SLTD Discusses – Shane McMahon vs AJ Styles

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be Shane McMahon or will it be AJ Styles?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
I was dead against this match from the start, although I have slightly come round to it in recent weeks. I agree with the general opinion that this is a waste of AJ Styles’ talents and he belongs, and deserves, to be in the main event of this year’s WrestleMania. Though with that being said, Styles and Shane are capable of pulling out a high-energy, demolition derby style of a match, which would be a lot of fun to watch. If their match is made into a falls count anywhere match, as has been rumoured, then we can only imagine what Shane O’Mac has up his sleeve to wow the fans this year.
So even though this isn’t the match that anyone wanted for AJ, it still has the potential to be a memorable moment in his career and he will surely walk out as the winner.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Just imagine at WrestleMania we could be getting Shawn Michaels vs AJ Styles instead we’re getting Shane O Mac vs AJ Styles. Nothing against the commissioner of Smackdown Live, but AJ should have a bigger match on the grandest stage of them all in my opinion. However, I’m sure this match will deliver and be memorable because let’s face it, whenever AJ Styles steps into the ring he has a great match with anyone. I expect a few crazy spots, maybe a Springboard 450 through the announcers table? The end result must be The Phenomenal One beating Shane McMahon, preferably from a Styles Clash off the top rope onto a trash can.

@JoshMorrell (Wrestling World)
This is THE match at Mania for me, to see AJ losing last year at Mania upset me until the Reigns match sent me over the edge but the build for me has been great throughout especially the car window segment, brilliant stuff so I can’t wait to see what these two can bring on “The Ultimate Thrill Ride”.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
Personally I don’t really get why Shane has to keep having matches as I think its just not needed for the role he is now in. That being said though the build up to this match has been fantastic, from AJ being fired (and moving to the Alumni page on the website was a nice touch!) to him attacking Shane in the car park they have made you hyped for this match and not wanting to miss it! There is one thing that is going to happen for sure in this match and that is Shane is definitely going through something or jumping off something, or maybe even both! As for who is going to win tonight I think it should be Shane to kind of show that he is someone who shouldn’t be messed with seeing as he is the boss however, I do think it will be AJ!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
This is a really interesting match, mainly because we all know Shane is going to do something he really shouldn’t. Do I think AJ deserves a bigger match at Wrestlemania after the amazing year he has had? Yes and no. Yes, because he is going to steal the show and probably have the match of the night. No, because a match against Shane is pretty huge in my eyes. WWE seem want to make certain guys wrestle once an year, Triple H, Shane, and Undertaker. So if you look at it that way its a pretty big deal to be wrestling someone who isn’t going to wrestle again till next year. Whatever way you look at this match its going to be amazing, AJ will make Shane look great. As for a winner, I think whatever happens we are going to see AJ Styles on Raw in the very near future.

@Bruce412 (Twitter Manager)
AJ Styles and Shane McMahon are set to face off on Sunday at Wrestlemania 33; one is phenomenal and the other is money. How will these two fare in a match on the grandest stage of them all? Shane proved last year against the Undertaker that he still has all the natural ability and the drive to put on a damn good match. I think that after a match that will have some awesome high-flying moments, that AJ will come out on top. Although, I have AJ pegged as being the winner, I am sure that we will see a death-defying spot with Shane jumping from some part of the stage (I mean, HAVE you seen that stage??). Keep an eye on this one folks, as this one may steal the show and be a match-of-the-night contender.

@ALFarrand (Facebook Manager)
To quote Corey Graves on Bring It To The Table “The concept of AJ Styles Vs. Shane McMahon does nothing for me” Having said that, I do love seeing “AJ Styles” and “Wrestlemania” in the same sentence. As a life long fan of the Phenomenal One, I am very happy to see him on the biggest stage possible. Shane O’Mac, on the other hand, sells his matches on the possibility of him doing something absolutely batshit crazy and who doesn’t want to see something like that? On paper the match is ‘meh’ but on further thought, it has the potential to be memorable, if nothing else.

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