Predictions League Update – Money in the Bank 2014 Results

Welcome one, welcome all to the latest update of our Predictions League following Money in the Bank 2014, which is sponsored by the good people over at Ringside World. As well as sponsoring the league, Ringside World have also provided a prize for you to win, as have Wrestling Manager, American Soda and the fine fellows over at MFX Podcast.

For those of you who don’t know, we run our own predictions league for every WWE PPV. The 2013-14 season saw us grow by over 80%, mainly thanks to our affiliation with the magnificently smark-tastic guys over at MFX Podcast, who have been our partners since the beginning of 2014. We appreciate the support from those guys, as well as everyone who told their friends about it!

If you’re sitting reading this wondering what the hell we’re talking about, we basically put together a post before every WWE PPV which shows match graphics and allows you to make your prediction on who’s going to win. It’s really easy to do, it’s free to play, it makes watching PPV’s just that little bit more entertaining and on top of that, there are prizes to be won! For more info on the prizes you can win, click here.

Here’s details of the points that were on offer for Money in the Bank 2014. There were a potential 24 points on offer:

  • Each match was worth 1 point EXCEPT the ladder matches
  • The WWE World Heavyweight Championship and Money in the Bank matches were worth 5 points each
  • If you picked the winners of each match correctly, you earned an additional 5 points
  • If you predicted that we’d see a cash-in on the night, you could have earned another 5 points
  • Bonus points were on offer if either CM Punk or Brock Lesnar turned up

Before we show you the table though, here’s some stats for you:

  • There wasn’t one match where everyone’s prediction was unanimous
  • 6 people thought the contract would have been cashed in that night
  • Only 1 person thought CM Punk would return
  • No-one got everything right
Without any further ado, let’s take a look at what the table looks like after the latest round of predictions for our 2014-15 season.
Entrant Total Score Position
Paul Kennedy 53 1
Rach 50 2
Shahin 47 3
WrestleRopes 47
Jeremy 46 4
Grant Cook 45 5
Harry Bradshaw 42 6
Greg_SLTD (#GregoryMovement) 42
Johnny Whyte 41 7
Sean Marshall 41
Adam Farrand 37 8
Sam Clarke 37
Sean Welch 37
Stephen 37
Michael Brown 36 9
Damien Douglas 35 10
SteJo 35
Michael Minor 34 11
Bruce Hively 33 12
Corey 32 13
Tom Young 32
Adam O’Brien 31 14
Emma Giles 31
Karl Walker 29 15
Dumb Bart Gunn 28 16
Joe Walker 27 17
Gary Behan 26 18
Beyond the Matt 25 19
John Jones 25
Azan Saigol 24 20
Jason Zalewski 21 21
Jonny Beggs 21
Rob Hollands 21
Zara_X 21
Alex Hazlewood 20 22
Alex Smiley 20
David Lawson 20
Emma 19 23
Goldferg 19
Tom Williams 19
Ewan Deeks 18 24
Jay Mosco 17 25
Christine Hensley 15 26
David Outlaw 15
Dylan Otoshiro 15
Steph Walker 15
Shaun Baum 14 27
Rhiannon Eccles 14
Kirsty Hannaway 13 28
Krystyn Wolstenholme 13
Lilpipdjano 12 29
Brent Schomo 11 30
Derek 11
Matt Johnson 11
Zezinho 11
Brad Ledson 10 31
Calvin Berry 10
Better than Average Joe 9 32
Eric Mann 9
Gavin 9
Will Roberts 9
Sophie Birch 8 33
Eduardo Diaz 5 34


Our 2014-15 Predictions League season continues with BattleGround on July 20th. We can’t stress enough just how important it is that you get involved!

It only takes a couple of minutes before the PPV to give us your selections and the more you play, the more points you’ll get. The more points you get, you’re more likely to win a prize! You don’t even have to watch WWE to take part. Just guess. You’ll probably end up getting some points anyway! 🙂

Before we wrap things up, we just wanted to remind you of a couple of things:

  • When you submit your predictions, we need you to give us either your name, email address or Twitter handle in the form towards the end of the predictions post. If any predictions come through without anything to identify you, they won’t count. Just remember to let us know who you are when you’re making your picks!
  • We will only accept 1 entry per person. If we receive more than 1 entry from you, we will only accept the 1st entry you submitted.
  • Your entry must be submitted TWO hours before the PPV pre-show begins at the very latest. So for UK readers/players, it’d be 10pm GMT on Sunday morning. For our readers/players in other countries, just factor in the time difference depending on where you live.

Right then, we’d best be off! Thank you to ALL of you for making our Predictions League what it is. It’d be NOTHING without you!

Keep your eyes peeled for news about how to join our 2014-15 Predictions League season before BattleGround in a few weeks time. This league is NOTHING without you guys, so thanks for your support!

***To see how the 2013-14 season finished, click here***

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