SLTD Discusses – Extreme Rule – The Fatal Five Way

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at Extreme Rules to become the Number One Contender for the Universal Championship. Will it be Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Finn Balor, Samoa Joe or Bray Wyatt?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@ColinHebert614 (The Curtain Jerker)
The Fatal-5 Way match to determine the #1 contender to Brock Lesnar’s Universal Title at Great Balls of Fire has confused me since it was announced.  Who do I think is going to win? Well, Seth Rollins hasn’t done great since turning face, we’ve seen Roman Reigns in main event over and over again.  Bray Wyatt’s WWE World title reign was a flop.  Samoa Joe vs. Brock Lesnar is intriguing, but should be saved for a WrestleMania or SummerSlam. That leaves Finn Balor, who I believe will win and be the next made to job to Brock Lesnar, because Brock rarely loses.

@thekantastic (Kantastic Wrestletalk Korner)
Fatal Five Way for Universal Title shot: I think Finn Balor will come out in the Demon persona, but still not sure because there’s been no buildup to it. But unlike the match with Seth Rollins at last year’s Summerslam, I think creative decided to keep it under wraps to build up the surprise factor. As for who I think will win the match? Since they might want to continue the Rollins/Samoa Joe rivalry and Bray Wyatt facing Brock Lesnar will be a heel on heel match (which WWE rarely does), it’s either going to be Balor or Roman Reigns.

@TheHipsterHeel (The Bump Report)
The winner of the Fatal 5-Way at Extreme Rules shall be Samoa Joe. Joe has made a splash since his call up from NXT and has remained relevant ever since. His feud with Rollins thought typical was elevated by both wrestlers’ talents and charisma. His win over Wyatt and Balor in a triple threat match on the episode of Raw ahead of Extreme Rules was a huge burst of moment for him. Besides all that, Lesnar versus Samoa Joe is an intriguing match-up that has flown under the radar. While Lesnar will not lose in his first defense since winning at WrestleMania, Samoa Joe is a believable advisory to upset the champion.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This Sunday at Extreme Rules a Fatal 5 Way Extreme Rules match will take place as Finn Balor, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Samoa Joe and Bray Wyatt face off to decide who the number one contender will be for Brock Lesnar’s Universal Championship, which was last seen on Milk carton with a £100,000 reward.

I’m actually looking forward to this match and it will likely be match of the night. Unfortunately the winner of match will almost certainly lose to Brock Lesnar in a month’s time, so even though it will be treated as a big deal the reality is eventually the winner is just a mere stepping stone for Brock’s likely year long title reign. The superstar who will receive the biggest rub from facing Lesnar at July’s Great Balls of Fire, is Samoa Joe. The other 4 participants are relatively established on the main roster whereas there’s still a lot to learn about the Samoan Submission Machine and if you think about it as a legitimate fight, Samoa Joe could realistically beat Brock Lesnar. Much like the Goldberg/Lesnar feud, the audience can believe Joe could beat Brock, because he’s almost a like for like. So my prediction for tonight is for Samoa Joe to win the Fatal 5 Way

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
Here’s my thing about this match. The winner of this gets Brock Lesnar at Great Balls Of Fire. Literally, anyone could win as the loser will undoubtedly do the job to Lesnar at the next PPV. If that’s the case, then it really doesn’t matter THAT MUCH who wins. However, we’ve come to a point where all these guys are beating each other anyway which I personally I’m against. The biggest winner or the chosen prospect to dethrone Brock should win. I personally think holding Roman vs Lesnar off until Mania is a bit too much of a stretch as I don’t think they could get Roman hot enough over the next year. I think they should do Brock vs Roman, Roman wins the title (although I love Brock Lesnar) and then its Roman vs Braun at SummerSlam. You either have Roman go over and hold the belt all the way until Mania where he fights Brock as the champ or Braun wins, Roman goes unbeaten from SummerSlam to Mania and wins the Rumble. Brock beats Braun at the Rumble and then you do Roman vs Brock that way. That should happen but my gut says that Finn goes over.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)
A thrown together 5 Way match to determine who gets a shot at Brock due to Brauns injury….is there any wonder why I am not excited for this match? Logically they should go with Reigns vs Lesnar as that’s the match we all know is going to happen so let’s get it over and done with. However WWE logic doesn’t work that way. As much as i’d love to see them go Joe vs Lesnar I don’t think it’ll go down just yet, Bray vs Brock isn’t going to work so that leaves Rollins or Balor. I’d say Balor will be saved for Summerslam, so Rollins wins.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
The Fatal 5 way match can go any single way, but let’s talk about it in detail:

Now, I’m still saying that Brock Lesnar will face Braun Strowman at SummerSlam, so whoever he versus at Great Balls Of Fire, needs to be a short programme with Brock Lesnar retaining.

I can see Finn Balor Vs Brock Lesnar happening, but down the road in a longer programme, so that whittles out Balor. With Reigns, I think they’ll want Brock Vs Reigns II at WrestleMania XXIV, so they’ll hang fire with that.

This leaves Bray Wyatt, Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins. Honestly, I can see either 3 of these guys winning, but I’m going to go with Seth Rollins. This is because I think a Lesnar vs. Rollins match in a short programme would honestly be the best way to go, save Joe for Royal Rumble, and Wyatt in a short programme just before the Balor match would work best.

So Seth Rollins Vs Brock Lesnar for GBOF is my prediction

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
So tonight at Extreme Rules we see what could potentially be a 5 star main event, featuring 5 talents who, when they put it on the line, can push themselves to the limit and beyond. Let’s have a quick look at the competitors

Bray Wyatt – has shown what he can do with a (very brief) title run. The crowd is instantly behind him as soon as he enters the ring / arena / messed up houses in the middle of nowhere.
Seth Rollins – working as pretty much the top face in WWE and having a good push at the moment. Credible in the ring and a trusted work horse.
Roman Reigns – from his promos and work, he may seem to be beginning reaching for his inner demon. The crowd are pushing him that way and he needs that change to his character, fast.
Finn Balor – the man that never lost the WWE Title and the future of the company. Simple as that.
Samoa Joe – the wildcard in the match but unfortunately not having seen anything like what he did in TNA or NXT.

I’m going to be outvoted a LOT with this prediction, but I’m calling Roman Reigns to take the win and head on to the WWE PPV with the worst name ever invented to face Lesnar. It’s so bad I’m not even referring to it in this prediction. Look at the WWE ratings in the wider context – no champion on Raw = no ratings. I can see Reigns pinning either Wyatt or Rollins, with the help of Samoa Joe. This then starts to turn Reigns even more before he wins the title from Lesnar at the PPV that shan’t be named. I’m also predicting some insane spots from Wyatt, Rollins and Balor too which is icing on the cake.

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