SLTD Discusses – Universal Championship – Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the Universal Champion Goldberg or will Brock Lesnar become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
After Goldberg, squashed Lesnar twice within the last six month (if you include the Royal Rumble) it seems obvious that The Conqueror is going to win at WrestleMania. Despite Goldberg looking incredible for his age, his booking seems to suggest that he can’t real go in the ring anymore. It seems worryingly obvious that the match is going to be ‘okay’ at best, lasting around 10 minutes. Furthermore, if The Wrestling Observer is to be believed, Lesnar will be defending the Universal Title against Reigns at WrestleMania 34. Therefore, it seems only right that Lesnar picks up a win at this year’s Mania.

Provided the match isn’t the main event, it’ll be rather surreal to see Goldberg at WrestleMania, one last time.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
This has to be the most underwhelmed I’ve felt prior to a Wrestlemania main event before. The result is the same, after the match finishes, the Universal Title will be nothing more than a bit part accessory on Monday Night RAW with neither one being able to commit full time to WWE.
Goldberg is rusty and probably physically can’t put on a long match, and Brock Lesnar isn’t a wrestler and doesn’t have the ability he once had, so to predict a 30 minute back and forth match like the title deserves would end up a disappointment.

I still don’t think Lesnar is deserving of a Universal Title opportunity given that he’s already been defeated by Goldberg AND eliminated from the Royal Rumble by him, but here we are.
I’d like them to make this a NoDQ match, if neither man can wrestle or put on a lengthy wrestling match then give us entertainment, give us a brawl. What I want from this match is to leave the stadium on April 2nd with a talking point, and I find it hard to see how WWE could end a Wrestlemania with Brock Lesnar (or Goldberg) as simply the victor as it doesn’t really offer anything the fans can talk about.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
This match between the 50 year old Goldberg and the 40 year old Brock Lesnar, really doesn’t interest me in the slightest. Why? Here’s why! The champion Goldberg has only taken one bump (as of writing) and only wrestled a accumulative time of around 7 minutes since his return at Survivor Series. I’ve been critical of Brock in past articles, and I’ll stick to my opinion on The Beast, therefore it’s a lose/lose situation for me. Personally I can understand from a business point of view why Brock and Goldberg will likely main event Mania, but from a wrestling point of view, I’d prefer a match that could tear the house down, and eclipse Omega vs Okada at Wrestle Kingdom, however I very much doubt we’ll see Goldberg perform a Moonsault off the top rope over the barricade onto Lesnar. I believe that the crowd inside the Citrus Bowl would prefer to see a show stealing edge of your seat match instead of a two minute squash match. My prediction is that Brock Lesnar will beat Goldberg, and we won’t see Brock or the Universal Championship again until SummerSlam.

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
Like many fans, I have soured on this match in recent weeks. The match certainly has it’s place on this year’s WrestleMania card after the shocking match that the two men had at Survivor Series, but I don’t believe it should be for the Universal Championship and be the marquee match of the event. Part of the reason for this is that it is unlikely to last more than ten minutes and is unlikely to be a classic, there are other matches on the card that have more potential of being great.

As for the winner, logic dictates that Lesnar will finally get the win over Goldberg and capture the Universal Championship and I fully expect to see that happen.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
So we get to see the rematch for the match that was 20 years in the making (the Royal Rumble doesn’t count!). I’ll be honest I wasn’t excited for their last match, am not Lesnar’s biggest fan and to me Goldberg was just the old school version of him however seeing Lesnar get his assed kicked like he did converted me and I am looking forward to this match now! What’s going to happen on the night am not too sure as I can’t see Goldberg winning again however to build Lesnar the way they have and then to have Goldberg destroy him like he did I do think he will walk out still the champ for something big to happen on RAW the next day! After all that is was WrestleMania weekend is all about!

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
For me, this one is pretty straight forward. Lesnar beats Goldberg, wins the Universal Championship and then drops the title to younger talent some time down the road. Possibly at Payback, possibly at SummerSlam or possibly at next year’s WrestleMania. As much as it would annoy me to see the championship not being around that often due to Brock’s limited schedule, I think the bigger picture should make the recent recruitment of part-timers into the title picture pay off in the end. Lesnar can be an awesome champion no matter how many times he defends that title on television, pay-per-view or at live shows. Anyone that wrestles him after WrestleMania and until he drops the title will also benefit even in defeat. We’ve seen it over and over. Wrestlers can sometimes get over much greater in defeat than in victory. Did it hurt Stone Cold to lose to Bret Hart at WrestleMania 13? Of course, not. I would be fine with a title reign, no matter how long, where Lesnar faces foe after foe and after a while, the matches get harder and harder. You’re just waiting for the day when Lesnar’s luck runs out and then at WresteMania, SummerSlam or whenever, he drops the title to the next top guy. That would be a fine plan going forward… as long as the guy winning the championship isn’t Roman Reigns.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I know that everyone is basically crapping all over this match, and that’s fine but I am actually looking forward to seeing what will happen. I will be honest, I don’t think the feud needed the Universal Championship but in the same token it does add something different to the rematch. For me, the most impressive thing about this whole feud is that WWE have managed to make Lesnar the underdog heading into the match. I never thought that WWE would ever pull the trigger on having Goldberg beat Lesnar in his classic two moves and done in two minutes fashion but they did and it was amazing to see the fanboy uproar! There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing a mark lose his mind over a match, and their first match (second really) delivered!

Honestly, I’m not really pulling for either one of these guys to win, as the outcome is pretty much the same. I’m more looking forward to them having a match to see what they can do. I’m not saying this match will steal the show but it will be a very interesting watch. The real winner here will be whoever inevitably beats Goldberg or Lesnar for the Championship.


So there are Team SLTD’s thoughts on the Universal Championship match, but what are your thoughts?


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