SLTD Discuss: Ivory – Hall of Fame (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together, this time we are discussing this year’s Hall of Fame inductee Ivory!

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of one of this year’s inductee’s!

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
It is quite hard for me to give an opinion of Ivory to be perfectly honest. I missed out on the Attitude Era so I can’t say I’ve seen a great deal of Ivory as a character. I’ve always known of Ivory but I was quite as exposed to her as opposed to other women over time. During the Attitude Era, women in wrestling were mostly there to promote sex appeal rather than professional wrestling. Characters like Sable, Terri Runnels and Debra, because of how they looked, were promoted in more prominent positions then girls like Jacqueline and Ivory. I guess that’s also the same reason why it’s great to see Ivory chosen for the Hall of Fame. Girls like Ivory tried to get the very best out of these women. She was one of the hardest workers in that division at the time and her induction into the Hall of Fame is a great way to recognise her skills.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Although she was around in an era where women were objectified in wrestling, Ivory showed she was serious about this thing called ‘rassling’ and backed it up in the ring. Against all odds, Ivory proved she was a top quality performer, no matter what role she was put in! It’s no wonder she’s one of the women often quoted as being a great inspiration for many of the female superstars today.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)

I’ll be honest I was a little shocked that Ivory was going into the Hall of Fame as there isn’t really any stand out major moments for her. Being from the era she was though it was hard for a female wrestler to actually get stand out moments, but if you really look into what she did in her time as an active wrestler you could say she was part of the original women’s revolution. Being part of the attitude era she helped to take women wrestlers from being just the eye candy valet or the ones who wrestled in barely anything in some sort of pool slime/liquid/gravy to show the world that they could actually wrestle. This all started with being part of the first ever hardcore match however after that she didn’t really do much else!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I was a little shocked at Ivory being inducted into the Hall of Fame, as not so long ago she herself said it would never happen because Stephanie McMahon didn’t really like her. This doesn’t mean this is not deserved. Ivory was a solid wrestler and a great heel and was a stand out for her era. Do I think Ivory could hang in the ring with the likes of Charlotte, Banks and Bayley? Probably not, but she really stood out in an era full of Torrie Wilson’s and Dawn Marie’s.

The main thing that sets Ivory apart from most ‘divas’ from that era is she had character. Ivory’s heel work was particularly impressive, especially when working with the ‘Fabulous’ Moolah and Mae Young and of course when she was an intergyral part of the Right To Censor, playing to that gimmick better than the guys in the faction. In a world of bra and panties and gravy bowl matches, Ivory always brought a more competitive edge to the diva’s division.

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