SLTD Predictions League – Summer Slam

Welcome to SLTD Wrestling’s Predictions League – Round Four – Summer Slam! Don’t worry if you haven’t played before all the points roll over so if you pick right you can still win.

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!! We might have re-launched the league, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and love. For those of you who’ve never played before, basically we post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys tell us who you think will win! It’s that easy.

The season for the Predictions League will run till the end of 2015

This League begans at Elimination Chamber and it will end after TLC in December. Then the Next Season will start with Royal Rumble in January 2016. The top scorers will get A prize TBC.

(Please note that TNA PPV’s ARE NOT included because there’s only a handful of them every year – or they’re TV specials)

Any predictions placed after the start of the Pre-show will not be counted.

The score board will be uploaded here before Thursday of next week, so make sure you check back!



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