SLTD Discuss: WWE Championship – AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura (@SLTDWrestling)

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the WWE Champion AJ Styles or will Shinsuke Nakamura become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

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@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
This match will be amazing. We know that these two that can go in the ring together, they proved this at WrestleKingdom 10. Most people have been criticizing the build of this match because of the lack of physicality between them, but I like the psychological games that they have been having with one another. Also, I think it’s good that they are holding off getting physical with each other until Mania as it gets us more excited for the match when they finally do throw hands. Whoever wins is irrelevant as long as the match as five stars, but I do think Shinsuke Nakamura will win and become the new WWE Champion.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This will more than likely be the best match on the Wrestlemania card, The Phenomenal One vs The King Of Strong Style. My only hope for this match is that they’re given between 20-25 minutes to blow the roof off the stadium and go down for having one of the best matches ever in Wrestlemania history. The two had a barnburner of a match at Wrestle Kingdom 10, where Nakamura defeated Styles, in what would prove to be one of both competitors final matches before heading to WWE.

As for the winner I’m picking AJ Styles, I’m purely thinking of the language barrier here, but Nakamura’s English isn’t his strong suit and the last thing you want is your WWE Champion trying to speak to the crowd, only for the crowd to chant what all the time. But personally, I don’t care what the result is, just as long as we see a Wrestlemania classic then I’m happy.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
This one seems pretty straightforward to me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but it is your typical WrestleMania protocol. A dude who has never won a world title wins the Royal Rumble, gets a shot at the world title and wins. It’s a fine way to build up talent and that’s the right thing to do with Shinsuke Nakamura. AJ will no doubt be in the title mix again but for Nakamura, this is a match he has to win now that he’s made it this far. He beats AJ which I can only guess will be the best match on the entire show.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
So we all know this one will be a fantastic quality match. Two big names of the pro wrestling world going 1 on 1 for the first time inside a WWE orchestrated ring. I still don’t feel that there’s enough build up for it to have that big match feel about it though, especially considering Shinsuke won the Royal Rumble so really they’ve had since then to hype it up.

I’m sure once the bell rings it will feel like a Wrestlemania match. I expected Nakamura to be the one to end the Jinder Mahal title run, so I’m almost convinced he will defeat AJ Styles here who has held the title for a while now, maybe it IS time to change things up again.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
This match should be fun. OK, with that statement I win understatement of the year. This match has been on peoples minds since Nakamura made his main roster debut and we finally get it. The build for this since Nakamura won the Rumble has been slowly improving. It was a bit of a slow burner, to begin with straight after the Rumble but has picked up speed and traction since then. The work the pair of them have done over the past few weeks on SmackDown has been fantastic, but I can’t help but think it should have started sooner.

As for who gets the win in the match, I can quite easily see Styles retaining. I don’t think Nakamura is ready for the title yet, but soon he should be. During the match I’m expecting to see a lot of hard action, a lot of flying around the ring and most importantly, the Styles Clash being hit on Nakamura at least twice. Anything less would be too harsh.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
This is a difficult one to decipher. The build hasn’t been that amazing, mostly because of the awkward placement of Fastlane between Mania and the Rumble.

On the one hand, it seems as if WWE is set on making Shinsuke the Champion, booking him strong (since the terrible Jinder feud), and probably using him as a route to secure a market in Japan. It would make sense, as Shinsuke as a character is so confident that he is going to win the title.

On the other hand, AJ is so damn good, it would be a shame to see him lose the title this soon. Giving AJ a win at Mania would cement him as a champion the people can stand behind, and be a solid face for the company if need be.

However, I’m going to go with Shinsuke picking up the title, and AJ possibly moving on to an ‘above belt’ feud after Mania.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
The possibility of this match made me put my butt in the seat when this match was confirmed through the WWE storyline they were pushing!

Give this match 25 to 30 minutes and they’ll make the Match of the Year candidate we as wrestling fans would have thought was a distant reality years ago!

To pick a winner is difficult because I like both wrestlers but as champions normally don’t retain their championships, I’m going with the King of Strong Style on this one!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
Can AJ and Nakamura catch lightning in a bottle for the second time?
The short answer, probably. That being said this match is going to be very different from the match they had in NJPW. The main reason for this is that Nakamura is no longer the ‘king of strong style’, and WWE matches have a clearly different feel to them than NJPW. This is not a bad thing, there is no doubt that this match will be great, possibly the match that steals the show.

As for a winner, I would love to say I have full faith in WWE to put everything behind Nakamura, but the stop/start, treading water treatment he has gotten since hitting the main roster, I’m not sure the best idea is to have him go over someone as obviously over as Styles.

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