SLTD Predict: Hell in a Cell – Owens vs McMahon

Once again Team SLTD has gotten together to predict who with walk out of this years Hell in a Cell the victory. This is not about championships, its all about pride. So will walk out with bragging rights, the commish, or the face of America?

Let us know your thoughts below or on twitter @SLTDWrestling

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
Up until this week I was 100% certain that Kevin Owens was doing to dismantle Shane O’Mac this Sunday at Hell in a Cell. However, due to the rumours that Kevin may be sent to RAW, my prediction is now 80%.

I still think that Kevin Owens will win the match. Most likely using the ‘falls count anywhere’ stipulation. More than likely Kevin is going to give Shane about 10 powerbombs on the roof of the cell, then pin him 1-2-3. However, my mark-out moment would be Sami Zayn coming out and ‘swerve-ing’ the world, by helping Kevin Owens to win!

@ColinHebertSLTD (The Curtain Jerker)
This is the match I’m most excited for at this Sunday’s Hell in A Cell event. And although I always believe that the WWE World or Universal title matches should always be the main event, this is clearly the feud of SmackDown Live! A 2-month old feud will end with a Kevin Owens win in a big way and catapult him into WWE Title contention.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
I really do feel that this Sunday’s Hell In A Cell PPV is revolved around this match as the Smackdown live Commissioner Shane McMahon takes on Kevin Owens in a falls count anywhere Hell In A Cell match. On last week’s Smackdown Live Kevin Owens gained the upper advantage over Shane O’Mac, so history shows that McMahon will win this weekend surely… however I’m not sticking history I’m sticking with my gut, and I’m predicting that Kevin Owens will win with help from Sami Zayn.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
Shane McMahon vs Kevin Owens could easily be the match of the night. On one side you have Shane McMahon, the craziest, most unpredictable and (in my opinion) one of the best non-wrestler wrestlers that has even been produced. On the other side you have Kevin Owens. The prize fighter, the bull in a china shop, the one who can go to (and will go to) any lengths. This already has me drooling. This match will be full of bumps, they’ll all have bruises and the fans will go home happy. For the finish, I really hope they don’t get to a pre-taped segment to end the match. It needs to finish in the middle of the ring. As for the finish, it doesn’t have to be clean. If KO gets the clean win, it sends the wrong message home. If Shane gets a clean win, then again it sends the wrong message. I’m happy with a screw job, or a ref bump, or distraction or even the Mean Street Posse returning to help out Shane, but actually costing him the match. Either way, I’m going to enjoy this match and I’m hoping for Owens to get the ring, helped by Mean Street Posse!

@DitsOnWrestling (Twitter Manager)
Invested. It’s crazy that a guy who isn’t a wrestler can make me so interested in what will happen in the ring. Shane can do the business. In fact, he starred in one of my favourite matches of all time when he faced Kurt Angle in a street fight at King of the Ring. I’ve always been a Shane guy. No, he hasn’t been the same since he’s been back. He often appears nervous in promos and fluffs his lines every now and then. But in the ring he remains solid, maybe even great. Owens will bring that out of him. These two have been nothing short of fantastic with each other and at the moment are the only thing on SD Live that keeps me watching.

I expect KO to win this. Shane will play the stuntman and we will all await his signature crazy move but he will fall to Kevin Owens. I don’t think it’ll be a clean win though. Somebody is turning heel on Sunday night and I’m gunning for Sami Zayn. Watch this space.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I am excited about what will happen in this one no doubt, but as soon as Shane’O made this a falls count anywhere it felt like he was saying we are going up top! This is not a bad thing its just a shame to know it. there is also a part of me that hates that Hell in a Cell is now a PPV. Imagine how much better it would be if this match happened at SummerSlam? Hell in a Cell wasn’t a PPV and this feud had boiled over to the point where one of them hit breaking point and wanted the other in a Cell. Not the PPV is called Hell in a Cell, lets have one!

I digress, This match should be great! Owens and Shane will make this as brutal as they are allowed. I think Owens is going to walk out with the win as it makes more sense from a career progression stand-point. Owens winning this match could push him up to into the WWE Championship picture. I’m not the biggest Owens fan, but Smackdown are struggling in that department at the minute.

That’s what we think, let us know what you think below…

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