SLTD Predictions League X – WrestleMania – The Results (@SLTDWrestling)

Hey Folks!

Welcome to the Fourth Round of results for Season Ten of the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League! First of all, a massive thank you to everyone who took part in our predictions league it was so nice to see so many of you returning for the new season and to see some new faces joining us! Don’t forget to spread the word and get your friends involved!

So let us get down to business! As this was WrestleMania all points up for grabs were higher than usual so for this round we had the following points on offer;
Five (5) points for all standard matches
Ten (10) points for all Championship matches
Two (2) points for each person correctly guessed for the final four of each Battle Royal match
Two (2) additional points if you correctly guessed all of the final four
Ten (10) points for correctly guessing the Battle Royal winner for each match
Ten (10) bonus points for correctly picking all winners of every match

This means there were a potential 155 points to be won!

Below is the leader board for this round! We will be back for Money in the Bank on May 19th!

1Nicholas Wilburgh223
2David Clayton215
3Josh Morrell213
4Adam Farrand209
5Liam McNamara206
6Zach Whitten205
6Nithish Gopinath205
7Brook Graham203
8Daniel Chaparro202
8Jack Peterson202
9Tybo Ledson201
10VaDonte Williams199
11Jeremy Bowers196
12Nathan Burton194
13Bratheepan Paramsothy187
13Jason Broadwell187
13Ryan Rae187
14Callum Owen186
14Matt Moody186
15Tom Williams185
16Emma Wright184
16Matt Hamilton184
17Rachel Brimble183
18Rebekah MacDonald181
18Renz Quintana181
19Adam Keiller179
20Chris Beyers175
21Alex Smiley173
22Luke Schembri171
23Harry Oddie170
23JD Hurd II170
23Carol Greenwell170
24Alan O Brien169
24Haydn Fox169
24Moe Benali169
24Sam Blair169
25Alan Kan168
26Joel Andrews165
27Twan Mack163
28Alex H162
28Rollins Country162
29Adam Swartz161
29Brandt Danals161
29Graeme Bell161
29Rob Miller161
30Pete Williams158
31Gareth Endacott154
32Sam Fremin152
33Erik Peters150
34Angie Gugliotta148
35da grimone147
35Tyler Stephens147
36Jordan Hackett146
37Gene Panacci138
38Luke Easton130
39Ernie Poulton128
39Samantha Liston128
40Laura Mathers127
41Craig Marshall123
42Stephen Steppings117
43Scott Garlamd110
43Karrie Smith110
44Mitchell Katz106
45Tyler Marsh104
46Michaela Schultz98
47David Reed90
47Victor Monjaras90
48Brian Woo88
48Stephen Edelman88
49Bud Kinches87
50Christian Hubbard77
51Jack Smith70
52Steve Smith64
53Elizabeth Chenault61
54Austin Simmons60
54Shawn Baum60
54Shaylin lastname60
55Nathan Fox59
56Alex Lopez58
57Sean .52
58Alex Glover45
59Alex Bollmeyer43
60Connor Phillips34
61Dan Wright27
62Daniel Wright25
62Vini Tremblay25
63Ric Rev21
64Travis Sloan20
65David Watkins16
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