SLTD Discusses – Seth Rollins vs Triple H

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be Seth Rollins or will it be Triple H?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
I do think Seth needs to be protected in this match if his injury is legitimate. How I’d book it is have Triple H and Rollins go at it for a while, with Seth being shown to have the upper hand, which then prompts ‘The Game’ to bring out Samoa Joe, who makes his way in persuit of Rollins but all of a sudden the lights go out and Finn Balor appears to make his long awaited return and even the scores.
The other way I’ve been thinking, and this is a slight repeat of Wrestlemania 31 (which I also attended), is have D-X run down to assist Triple H but the second they step into the ring THE SHIELD’s music hits and Ambrose and Reigns storm to the ring and there’s a Shield/D-X faceoff.
Again, this could be seen as a recycled angle, as we also had Evolution v The Shield, but what a moment it’d be.
Overall, a win for Rollins is a must, regardless of how he gets there.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Although this match hasn’t had the best build, not helped by Seth’s unfortunate re-injury of his knee, it has the chance to steal the show. As proven by last March’s Roadblock Special Triple H can still put over an opponent fantastically.
There is the chance that this ‘Unsanctioned Match’ could rival that of Shawn Michaels v. Triple H at SummerSlam 2002. Despite the fact Seth must work light, so there won’t be any high-flying spots, the match can still be an all-out slobber knocker, with weapons, interference and maybe blood? Who knows? But we’re definitely in for a treat.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This is the match I’m most looking forward to this Sunday, It’s been years in the making and even though I presume Seth Rollins can’t go 100% I expect shenanigans but overall a fun 15-20 minute unsanctioned bout. I think Seth will gain early control before Samoa Joe will cause interference, this will lead to the return of Finn Balor to even the odds, making it a tag team like match, the match will end with Balor hitting the shotgun dropkick to Tripld H, followed by a Pedigree by Rollins for the win.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
This has to be the match I’m most looking forward to. Providing Seth looked awesome on RAW, Triple H always unleashes the A Game at WrestleMania, then this is going to be a brilliant match.

The build up has also been years in the making! With Seth been chose as The Man for The Authority, but this feud truly kicked off when HHH helped Owens win the Universal Championship. Since then, they have been back and forth with one of the best mark out moments in a VERY LONG time with Rollins boycotting NXT Takeover, which has now lead to this confrontation at WrestleMania.

My winner though- Seth Freakin Rollins. Triple H usually wrestles to put talent over, as proven at WrestleMania 32 against a guy I shall not mention as he gets me mad (let’s save that for another time!) And I think it will happen again here, with Rollins walking away from WrestleMania XXXIII victorious!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
This is one of those times that WWE have turned chicken shit into chicken salad. I’m certain that making this an unsanctioned match was not the plan from the start, but I think this match could really have a classic feel to it with there being no rules. I will be shocked if we do not see blood in this match, as it would really add to the whole feel of the no rules stipulation. As for a winner, if anyone knows me they know I am a huge fan of Triple H but I have no doubt at all that Rollins is walking out victorious and heading on to taking the Universal Championship off (probably) Lesnar.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
So we are finally going to see the match that has been teased for what feels like a life time! From the minute Triple H handed the Universal championship to Kevin Owens we all knew this would be coming and I think that they have done this really well with the whole will it won’t it happen thing. This is the type of match that Triple H excels in! He is all about pushing things to the limit and I think we are going to be seeing his attitude era persona coming out in full force at the expense of Seth Rollins’ knee! As for a winner I think it doesn’t make any sense for Triple H to win this match and we will see Seth Rollins come out the winner and more than likely go into the title picture with whoever wins the Universal Championship! He may have some competition though in the form of Finn Balor!

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