SLTD Discusses – United States Championship – Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the WWE United States Champion Chris Jericho or will Kevin Owens become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
This match has potential to be the match of the night. The rivalry has been building ever since the Jeri-KO angle started in August of last year. Therefore, the story being told will rival that of Owens v. Zayn at Battleground. Not only that, but the two men are two of the best performers in the WWE and are bound to but on a hard-hitting emotional bout.

However, with Jericho scheduled to go on tour with Fozzy after Mania it is certain that Owens is going to win the US Title, and most likely hold it until Jericho’s return which is rumoured to be in the early summer following a departure after Payback.

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
For me, the best feud going into WrestleMania is the Kevin Owens vs Chris Jericho feud. The ‘former best friends’ angle has been done many times over the years in WWE, but the run that Jeri-KO had over the last six months was fun to watch and led to one of the best segments that WWE has ever produced in the ‘Festival of Friendship’. It would have been nice to see Jericho and Owens headline WrestleMania and battle over the Universal Championship, but regardless, this is the match I am most looking forward to on April 2nd and I’m confident that they will put on a great match with Owens claiming victory.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This is the best built match on the card and I think it will be the best match of the night, and obviously I’d much prefer this match for the Universal Title, than those two part timers. Chris Jericho has lived up to his nickname of G.O.A.T in the past year, he’s been the best part of Raw since the band split. With news of Jericho working up to Payback, I anticipate he will find a way, perhaps by roll-up, to beat his former best friend. Post match Owens can destroy Y2J and then that can lead to another match at Payback which KO wins and Jericho can go off TV for a few months whilst he tours with Fozzy.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
This has to be my favorite feud of 2017 this far, and possibly in a LONG time. The way they built this up from been tag partners and best friend’s, to the attack by Owens was one of the best things creative has unbelievably done. I do wish this was the match for the Universal Title though. Anyhow, I’m really looking forward to this match, but there’s one thing that is obvious, since Jericho is leaving for 2 months to tour with Fozzy after Mania, Kevin Owens will become the new US Champion. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
It would seem obvious that Kevin Owens would beat Chris Jericho at WrestleMania. After all, Jericho is the one that could be leaving for Fozzy tours at any time (unless he works out some deals that allow him to work Mondays) so it would make sense to put over the guy that will still be there in the months to come. However, this was also the company that beat AJ Styles at WrestleMania last year and then became the NUMBER ONE CONTENDER for the WWE World title on RAW the next night. It’s gotten to the point where it really doesn’t matter who gets the wins at WrestleMania in regards to future booking. No matter what happens, Owens will probably be pushed again whether he wins or not. Let’s also not forget that the likelihood of Jericho getting a big program like this leading to a WrestleMania before he retires could be very small. Would it necessarily be the worst thing in the world if Jericho won at WrestleMania against Kevin Owens? No. I personally want to get good feel moments when the babyfaces come out on top, ESPECIALLY when Jericho has been beaten constantly by the top babyfaces like Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns that were eventually beaten by Kevin Owens. What’s the point in Owens just getting another win at a WrestleMania against someone like Jericho? What does Owens have to gain? Therefore, I think Jericho will beat Owens and then Owens can get his redemption and send Jericho packing at a later time anyway.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
I’ll say it again, this match does not need the United States Title, I feel this long built feud has the steam to be a man on its own, and someone else should be competing for the title. Despite that, these two obviously have good chemistry together and the fact it’s been several months in the making gives the fans the big match payoff at the end. I think Wrestlemania is a deserving fit for the end of this rivalry and I believe both men can continue their story in the ring and leave us fans in attendance in awe of what a great battle we’ll have witnessed.
Jericho should go over to give him the retribution he deserves, but after Fast Lane I think Owens needs the victory to begin building himself back up to compete in the main event again.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
The build to this match has been amazing! This is how Wrestlemania matches should be built every year. There has been a clear and concise story through them being ‘best friends’ to bitter enemies. I really think that this match could of been for the Universal Championship, but I do understand why is was dropped down to the U.S Championship. Lets be real, Jericho is taking time away from WWE to tour after Mania, so there is no way he is winning this match, but honestly does that even really matter?

This will be great from start to finish. I may not be the biggest Kevin Owens fan but its really hard not to be completely invested in this match because its been coming for so long. It wasn’t made two weeks ago and had three Raw segments to get it over, its been a slow build with enough twists and turns to keep interest and make you want to see the end goal.

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