SLTD Discuss – IC Championship – The Miz vs Seth Rollins vs Finn Balor (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the Intercontinental Champion The Miz or will Seth Rollins or Finn Balor become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
In a perfect world, this match would be for the Universal Championship. The Miz has been absolutely killing it for over a year now and he without a doubt deserves to be in the World Championship picture. I think as soon as Lesnar drops the Championship I think there could be some great title matches on Raw with Reigns vs Balor, Joe, Rollins, Strowman and The Miz.

As for this match, I can see this being great. Rollins and Balor always bring something special to Wrestlemania. It’s just a shame it doesn’t seem like Balor is bringing his demon (or at least I don’t think so). As much as I don’t want to say it, I would be shocked if Miz retains as he is becoming a dad the same week. I think either Rollins or Balor could be a great champ.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
Miz will win. I’m almost confident. The fact that Miz is bringing up how many days he needs to hold onto the belt until he breaks the most time spent as the champion is a clear giveaway that he’s not dropping that title until he breaks that record. Not that it’s necessarily a bad thing for WWE to do this but this was done through like eight title reigns. At least guys like Ultimate Warrior and Honky Tonk Man did it with like one or two title reigns or so. Ah well. Miz retains and then… I don’t know what’s left for him in WWE.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
This match is actually a surreal one for me because it is, in fact, my 3 favourite wrestlers against each other. Everyone that knows me knows The Miz has been my favourite for years! NXT brought my attention to Finn Balor, and then Rollins’ work in The Shield propelled him to one of my favourite wrestlers. Now this will come as a surprise to most for me to admit this, but I fully expect Miz to lose here, not because he doesn’t deserve to be champion anymore, but he has ALWAYS put people over, and that’s exactly what I think he’ll do here.

Who defeats him, Finn or Seth, now that’s a tricky one. On the one hand, Balor hasn’t really done anything of note since his return from injury, and I don’t recall him having many opportunities at a singles title either since he was the first ever Universal Champion.

Seth Rollins also could use a victory, having seen both tag team partners in Dean Ambrose and Jason Jordan fall to injury, ending his Tag Team Title runs. My head goes with Seth Rollins on this one, which would then lead to a 1 on 1 Rollin v Balor feud which would excite many fans.

Losing the Intercontinental Title will be no shame to Miz, who I think will go on to enter the Universal Title hunt, and deservingly so.

@TittyFroster (It’s Wrestling)
This is one of the many matches that I’m looking forward to. It hasn’t had a major build to me, but it’s been great to see the banter between the three guys. I’m stuck on picking a winner so far, as I like all 3 and wouldn’t mind seeing any of them pick up the win. If I was made to pick a winner right now, I’d probably say Finn. My reason for that is that he hasn’t had a title in quite some time.Like with most triple threat matches, I’m expecting a lot near falls and a lot of action. Let us what you think.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This easily could be one of the best matches on the Mania card as this is three wrestlers who are on the top of their game at the moment. The evil and opportunistic Miz has been the best heel and the most consistent superstar in the WWE for almost two years now and he is just under 30 days away from overtaking Pedro Morales combined days for holding the Intercontinental Championship. Finn Balor is one of the best wrestlers in WWE, but his character for me is a bit too geeky and he smiles too much, I want some aggression! Seth Rollins is my favourite wrestler on the WWE roster, I even turned off Elimination Chamber in February when he was eliminated. Personally, I don’t mind who wins this match, but for the sake of him breaking the record, I’m going for The Miz.

@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
This bout has the potential to steal the show at Wrestlemania if they are given a good amount of time. The match these three had on raw last May was amazing and I can imagine that this one will be even better. The build for this match has been on the better builds of all the Wrestlemania matches and I think this is down to The Miz. His promos each week have been nothing but awesome (pun intended), even though he will probably lose at the show of shows. My first thought was that Finn Balor will win but on second thoughts they may give the belt to Seth Rollins so he can become a Grand Slam champion. I’m very excited for this match and at the end of the match, I think Rollins will be holding the title high.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
This for me is a tough match to predict as I can see any one of these walking out of this match as the champion. Now the fact that The Miz has just had a baby leads me to think that he is possibly losing the title this Sunday as he will be taking some time away but with him being close to breaking the record that might be on hold till he beats it but then  would he really miss out on the first month of his child’s life? I don’t think he would which leads me to think we are going to be seeing a new champ walk out at WrestleMania. With Finn Balor not being given a title since he had to give up the Universal Championship I think he will be walking out as the new champion, and after everything he has gone through I think he deserves it, plus it’s about time we saw him as a champion on the main roster.

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