgang is eliminated
Before she realises what has happened, Wolfe picks up Niven and throws her over the top rope
Piper Niven is eliminated
Dragunov backs off from Wolfe, giving him space. The pair then launch into forearms at each other, neither getting control of the match. Imperiums music hits, with Fabien and Marcel running down to the ring and launching into Dragunov. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch run down the ring to make the save and take out Fabien and Marcel. Wolfe goes after Burch, giving Ilja the time to pick him up and slam him out of the ring!
Winner and NEW NXT UK Hybrid Champion: Ilja Dragunov
After the match, Fabien, Marcel, Locan and Burch brawl with each other up the ramp, with Wolfe on the floor outside of the ring alone and Ilja in the ring celebrating. Ilja’s celebrations are cut short as Noam Dar’s music hits. Ilja looks towards the ramp but is blindsided by Dar, who comes in from behind him and beats him down. Noam stands above him, stares at the Hybrid Title and says to Dragunov “You, me, next week” as the show goes off-air.
What do you think of Matt’s First Episode of NXTUK, when it returns? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @SLTDWrestling
Follow On The Mat (with Matt): @maruwe22
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