SLTD Discusses – WWE Championship – Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at WrestleMania. Will it be the WWE Champion Bray Wyatt or will Randy Orton become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@ZacJones_SK (Five Good Five Bad)
I’m not sure how to feel about the Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton match at WrestleMania, part of me is excited to see Bray in the main event scene and holding the WWE Championship, while another part of me feels that this match isn’t the best that Smackdown Live could have put together for the event. The tease of Luke Harper and AJ Styles being added to the match made the path to Mania unpredictable, and personally I would have liked to have seen one of them added to make it a triple threat, but ultimately it’s boiled down to Bray and Randy facing each other one-on-one. I’m hoping and expecting this to be Bray’s match to win and hope he will go on to have a lengthy run with the WWE Championship.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
This match has a lot of potential. Both men are great workers and Wyatt is long overdue his WrestleMania moment. Unfortunately, the storyline, despite having some interesting moments, has fallen short of what it could have achieved. However, if both men put their heads together in the planning process and with the surprise element of Harper or even Rowan the match can be a pretty solid main event.

The preferred outcomes would be Wyatt retaining the title, or a ‘double turn’ with face Bray losing to a heel Orton. Yet, the story so far suggests we are going to end up with a face Randy Orton winning the title. Which is one of the less exciting stories they could tell.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Now this should be the main event of WrestleMania, the Randy Orton/Bray Wyatt feud has lasted for 8 months, once again I was critical about this feud, particularly the match between the two at No Mercy. However they’ve swayed my opinion over the past few months, personally I hope Wyatt retains and holds the title until Summerslam where he drops it to Smackdown’s newest recruit Finn Balor

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
Well, Smackdown once again has delivered with this one. Orton winning the Royal Rumble match, Wyatt winning at Elimination Chamber, and Smackdown finally realises the potential we all knew Wyatt has had in him. When Orton first joined the Wyatt’s, I’ll admit, I was quite tetchy over it. But the way this feud has played out, I question myself to why now! We all thought AJ Styles then was going to sneak his way into the main event, and Harper too! But the original main event is back and place, and honestly only these 2 men are needed. As much as I would love to see 1 last run with the WWE Title with Orton before he hangs up his boots, I do think Bray Wyatt will have his WrestleMania moment here.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
This will be a good match, but I can’t help feeling WWE have twisted and turned themselves with this one so much it’s ended up a bit of a mess.

Wyatt shockingly (or thanks to the powers of the internet dirt sheets, not shockingly) won the WWE World Heavyweight Title in the Elimination Chamber, which was really deserving to the effort and dedication he’s put into his character as well as some great matches along the way.

Orton winning the Rumble (again, thanks dirt sheets for spoiling that one) only planted the seeds for a dysfunction of the Wyatt Family and former leader and servant to come to blows on April 2nd. By Orton surrendering his opportunity I feel was a bad route to go down, because it now feels unnecessary. If Orton was to turn on Wyatt he could have done so in the middle of the ring the following Smackdown, leaving fans excited by the sudden turn as well as the potential feud at Wrestlemania. The whole compound burning thing could have happened a couple of weeks later to add some fuel to the fire (excuse the pun).

Either way it will be a good match between these two and a difficult one to call, although ultimately as much as I’m a Randy Orton fan, I don’t think the Bray Wyatt title reign should end just yet.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
This one also seems like a tossup for me. Believe it or not, I could see a scenario where either man can win. From a storyline perspective, Orton seems like the logical winner after the big break-up angle between the Wyatt Family members. On the other hand, what could you really do with another Randy Orton title reign? Following WrestleMania, what does Orton do? Have every other reign that he’s had in the past as a babyface? Unless it’s going to be Orton vs heel Ambrose or AJ for a few months, it’s really hard to come up with things for Orton to do in order to keep an Orton 2017 title reign fresh. I think Bray could give creative a lot more to work with as it is uncharted territory for the Eater of Worlds. I personally would love a scenario where Luke Harper and Erick Rowan get involved and side with either Wyatt or Orton. I personally would love to see Orton, Harper and Rowan together while Bray as the babyface tries to battle them all the way to SummerSlam or something. That could be refreshing to see for Orton and Wyatt.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
This is another match that has been building for the best part of six months, and its been great to watch it unfold. Its hard for Bray to do much wrong at the minute, and I think this has been some of Orton’s best work in a good few years. I would love for Wyatt to retain the WWE World Championship as I think he could be a great champion over a good length of time, and lets be honest he deserves to be the top of the mountain after his great run. Equally I really wouldn’t mind if Orton won the championship, as he could get over a lot of future main eventers. As I’m convinces that The Miz will be entering the title picture very soon, if Orton was the champion it would be a good way of going full circle as that’s who Miz won his first WWE Championship from… Either way this match could easily steal the show.

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