SLTD Predicts – AJ Styles vs Dean Ambrose

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at TLC this Sunday. Will it be the WWE Champion AJ Styles or will Dean Ambrose become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@Bruce412 (Twitter Manager)

This Sunday, Dean Ambrose will face off against AJ Styles for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Smackdown Live’s Branded PPV, TLC in a TLC match. Ambrose is the man that the “Champ that Runs the Camp” won the title from and this looks to be what will finally end the feud. This should be an awesome back and forth match that will show both superstars going through tables as well as possibly bloodied. Will James Ellsworth get involved? In my opinion, most definitely. Ellsworth has claimed that he would rather face off against Styles for the Title and not Ambrose. I see Ellsworth aiding Styles in retaining the title in a total no-chin serve. This leaves Ellsworth to feud with Ambrose and gives Styles a new set of opponents for his Title.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)

AJ vs Ambrose….hopefully this will be the final chapter. They’ve had Ambrose stick it to AJ for too long now through the stuff with Ellsworth and with him getting the upper hand on pretty much every occasion, AJ has to win here. AJ is at the start of his well deserved run with the title and with the road to WM starting very soon, AJ should be the man to lead the blue brand into that event as Champion.

@ColinHebert614 (The Curtain Jerker)

This Sunday is the final chapter in the AJ Styles vs. Dean Ambrose saga for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.  Styles won the title from Ambrose back in September and has been on a great run since joining WWE in January.  Ambrose held the title throughout the summer and really didn’t set the world on fire as champ.
I see no logical reason to take the title off of Styles right now.  He should be the one to, maybe, headline WrestleMania 33 against John Cena.  I think he wins on Sunday, with some help from Ambrose’s running buddy, James Ellsworth

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)

These two men have been the top guys on Smackdown since the brand split and been feuding since late August. It seems as though this match will conclude this with AJ Styles walking out champion this Sunday, for one simple reason The Undertaker. I hope that in 7 weeks time at the Alamodome we see The Phenom vs The Phenomenal One. As for how I see this match finishing I see that chinless wonder James Ellsworth accidentally costing his buddy Ambrose the match, post match Ambrose can turn heel by destroying Ellsworth.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)

This Sunday we see the end to a feud that I have to admit am slightly gutted is actually ending as I love seeing both these guys working together! When Ambrose was the Champ I loved it and thought he worked well being the top guy especially as he is neither a good guy or a bad guy and when he’s the champ he can go either way without anyone really getting upset or angry about it. However saying that I think AJ Styles is a great “Face that runs the place” and shouldn’t drop the title right now but the thought of a Styles Ellsworth rivalry does not fill me with a lot of confidence. Ellsworth is definitely getting involved this Sunday intentionally or not and he will be the reason why Ambrose loses this match which will hopefully mean an Ambrose Ellsworth rivalry instead which actually wouldn’t be that bad!

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)

It would be a very interesting turn of events if Dean Ambrose headed into Royal Rumble season as the champion. As shown recently with RAW, SmackDown! and NXT however, the titles are becoming easily interchangeable based on the short-term decision making from the powers that be. Even NXT has been following that trend. So Dean Ambrose winning the title isn’t totally out of the question. However, I’ve got to believe that AJ Styles is one of the stronger contenders to walk into Mania as the champion, at least until the Rumble. AJ wins but as recent events has shown, anything can happen.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)

Hopefully this will be the final chapter in the Ambrose/Styles story for now. The inclusion of James Ellsworth has provided comedy, but failed to move the story along or advance either guy. Both Styles and Ambrose have the ability to put on a great match, however, this is a TLC match so expect lots of high risk spots and extreme moments.
I definitely see Styles winning this, and Ambrose going on to being a contender for the Royal Rumble.

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