SLTD Discuss: Jeff Jarrett – Hall of Fame (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together, this time its to give our thoughts on this year’s Hall of Fame inductee Jeff Jarrett!

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below what you think of one of this year’s inductee’s!

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Double J Slap Nutz himself! Not in a million years did I think Jeff Jarrett would make it into the WWE HOF. However, after much thinking, he’s the perfect guy for it. He obviously isn’t going to be a headliner, but his time as a main-eventer (usually out of necessity as everyone else was injured) for WCW, and his solid mid-card status in the WWE makes him the right pick for a Hall of Famer. This isn’t to mention the work he’s done for the wrestling business as a whole, namely, creating TNA, which was the second largest company for quite some time. To cap it all off, he holds a special place in my heart, as one of my favourite moments in wrestling ever is when Double J smacks Beetlejuice over the head with a guitar backstage at Nitro.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
If the rumours are true that Jeff Jarrett held the Intercontinental Championship ‘hostage’ in 1999 before leaving the company, then Jarret in the Hall of Fame is a true shock. If you base Jarret’s induction on his contributions to the wrestling business then this is absolutely not a shock. Jarrett is a second generation superstar who has been involved in every major promotion over the last 20+ years, including founding the closest thing to a WWE rival there has been since the demise of WCW. Aside from TNA, Jarrett, in my opinion, legitimised Chyna as a treat when they worked their feud for the Intercontinental Championship, he was a great champ and a solid heel. If Jarret would have stayed with WWE I have no doubt he could be one of the all-time great WWE champions, and the condition he has been in, there would be no reason why he couldn’t have showed up at least one Wrestlemania for a big match.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
People may have different opinions on his personality and wrestling skills, but no one at the end of the day should doubt he deserves a HOF Spot. Been a former Intercontinental Champion and providing us with unforgettable (and some controversial) moments, I’m happy to see Jeff Jarrett heading into the WWE Hall Of Fame

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
The induction of Jeff Jarrett into the Hall of Fame caught a lot of people by surprise.
Most notably because he has been heavily involved with other promotions in recent years who saw WWE as ‘the enemy’.
But if you look at Jarrett’s overall contribution to the business of professional wrestling, then the induction is certainly justified.
I remember him wrestling with Debra as his valet, using a guitar to attack his opponents and his catchphrase ‘Don’t Piss Me Off’.
I’m glad Jeff’s work in the industry is finally being rewarded with a place among the elite of wrestling.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
Jarrett is many things, now you can add a WWE Hall of Famer, that I would of said would not happen in a million years but I am very happy that it is happening.

His WWF career can be described as on and off to say the least, he has won gold in the Federation, Intercontinental Champion, Tag Team Champion w/ Owen Hart and was the one of the first men to hold a NWA championship on WWF’s flagship Raw program!

He has helped many wrestlers careers while running TNA (now Impact Wrestling), stars like AJ Styles (current WWE Champion), Bobby Roode and more!

Double J will now strut and sing all the way to New Orleans and WrestleMania Weekend!

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