PPV Rewind – Elimination Chamber 2006

Welcome to the SLTD PPV Rewind, a retrospective column looking back at the PPVs of 2006, a decade after they happened.

I’d like to thank everyone at SLTD for welcoming me to the team and we’re kicking this off with New Year’s Revolution 2006.

I’ll be rating each match out of five then accumulating the scores to give a final grade for the PPV.

Joey Styles and Jonathan Coachman are on commentary as Edge makes his way to the ring for the first match of the event.

Intercontinental Championship
Edge w/ Lita Vs. Ric Flair

I rather enjoyed Flair’s Intercontinental Championship run between 05 and 06, although this match is essentially filler in order to 1) Get Flair and the Intercontinental Championship on the card and 2) Use Edge early on to enhance events that may be occurring later on…..

Decent match, filled more with “moments” rather than competition, I’m sure most of you will have seen/remember a 56 year old Ric Flair gyrating towards Lita as she tries to interfere.

Match ends in DQ as after Edge blasts Flair in the head with the Money In The Bank Briefcase, busting the champion open. I miss Edge. And blood.


Women’s Championship
Trash Stratus Vs. Mickie James

Champion Trish defends against her “number one fan” Mickie James in a match considerably less eventful then their bout at Wrestlemania 22.

I always remember WWE in 2006 as the year of the gimmick, so many labels having to be put on different wrestlers, a point further validated with the “obsessive fan” gimmick given to Mickie James. I’m sure more “memorable” personalities will come to light throughout this retrospective series, maybe even later on in the event?

Trish retains after, as Joey Styles put it, “the Mick Kick missed but the Chick Kick did not”


Gregory Helms Vs. Jerry “The King” Lawler

King not being on commentary instantly reminded me that this match was yet to take place. I remember being skeptical of the Hurricane gimmick ending but as some may know, it lead to much bigger things for Gregory Helms.

But not this. This match was poor at best, a waste of Helms’ talent and an example of the fluttering Jerry Lawler indulgence WWE occasionally sprinkled on its product until recently. Don’t get me wrong, I like Jerry Lawler as much as the next guy but being used as an initial match for a gimmick change or up and coming superstar bewilders me.

King wins after a fist drop from the second rope.


Triple H Vs. World Tag Team Champion Big Show

Story going into this one is that both men cost each other a spot in the Elimination Chamber match at this very PPV. Oh, and, that Triple H doesn’t show compassion, broke Big Show’s hand thinking it’ll be detrimental when actually, Big Show uses the cast as a weapon ala Cowboy Bob Orton.

Big Show’s cast is ridiculous, they’ve plastered over his closed fist, his fingers are encased inside. I’m no doctor, but surely he could be in danger of blood flow issues? Anyway, the match is decent enough, mainly revolving around how Triple H can expose this weakness in order to win, which is essentially the formula for most Big Show matches over two minutes long.

Triple H wins after a pedigree and sledgehammer shot.


Shelton Benjamin Vs. Viscera

Unscheduled match after ‘The World’s Largest Love Machine’ tried it on with Shelton’s Momma backstage in catering. Says it all really. Poor Shelton, he deserves so much more than this.

Shelton wins after a dragon whip.


Bra & Panties Gauntlet Match
Maria Vs. Candice Michelle Vs. Torrie Wilson Vs. Victoria Vs. Mae Young Vs. Ashley

Maria interviewed herself prior to this match… Really. This was poor, really poor. You know before, when I said I missed blood? Well this kind of Diva ‘exhibition’ is something I don’t miss about this particular period of time in WWE.

Makes me even more grateful for the Bayley/Sasha/Charlotte/Becky matches we’ve had recently.

Best bit about this match? Victoria wearing a T-Shirt with “Let’s Get This Over With” printed on the front.

Ashley wins after de-pantsing Victoria.


WWE Championship Elimination Chamber Match
John Cena Vs. Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels Vs. Kane Vs. Carlito Vs. Chris Masters

Really good Chamber match, showcasing Michaels’ storytelling, Cena’s Superman powers and Angle’s batshit craziness.

Great to see Carlito & Masters thrown in, utilising spots to build upon younger stars which is always what a multi-man matchup like this should do.

Not to forget that Angle, Kane & Michaels (in that order) were the first ones eliminated this instantly raising the profile of Carlito & Masters.

John Cena wins after last eliminating Carlito.


Vince McMahon shows up to announce that Edge is cashing in his Money In The Bank Briefcase. First time ever folks, and the moment holds up really well.

WWE Championship
John Cena Vs. Edge w/ Lita

A very short ‘match’ with Edge hitting two spears for the win. This was WWE’s first go at ‘cashing in’ and while it wasn’t as instantly recognisable with the fans as it is now, or as orchestrated, there was real shock value to the PPV ending with a guy who, let’s face it, lost the opening contest and had shifted away from the main event in months before, winning the WWE Championship without any kind of significant, prior, warning. Awesome.

4/5 – Mainly for the ‘moment’

Final Thoughts:

Let’s be honest, at the time, you will have only bought this PPV for the Elimination Chamber match and know, you’ll only check it out on the Network for that same match plus its aftermath.

17/40 – D-

Follow me on Twitter – @ALFarrand

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