SLTD Fantasy League – The Results (Week Twenty)

Welcome one and all to the Twentieth Week of Results for the All New SLTD Fantasy League.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined our Fantasy League, there was over 100 of you!

Below is the Leaderboard, This has all the points earned from Raw, Smackdown, NXT and Extreme Rules

The transfer window will not be opening this week as the First Season of the SLTD Fantasy League will be coming to an end this Sunday (May 29th)

***Don’t fear Season Two of the SLTD Fantasy League will be back for Money in the Bank with all new points***

Any questions or queries can be sent to @SLTDLeague on twitter. Make sure you follow for all the League happenings and updates about points and bonus’ for upcoming PPVs.

Ranking Faction Points
1 Hysteria’s Heralds 432
2 G.O.A.T 421
3 The Resistance 420
4 Wicked Intent 418
5 Lords of the rings 408
6 Kernow Kliq 407
7 Five Star Generals 404
8 The Spotlight Stealers 403
9 Foxy’s United 396
10 Arrogant Dominator 394
11 The Nottingham Nutters 391
12 The Destoyers 388
The NXT Originals 388
13 WWETOWNnation 387
Yung Gunz 387
14 Commentary Table 379
15 The Deadly Alliance 374
16 The Leftovers 372
17 The Riders of Winter 369
Wrestle Chicas 369
18 Bruce’s Bruisers 368
19 The Force Awakens 356
20 Hell Mudders 351
21 Be Creative 346
22 CrawfordClub 342
23 PWV World Alliance 330
24 Angelic Inferno 325
25 The Deadly Alliance 324
26 The Dark Brotherhood 321
27 Reign of Power 320
28 King Kong Five 315
29 The Regulators 312
30 MarkOutNATION 311
31 The Force Awakens 304
32 Infamous 299
33 Th Wrestle Ropes Empire 296
34 The Booty Bruisers 289
35 MadMat24 272
36 Upset PathMakers 254
37 Heelz To Come 243
38 House of egos 231
39 The Psychopath’s 217
40 DeGeneration9 178
41 K. Fabian Marx 172
42 The Psychopath’s 169
43 Steel Fury 167
44 Xdiggygaming 143
45 Team LexHar 140
46 The Vangurd 139
Worldwide Society 139
47 The Kev Klub 137
48 The Psychotic Midcarders 132
49 Regulators 130
50 Revolution 126
51 Canadian Crippled 125
52 6sic6ers 115
53 Aleksander Machka 113
54 Nation Of Violence 111
55 Who Dat Mafia 107
56 Acid Reign 105
57 Lovely Lady Hips 103
59 WarGods 99
60 Lemmyismoreimportantthenwwe 86
61 The BG Nation 85
The Lovers 85
62 International_Winter 83
Legion of Renegades 83
63 The Bear Owens 82
64 The Dougly Warriors 81
65 Goof’s Troop 79
Krazy88 79
66 50 Shades of Bray 77
67 El Clasica 76
Fallen Angels 76
Team fuck you Gregory 76
68 Team Killer 74
69 Brute Force 72
The Filthy Animals 72
70 Takeover 71
71 Minor Club 70
The psychotic mid carders 70
72 Domination M 69
73 America’s Best 68
74 Talent 66
The offspring 66
75 Catic 64
El Jefe’s 64
Fatality 64
Rat Clique 64
The Prospection 64
Worlds Greatest Fantasy Team 64
76 The Burial 62
77 Pandemonium’s extreme lunatics 61
78 Armbar Express 60
I’ve lost my nan, have you cena? 60
The Nation 60
The Real Deal 60
79 The Vandles 58
80 The Bern Unit 56
81 the Alliance 54
82 Champions Of Destruction 52
Laura Lou 52
83 The Reaperz 48
Titan Empire 48
84 Reaperz Army 46
Welsh Smegheads 46
World Wide Brawlers 46
85 league of sean 42
The New Day 42
TrueLDK 42
86 Kyew 41
87 The Elevation of Change 40
88 The Conspiracy 36
89 The Warrior Connection 32
90 4 Rebellion 31
91 The MOB 30
Wildcards 30
92 The New England Assassins 29
93 LAUNFD 28
94 Devolution 26
Kerry Von Erich’s Foot 26
Necrobutchers 26
The Addicts 26
95 Reign of Heros 22
96 ShieldXT 18
97 CreepKrew 14
Mama’s Nightmares 14
98 The League of Spain 8
99 Team Banana Cue 6
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