SLTD Discuss – RAW Tag Team Championship – Sheamus & Cesaro vs Braun Strowman (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the RAW Tag Team Champions Sheamus & Cesaro or will Braun Strowman and his partner become the new champions?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

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@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
One month ago no one would’ve thought that the Raw tag-team Championship match would be the most talked about match before Wrestlemania, but the question mark over who Braun Strowman’s partner has got the WWE universe speculating. Both The Bar and Strowman have had an incredible last 12 months and maybe both deserve the big W at The Showcase of Immortals. Despite the result of this match maybe already being leaked by WWE themselves, I do think Strowman and co will win at Mania. Who do I think his partner will be? A number of names have been rumoured in Elias, Rey Mysterio, Hulk Hogan. But I think it will be either a returning Bray Wyatt or a returning Bobby Lashley.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
I may be in the minority here but I’ve not enjoyed this feud from the start, Braun Strowman basically killing the whole of the Raw Tag Team Division, except The Bar in one night to me was stupid. Then for the last few weeks, he’s manhandled and made both Cesaro and Sheamus look like jobbers, what’s the point and need for Strowman having a partner if he’s been able to beat up his opponents with ease. But he must have a partner and my pick is…. James Ellsworth, it’ll be cool to see Braun team with the man who he destroyed in his first “big” singles match. I see The Bar retaining, here’s why, Strowman is too big for the Tag Division and Ellsworth can take the pinfall.

I would have Strowman powerslam Cesaro, Ellsworth get the sneak tag, wanting a Mania moment of his own, Braun argues with him, Ellsworth is distracted doesn’t see Cesaro recover and tag Sheamus in, Brogue Kick 1,2,3. The Bar retain. Post-match Braun decimates Ellsworth, not for the first time, and it’ll give a proper send off to our favourite chinless friend.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
The Bar vs Braun Strowman is a match I’m eagerly anticipating at WrestleMania for 3 main reasons :

1 – Mrs Matt is looking forward to seeing Sheamus wrestle. She got very excited seeing him live last year at the Brighton WWE Show.
2 – I’m looking forward to seeing Braun Strowman win the Tag Titles.
3 – The wonderment of who Braun’s partner will be for the match.

I won’t lie, I’m disappointed not to see Braun in the main event. He is red hot right now and needs to get as much time as possible in the ring. The people are behind him, they see him as a monster and want him to win the WWE Title. He is the anti-Reigns and I hope those two feud between now and SummerSlam, but I digress. The build-up for this match has been great to watch – Braun coming in like a wrecking ball, the build-up for who his partner might be, Strowman generally dominating. This match could see the return of a wrestler (Samoa Joe, Rey Mysterio, Maven) as Braun’s partner, resulting in a nice WrestleMania sized pop. On the other hand, I could quite happily see Braun go it alone in a 2 on 1 handicap style match. I’m expecting it to be a physical, hard-hitting and brutal match. There’s only one winner I can see (and hope for) – Braun Strowman. The Bar are a great tag team and have got a great chemistry between them and I don’t want to see them break up any time soon, but Braun needs the titles more than The Bar needs them.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Those titles are gonna ‘GET THESE (Braun’s) HANDS!’ This match isn’t really about who will win the match than it is more about, who will be Braun’s partner?

My top pick would be Elias, but he is rumoured to be in a segment with the Rock, therefore I’ll go with my second. The Inter-Gender Champion, James Ellsworth.
It’s a big feel-good moment for the crowd, it’d bring Braun’s story full circle from Ellsworth being his opponent to being his partner for his first title.
And finally, it’d give Ellsworth a well deserved Mania moment as a competitor.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I’m still not sure if I like the idea of Strowman in the Tag Team division, but here we are. The Bar have been fantastic as Raw tag champion so I wouldn’t want them to drop them to some gimmick team that will last five minutes, I’m hoping The Bar retain. As for Strowman’s partner, it could be anyone, he doesn’t really have an overflowing group of friends. If WWE wants to have a bit of a call back it would be fun to have James Elsworth, #TeamStroWorth would be money. The most obvious thing to me would have Brey Wyatt return as his partner and have them take over the Tag Division. Either way, this will be interesting just to see who he teams with.

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