SLTD Collections – #RumbleWeek

Did you miss any of SLTD Wrestling’s #RumbleWeek? Well your in luck, because this is your one stop spot for everything Royal Rumble related, that has appeared exclusively on our site.

This week Five Good Five Bad (@ZacJones_SK) looked at who we would all love to see as a surprise return at this years Royal Rumble and gave his top 5!

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In a #RumbleWeek special What Would Matt Do? (@MARUWE22) is giving an in depth look at who he thinks could return for the Royal Rumble and it all started with Maven!

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This weeks Monster Match Sully (@BigMatchSully) is looking at his top five “Iron Man” performances in past Royal Rumble matches!

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In a #RumbleWeek special What Would Matt Do? (@MARUWE22) is giving an in depth look at who he thinks could return for the Royal Rumble and his next pick was The Hardy Boyz!

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Team SLTD got together to give their thoughts on who they think will be walking out of the Royal Rumble as the WWE Champion!

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In a #RumbleWeek special What Would Matt Do? (@MARUWE22) is giving an in depth look at who he thinks could return for the Royal Rumble and his next pick was CM Punk!

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Our very own Five Star General Tybo (@Tybo_SLTD) is looking at who he feels deserves to win this years Royal Rumble!

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In a #RumbleWeek special What Would Matt Do? (@MARUWE22) is giving an in depth look at who he thinks could return for the Royal Rumble and his next pick was Rob Van Dam

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Team SLTD got together again to talk about their favourite Royal Rumble matches!

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In a #RumbleWeek special What Would Matt Do? (@MARUWE22) is giving an in depth look at who he thinks could return for the Royal Rumble and his final pick was Kurt Angle

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This weeks UKayfabe (@Kieranthekiz) is looking at a possible 5 outsiders who could actually win the Royal Rumble!

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The Wrestling Brain (callumowen98) returns to give his predictions on who he thinks will be the winners at NXT Takeover: San Antonio

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Team SLTD got together again to give their thoughts on who they think will walk out of the Royal Rumble as the WWE Universal Champion!

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Old Skool View has given his thoughts on what his top 30 Royal Rumble Moments have been!

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Team SLTD got together for the final time this week to pick our Final Four and eventual Winner for the Royal Rumble 2017.


We hope you enjoyed SLTD Wrestling’s #RumbleWeek

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