Pitbull Fined £5,000 and Steve Saxon Retires: What’s Next for Britannia Wrestling?

That was the headline on Britannia Wrestling’s homepage following the actions of the Baby Faced Pitbull last weekend and after reading Steve Saxon’s official statement regarding his retirement, which you can read here, it left a lot of questions unanswered: most notably, what’s next for BWP? That’s what I’m most interested in, so I’m going to try to break down who is likely to be the next BWP General Manager.

Now, over the last few weeks, there have been firings (The Brand), retirements (The Hammer) and BWP originals making their presence known; like Lord Graham Thomas winning a match and Sax’s Denbigh Death Match partner Classic Ciarán McConnell letting the roster know that he means business!

Let’s take a closer look at these contenders and why they could be the next GM.

The group known as The Brand: headed up by the infamous DJ King

After their Denbigh Death Match, King was forced into retirement after suffering a huge loss at the hands of now former GM Steve Saxon. Looking back, you could argue that the formation of The Brand by DJ King & Steve Saxon was what put BWP on the wrestling map. They formed the most dominating group BWP had ever seen, so who better to make the tough decisions and get BWP back on track than a man who, at one time or another, has beat them all down? It would come down to whether or not BWP Management would trust DJ King to make the right decisions.

The Hammer: recently forced into retirement after his title match with the “Toxic Terror”, Alex Cyanide

The Hammer was undefeated not only in BWP, but in every UK promotion he worked for throughout his career! The man means business. Could he be the man to take BWP into the future? He definitely could definitely handle the pressure that comes with the role and he’s got the respect of the locker room. When we interviewed The Hammer on SLTD Radio the week after his retirement, he did tease a possible return one day, so could this be his time?

Lord Graham Thomas III

To my knowledge, he’s one of the only remaining BWP originals on the roster. He’s been there since day one and knows the company inside out. Is this LGT’s chance to take the reins of the company that he’s dedicated so many years to? How would the fans react if LGT was announced as the new face of BWP?

Ciaran McConnell

As we all know, Ciarán was Steve Saxon’s mystery partner in the Denbigh Death Match against DJ King and Craig Winters. Sax had Ciarán by his side in the all or nothing battle, which says that there’s a very deep level of trust between these two guys and that’s something that Sax will be looking for if he’s handing over control of his company.

There’s always the chance that none of these guys will be involved at all. BWP Management could choose a new, impartial GM to look after their prime asset. One thing is for sure, Steve Saxon has left some huge shoes to fill and whoever does take the job will have a roller coaster ride ahead of them.

Who do you think will take over? Do you agree or disagree with my choices? Leave your thoughts and comments below.

Just for your viewing pleasure, here are some highlights from the aforementioned Denbigh Death Match!

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