SLTD Discuss: Universal Championship – Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the Universal Champion Brock Lesnar or will Roman Reigns become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

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@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
The match one year in the making. The rematch from Wrestlemania 31. That main event was a great, hard-hitting match-up and I think that this one won’t be much different. The build has been done quite well and a good way to get Reigns over as a babyface. What makes this match very interesting is the uncertainty of whether Lesnar will be with the company or not after Wrestlemania. I think that he will be with WWE after Mania and all this uncertainty is so WWE add an extra 0 to his new contract. In terms of the match it’s a given that Reigns will win and be crowned new Universal Champion. the real question with this match is whether it will close the show or not.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
I don’t really have too much interest in this match, I think it’s blatantly obvious who walks out of Universal Champion and who walks out of the company on the night of Wrestlemania. I’m not anti-Roman Reigns, personally, I think he’s one of the best in-ring guys in WWE, and he is the most polarising superstar since John Cena.

If this match main events Wrestlemania, two things need to happen to ensure the crowd don’t totally ruin this match, 1: Roman Reigns wins, 2: Paul Heyman turns on Brock Lesnar and aligns himself with Roman Reigns. The image of Heyman handing a steel chair to Roman Reigns to attack Brock Lesnar is something I’ve wanted to see since Wrestlemania 31, and this is the right time to do it, Reigns isn’t getting over, but WWE have Braun Strowman ready in waiting as the next babyface in line, but also the returning Daniel Bryan will no doubt become no1 babyface in the company and no matter how much Vince has tried, maybe Roman isn’t the guy, but he might be a Paul Heyman Guy

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
The outcome of this match has been set in stone for more than a year now. No matter what we say or do, this is what Vince McMahon and the powers-that-be have been wanting ever since Roman Reigns broke away from the Shield in 2014. He was the golden child. They tried it in 2015 at WrestleMania, it didn’t work. They tried it in 2016 at WrestleMania, it didn’t work. They tried it in 2017 and about a month later, they screwed it up once again. They’ll just keep doing it over and over and over again until the end of time… Roman Reigns is their idea of what the future is supposed to look like.

They’ve been trying this for years and they’re not going to stop any time soon. Roman Reigns has been destined to win this match. There’s no Mr Money In The Bank, there’s no plan B and there’s no convincing Vince McMahon of changing his mind. They’ve been trying INSANELY hard in the last year to get Roman Reigns cheered for this match. Guess what? It didn’t work. However, it’s not changed the fact that Roman Reigns will be in this match. He will win. Nothing will change that. Nothing.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
I’m highly anticipating this match, why? Because after this one end’s we will hopefully finally have our Universal Title back. Y’know, the red one? I forgive you if you’ve misplaced the image of it in your brain, as we’ve rarely seen it on since WWE television since Lesnar defeated Goldberg at last year’s Wrestlemania (which I was there in person for and at the time waved ‘bye’ to the title).

People say Jinder Mahal’s title reign was poor, but at least he actually appeared on the shows, every time he stepped out with the title it made it seem more of a big deal once he finally lost it.
The last time these two met 1 on 1, again, I was there in person at Wrestlemania 31, however, this time there’ll be no Architectural cash-in, and it’ll be a straight-up match. I’m not sure how long this one would last, but having anything but Lesnar losing would irritate the hell out of me.

That being said I could totally see WWE swerving everyone and having Brock retain at Wrestlemania, only to lose to Reigns on Raw the following night.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
To be honest, we’re damned if we have Lesnar win and damned if Reigns win. If Lesnar, somehow, gets the win, then he’s off to UFC and the title becomes vacant. Hopefully anyway – I can’t imagine Vince letting his main championship head into a UFC Arena. If Reigns wins, then I can see him holding onto a title which the fans don’t want to see him holding.

I think the booking for Reigns recently has been nothing short of amazing, turning Lesnar into the heel and trying to get some cheers for Reigns. However, if he wins the title can you imagine the crowd on Raw the following night? He won’t be able to do anything without being boo’d out of the arena. So this leaves us with the lesser of two evils – what would we rather see? As much as it pains me to say it, a Reigns victory for me. I can think of at least 5 other people on Raw who should be holding the bet instead of Reigns. But for now, if we must endure him for the greater good, then we must.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Two words… BIG DOG. Roman Reigns is 100% picking up the title at WrestleMania. Vince has been building to this for years. For Roman to finally vanquish Brock and position him as the top guy in the company.

Although this might not go over too well with the crowd, it seems the most logical decision to make. Brock is getting up there in years, and quite frankly, it’s boring to have a champion who is barely present at your shows.

Hopefully, with Roman winning the title, we can move on to having a more enjoyable and diverse main event scene on RAW.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
The build to this match has been an interesting one, now I’ll say straight off that I can’t see Lesnar retaining the Universal Championship, this is nothing to do with Brock it’s more to do with how hard they are still pushing Reigns. Personally, I think Reigns could have got to this point far more organically. I think the most interesting thing about this feud is that it feels a lot like they are making Lesnar look bad rather than trying to make Reigns look good. It’s a fact that breaking the ‘forth wall’ in wrestling is something fans will always be interested in, them involving Vince makes this a winner.

As for the match, I honestly can’t remember the last time seen a bad Reigns match, and whatever your feelings on ‘The Big Dawg’ I think we can all agree it’s time for not only a new champ but a full time one.

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