SLTD Predict: Three on Five TLC Match

Team SLTD are back once again to share our thoughts on the TLC main event. As I’m sure your all aware by now this was meant to be the triumphant return of The Shield, but instead we seem to be getting the even more triumphant in ring return of Kurt Angle, for the first time in 11 years.

So, lets find out how the team reacted to the news, and share their predictions for the TLC match.

@maruwe22 (What Would Matt Do?)
So, with Roman Reigns finally putting someone over (in this case, viral meningitis), Kurt Angle returns to a WWE ring in what seems a life time. I’ve got no problem with Angle subbing in for Reigns, but what irks me the most is how its been handled. Why not announce that Reigns is out and then reveal Angle at the PPV? Or have Ambrose and Rollins starting it as 5 vs 2, before Angle coming out being the third man? Little things like that annoy the hell out of me.

As for the match, I can see Ambrose and Rollins doing most of the work, with Angle used sparingly. Similarly, on the Miz’s team I can see Kane not doing much work. During the match I expect to see Rollins flying, Strowman putting someone (probably Ambrose) through a table and The Miz hitting Angle with a steel chair. This match could be really good, and has a lot of hype towards it.

Unfortunately, as the only gimmick match on the card, there is even more pressure on it now to perform. As for the finish, I can see now Miz’s team taking the win, with Strowman pinning Angle. That way, no-one looks weak. Everyone ends up a winner and The Shield remain unbeaten in their 2017 Reunion Tour.

@thekantastic (Kantastic Wrestletalk Korner)
I actually don’t think Kurt Angle is actually going to be in the TLC match. It just seems so unprecedented and bizarre to suddenly have him wrestling after all this time. I think he’ll be replaced by Jason Jordan at the last minute teaming up with Ambrose and Rollins against Miz and his associates.

I also think that Cesaro and Sheamus will somehow be taken out prior to the match by Ambrose and Rollins, as the Shield did that previously when they were in a 3 to 7 handicapp match on Smackdown years ago, which whittled their opponents down to 4. Doing so will give us an even three on three match.

As for the winner of this thing? I would have to say despite everything, Miz/Kane/Strowman will come out on top. This is because I think they’re setting up Roman feuding with Taker and Kane at Survivor Series, as part of some redemption storyline for Roman “ending” Taker’s career at WM.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Before I make my prediction for the main event, I’m just going to take a moment to appreciate how great The Miz has been throughout this feud, some of his promo work and facial expressions have been sensational, in my opinion he’s the best heel in the WWE at the moment.

As for my prediction on who’s going to win this match I think it’s an easy one to call, I think the result would’ve been the same if Reigns wasn’t ill, but the fact Kurt Angle is in this match it’s almost certain that the Tag Champions Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose alongside Kurt Angle will win this match.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
This crazy TLC match just got even more insane with the major last-minute change of Roman Reigns being replaced by KURT ANGLE of all people. It’s Kurt Angle, Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz, Braun Strowman, Cesaro, Sheamus and Kane. Before this change, the whole idea behind the match was that it was supposed to get over Roman Reigns and The Shield as they make their triumphant return. However, things have changed and the purpose of the match has changed in my ends.

What’ll be the likely scenario in my eyes is that, with overwhelming odds and even Kurt Angle in a WWE ring for the first time in 11 years, Seth and Dean fall short. 3 men beating 5 men in a TLC match, with two of those men being KANE AND BRAUN STROWMAN? Kane’s just returned, The Miz is the Intercontinental Champion and Braun Strowman is Braun Strowman so there’s more of a reason to put over and protect the heels than there is to protect the good guys, now Roman is out.

It’s not like the good guys are gonna come off bad for losing as they lost to three men and two monsters. Not to mention that Kurt Angle has nothing to gain from winning this match so I think the heels should win, show off just how dominance and then Roman Reigns can come back and take them all down one-by-one going into a big WrestleMania match with Brock Lesnar… if you actually want it to be Roman Reigns being the chosen one to beat Lesnar.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
This years TLC main event has been nothing more than a desperate booking disaster. WWE panicked with the lack of star power on the show (the so called Universal champion being an expected no show once more) so out of desperation brought The Shield back together. For some reason they booked the trio to face not only 3 opponents but joining Miz, Sheamus and Cesaro, Strowman AND Kane. There is no realistic way to make all 5 of them lose, it wouldn’t be believable.

Then another disaster struck, this time in the form of meningitis, ruling Roman Reigns out of the main event, and The Shields big comeback.
So what have WWE done? In an act of desperation they’ve thrown Kurt Angle into the match to replace Reigns.
Yes, that’s right. What should have been a huge monumental moment in Angle’s WWE in ring return has been thrown together with no logic, no storyline purpose and no build up. What a waste.

Back to the match itself, there’s absolutely no way this match can go to Rollins/Ambrose/Angle, given that Strowman has recently decimated both Dean and Seth at the same time that leaves Angle and Sheamus, Cesaro, Miz and Kane.
They’ve backed themselves into a poorly booked corner, and I can’t see a way out of it.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I firstly want to say that I love Kurt Angle, but the idea of him coming back to wrestle after 11 years away from a WWE ring is completely lost on me, his return deserves far more build and a far more personal feud. Not only that but he is the Raw GM, getting involved makes no sense in a story point of view. Personally, I would of much rather had Matt Hardy in the TLC match, and Samoa Joe vs Finn Balor. Unfortunately, I am on a WWE booker so lets work with what we have.

This match even before the changes seemed a little overkill with five guys vs The Shield. I don’t think Strowman or Kane needed to be added as a three on three would of been enough, could of even had the match as a Ladder TLC and all the championships on the line, winning team takes all.

Either way this match will be great watch, and the pop for Angle will be insane. I wouldn’t be so Angle gets taken out and baby Angle (Jason Jordan) takes his spot.


That’s what Team SLTD are thinking, but what are your thoughts. Let us know below.

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