SLTD Predicts: Cena vs Reigns – First Time Ever

Once again Team SLTD have got together to give you our predictions for No Mercy’s First Time Ever Match-up, John Cena vs Roman Reigns. But who will walk out with the all important victory?

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@thekantastic (Kantastics Wrestletalk Korner)
Cena vs Roman Reigns, this is a bit of a toss up. They might be going for a similar storyline where Cena was humbled by the Rock before Cena ended up winning the WWE title from the Great One a year later. One thing for me is certain is that No Mercy will not be the last time Roman Reigns will face the 16 Time World Champion.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
A dream match for many, goes ahead at No Mercy. With all the top matches Cena is having recently, I do think he will be taking time off. Also the plan for ages has being Brock vs Reigns at WM34. So on that note, I do think Roman Reigns will get the CLEAN victory over John Cena.

@ColinHebertSLTD (The Curtain Jerker)
The WWE will probably try to get Roman Reigns over for the 1,000th time by having him defeat another one of the greatest Superstars in WWE history in John Cena, since Cena is probably taking another hiatus after the match. Reigns wins, but still won’t be the babyface WWE wants him to be

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
I want to say straight away what a damn shame this match isn’t happening at Wrestlemania. This feud to me has been perfect, the shoot promos, the crowd reception and most of all anticipation to see these two polarising figures finally clash. Smart money is on Roman winning this Sunday. First love him or hate him, he’s going to be in the WWE for a very long time and he’s going to be a main focal point for years to come, whereas John Cena is slowly winding his schedule with WWE and stepping into Hollywood.

My official prediction is Roman to win, but not in a clean finish, at the start of my prediction I said what a damn shame this match isn’t happening at Wrestlemania. I think there’s a big reason why this match isn’t happening at Wrestlemania, I think Cena is going to be facing the man who Roman beat in Orlando this year, The Undertaker. In a massive swerve, the ref will be down the lights go out and The Deadman appears in the centre of the ring, people expect him attacking Reigns instead he tombstones Cena and disappears, this is unbeknownst to Roman who then spears Cena and wins the match.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
This feud instantly took me back to John Cena’s feud against The Rock. Popular full time superstar takes shot at part time superstar, hits out at his lack of commitment to the company etc.
The problem here is, who do you book as the winner? John Cena losing this would be strange in comparison to how he’s booked in these types of matches usually, plus he defeated Baron Corbin at SummerSlam where as Roman Reigns lost.
Then again, do they push forward with Reigns and hope that by beating Cena fans will accept him as the ‘top dog’ of WWE? I’m not sure that would go down well with fans, but from a personal point of view I’d rather see them develop the momentum of Roman following on from Wrestlemania, giving him another huge victory would put him in pole position.
I’ve really enjoyed their back and forth confrontations, and to be honest I wish they’d have gone on much, much longer as they’re my favourite type of promos dating back to Cena/Rock and even CM Punk/Triple H.
Of course this is WWE we’re talking about so maybe they don’t even know themselves who they want to win at this point, but for me, Big Dog busting out a victory is the way forward.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks…)
I originally thought this was a far to big of a match to have on No Mercy, but thinking about it this could be the first of three matches. The last being at Wrestlemania. The build to this match has been a joy to watch, both their A game to the promos and the freedom they have been given has been refreshing to say the least.

As for who is getting the win, that’s a tough one. They both need the victory at the end of the day with them both claiming to be the main man. I think if this does end up being three matches Reigns should get the first win and ultimately the win overall. Although I can’t see it all happening at next years Wrestlemania, I think it will be the one after and have this rivalry stretches out over years. A lot like Cena vs Rock.

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