SLTD Fantasy League – The Results (Week Fourteen)

Welcome one and all to the Fourteenth Week of Results for the All New SLTD Fantasy League – Season Two

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We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined our Fantasy League. New and old players, everyone is welcome so tell your friends!

Below is the Leaderboard, This has all the points earned from Raw, Smackdown, NXT and Clash of Champions

There will be league updates over on our twitter so make sure your following @SLTDLeague.

Any questions or queries can be sent to @SLTDLeague on twitter. Make sure you follow for all the League happenings and updates about points and bonus’ for upcoming PPVs.


Ranking Faction Points
1 KingsOfStrongStyle 332
2 Sraight Edge 323
Five Star Generals 323
3 Infamous Republic 319
4 The Ru Ru Club 302
5 Wrestle Chicas 290
6 The Resistance 289
7 The Riders of Winter 274
8 the dominators 270
9 Be Creative 265
The Spotlight Stealers 265
10 Cannon Ball Z 260
Psychopaths 260
11 CerdaFied Wrecking Crew 258
12 The Deadly Alliance 257
13 MaMa’s Asylum 252
14 King Kong Five 248
15 Foxy’s United 243
16 League of Booty 242
17 Kernow Kliq 241
18 The NXT Originals 239
19 Nottingham Nutters 238
20 FlappyChicken3 237
The Left Overs 237
21 Space Patrol Delta 232
22 Arrogant dominator 231
Hammer Industries 231
23 G.O.A.T 227
24 The Fox Files 221
25 The Destoyers 218
26 Campbell’s Crew 215
27 Ingobernables de Dallas 214
28 Alchemy 213
29 Hysteria’s CHAMPION Heralds 210
King Iverson 210
30 Built 2 Win 193
Wicked Intent 193
31 Smegging Cymru 192
32 Bruce’s Bruisers 190
33 The Conspiracy 175
The Conspiracy 175
34 The Elevation of Change 147
35 kwo 142
36 World Pathmakers 98
37 The AlanAtion 82
What’s a Michael Cole? 82
38 Beauty Shot 76
InsaneFightClub 76
39 The Order of Anarchy 74
Mission Impossible 74
40 Thompson Tribe 72
41 Nightmare Coalition 66
42 The Club 52
43 Phoenix Knights 48
44 Cheap Heat 42
45 The Nasty Girls 36
46 The Worst There Is, The Worst There Was, The Worst There Will Ever Be 34
47 #SocialOutcasts 32
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