SLTD Predictions League – WrestleMania 32

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!!

(The SLTD Predictions League points are not connected to the SLTD Fantasy League points)

This may be the Forth Season of SLTD Predictions League, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and love. For those of you who’ve never played before, basically we post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys tell us who you think will win! If you are top of the leader board at the end of the season you win the prize box! Whats in the box this season?

The season for the Predictions League will run from Royal Rumble to Money In The Bank

Any predictions placed after the start of the Pre-show will not be counted.

The score board will be uploaded here on Wednesday of next week, so make sure you check back here and follow @SLTDWrestling on Twitter.


usos vs dudleys

[contact-field label=’Kick Off Show: The Usos vs The Dudley Boyz’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’The Usos , The Dudley Boyz’/]

Total Divas

[contact-field label=’Kick Off Show: The Total Divas vs B.A.D & Blonde’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’The Total Divas , B.A.D & Blonde’/]

US Title

[contact-field label=’Kick Off Show: United States Championship Match Kalisto vs Ryback’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Kalisto , Ryback’/]

Andre the Giant

[contact-field label=’Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal Winner’ type=’Winner’ required=’1’/]

Tag Titles

[contact-field label=’Tag Team Championship Match: The New Day vs League of Nations’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’The New Day , League of Nations’/]

Divas Match

[contact-field label=’Divas Championship Match: Charlotte vs Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Charlotte , Sasha Banks , Becky Lynch’/]

AJ vs Y2J

[contact-field label=’AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’AJ Styles , Chris Jericho’/]

IC Title

[contact-field label=’Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Kevin Owens , Zack Ryder , Stardust , Dolph Ziggler , Sami Zayn , Sincara , The Miz’/]

Ambrose vs Lesnar

[contact-field label=’No Holds Barred Match: Dean Ambrose vs Brock Lesnar’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Dean Ambrose , Brock Lesnar’/]

Taker vs Shane

[contact-field label=’Hell in a Cell Match: Shane McMahon vs The Undertaker’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Shane McMahon , The Undertaker’/]

HHH vs Reigns
[contact-field label=’WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Triple H vs Roman Reigns’ type=’radio’ ‘1’ options=’Triple H , Roman Reigns’/]

[contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Twitter Handle (include @)’ type=’Twitter’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]

Our Predictions League is more fun with friends, because who doesn’t love some bragging rights over their buddys?! So TAG A FRIEND! Enjoy the PPV and, as always, thanks for reading!

[Credit to for images used in this post]

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