SLTD Discuss: Daniel Bryan & Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens & Sami Zayn

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the returning Daniel Bryan and ‘The Commish’ Shane Mcmahon or the will Owens and Zayn get their jobs back?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

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@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
Just like the entire wrestling community, I am so excited to see Daniel Bryan’s return to the ring. I never thought Bryan would be cleared to compete as WWE are very protective of superstars with serious injuries. I guess WWE thought that Bryan was too big of a star to let go to the Indie scene. Nonetheless, this match will include four exciting competitors and therefore should put on an exciting match.

The build for this match has been going on since before Summerslam between Shane McMahon and Kevin Owens and we were never sure how this year-long feud would end, but this match will be a great way to end it. In terms of the match itself, I do see Owens and Zayn winning this one even though it’s Bryan’s return match. However, I think there will be a post-match angle where McMahon will turn heel on Bryan and attack him after the match, then Bryan will come back and lay out McMahon and lead a thunderous “YES” chant to solidify himself as an in-ring competitor once again.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Let’s be honest, if Daniel Bryan doesn’t go over, New Orleans will riot.

There is the slightest of chances either Daniel or Shane will turn, but that seems unlikely. Sure the stipulation of Kami being fired if they lose may suggest they’re going over. But it wouldn’t be the first time WWE just ignore a stipulation and have them turn up on RAW the night after Mania.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
It was Tuesday 20th March, I was stood in the foyer of my local theatre selling programmes for a show that my brother was in, and I had a quick glance at my phone, and straight away I read that Daniel Bryan had been cleared, it’s probably the biggest news headline in WWE, since the streak ended and I couldn’t stop smiling, that night I stayed up for Smackdown Live and for the first time in almost three years, we saw Bryan take a bump, we saw Bryan hit the running dropkicks and the Yes Kicks! And I couldn’t be more excited for this match than I am at the moment.

The feud between Shane and Owens has lasted a whopping 9 months and it’s had it’s up and downs but this is probably the best booked and built match at this year’s Mania. Last year Sami Zayn was in the pre show and he looked lost as a face, but ever since turning heel last October he’s not looked back and him and Owens have been two of the most entertaining acts on Smackdown. I think Shane and Bryan should win as if they lose it could suck the life out of the Superdome. So will Daniel Bryan win in his match since being cleared? Yes! Yes! Yes!

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
I’m not going to lie, I squealed like a little girl at a Take That concert when Bryan got clearance to return in the ring and I’m happy that his “return” match is on the grandest stage of them all. I’m also happy that he’s not in a 1 on 1 match, so as to make sure he gets a comfortable return to life in the ring. His pairing with Shane McMahon is going to be fun. They’ve had good chemistry together as authority roles on SmackDown and I’ve been impressed with them both. If you had told me last year that Zayn would be in a heel tag team with Owens I’d have laughed.

Again, these two have impressed me their work, both in and out of the ring. This build-up started a long time ago, leading up to this match. It’s been put together really well, but I think that Owens and Zayn will pick up the win. On SmackDown there isn’t an authority figure f for Bryan to rebel against at the moment. His natural character and charisma ooze, even more, when he is in that situation. I can see Shane McMahon turning on Bryan during the match, leading to an eventual Bryan vs McMahon match later on down the line. Now THAT would be an awesome spectacle to see – the GOAT vs the non-wrestler GOAT.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica )
Well here is a match I didn’t think I would be writing about for this WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan back in the ring and back in New Orleans should make for another night to remember! This match has been building for that long that you can guarantee there are going to be some huge spots and some OMG moments! Plus with Shane being involved something from a height will definitely happen. I am not a fan of Kevin Owens in the slightest and a huge fan of Daniel Bryan so I am completely biased in this match and am hoping with everything I have that Shane and Daniel get the win. That way we don’t have to see Owens on our screens for a little bit! Not the best for Sami granted as I do actually like him but he should have picked a better friend!

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