SLTD Predictions League – #WWEGBoF – The Results

Hey Folks!

Welcome to the Second Round of results for Season Seven of the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League! First of all a massive thank you to everyone who took part in our predictions league it was so nice to see so many of you returning for the next round and to see some new faces joining us!

So lets get down to business! For this round we had the following points on offer;
One (1) point for all matches
Five (5) points for all Championship matches
Five (5) bonus points for correctly picking all winners of each match

Below is the leader board for the second round! Don’t forget we will be back for the Smackdown exclusive PPV Battleground on July 23rd

Ranking Name Points
1 Alex h 61
Graeme Bell 61
Stephen 61
2 Shaun DePasquale 57
3 Dan Oshaughnessy 53
Gareth Endacott 53
Nicholas Wilburgh 53
Rob Miller 53
4 Adam Farrand 52
Austin Simmons 52
Chelsea Buxton 52
George 52
Laura Mathers 52
Lena Lazard 52
Liam McNamara 52
Neil Barry 52
Nithish 52
5 Adam Lewis 51
Angie 51
6 Sulaymaan Iqbal 48
Twizzo 48
7 Callum bell 47
Erik Peters 47
Haydn Fox 47
Jasim Khan 47
Nathan 47
sean running 47
Shaylin 47
8 Connor 46
David Clayton 46
Jordan 46
Juan Agosto 46
Tyler Stephens 46
9 ernie poulton 42
Rebekah 42
Ryan Simpson 42
Tom Williams 42
10 Austin Shaw 41
Jason Bradshaw 41
Pete Williams 41
Rach Brimble 41
Straight Edge 41
Zac Jones 41
11 Alan 40
12 dagrimone 38
Mike Anderson 38
13 Adam Swartz 37
Alan O Brien 37
Callum Owen 37
Louis Dangoor 37
14 Tybo Ledson 36
Victor Monjaras 36
Wrestle Chat 36
15 Michaela Anne Schultz 35
16 Brandt Danals 33
17 Gene Panacci 32
Martyn Nolan 32
18 Alex Smiley 31
Joe Buck 31
Josh Morrell 31
Mathew Raines 31
19 Alex O’Donnell 30
Jack Peterson 30
markeith jackson 30
Mike 30
Mikey Doidge 30
20 Bruce Hively 28
21 Sean 27
22 Borja RoDríguez 26
Jeff Cerda 26
Kevin 26
Manjinder Kang 26
23 Andrew Sumpster 25
Elizabeth Chenault 25
Maram 25
24 Alex G 23
Matt Johnson 23
Taylor Yates-Smith 23
The Reptile 23
25 Gary 22
Gregg Mastropolo 22
Isabella 22
Kris Parks 22
Mike Bell 22
Shawn christian 22
Zach Blanton 22
26 Chris 21
Rollins Country 21
Stephen Smith 21
27 Daniel Chaparro 20
Isaac Nethan 20
Matt Hamilton 20
Renz Quintana 20
Seth wiafe 20
28 Emma Giles 18
29 Clark Taulman 17
Lloyd Berry 17
Lorenzo Quintana 17
Markeice 17
Markeice brown 17
Ramze Kawaja 17
30 Matt Truett 16
Moe Benali 16
Tom Ryland 16
31 Chris Kelly 15
Israel Carbuckle 15
Jordy Garcia 15
Muhammad Benali 15
Shawn 15
Tomas ryland 15
32 Bud 13
33 Charlie Hammond 12
King Khalil 12
34 Samantha 11
35 Aaron 10
36 Andrew mccutcheon 5
William j canini jr 5
37 Hayden Jensen 2
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