SLTD Predicts: Champion vs Champion – Lesnar vs Styles

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at Survivor Series this Sunday when RAW and Smackdown go head to head. Will it be RAW’s Universal Champion ‘The Beast’ Brock Lesnar or Smackdown’s newly crowned World Champion ‘The Phenomenal One’ AJ Styles?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@runner_rope (The Rope Runner)
This match has much more intrigue than Lesnar vs Mahal. this hasn’t had much time to build but with mega-stars like AJ Styles and Brock Lesnar, the fans are already invested in the match. I’d like to see this match go 15 minutes with Styles coming close but I do think Lesnar will come out on top.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
When it was Junder v. Brock I was confident that Brock would win. Now that it’s AJ v. Brock… I’m confident Brock is going to win.
The match certainly will technically be better, from a wrestling standpoint. But at the end of the day AJ is going to be fed to Lesnar, so Roman looks even stronger when he beats Brock clean at Mania.
It’s a shame to see two former IWGP Heavyweight Champions have a match with a predictable outcome.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
As long as this isn’t 5-10 minute squash match then this could top Brock vs Cm Punk from Summerslam 2013.
Last Tuesday I’m sure I wasn’t the only fan to rejoice that AJ Styles had beat Jinder Mahal to become WWE Champion, and again I’m writing this on Monday morning which could be a big risk as there’s always a chance Mahal could get his title back on tomorrow’s Smackdown, but praying he doesn’t. This Sunday night we’ll be getting AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar, now most people know that I’m not Brock’s biggest fan, on the other hand, most people may know that AJ Styles is my favourite wrestler in the world right now. So with all my heart I hope AJ beats Brock and I’ll be honest if it happens I’ll be shocked, but not many of us saw AJ beating Jinder aside from me, so my official prediction and it’s a massive punt and Smackdown need a big victory and nothing is bigger than a victory over Raw’s main champion, so your winner “The Phenomenal One” AJ Styles.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
To me, I never thought this match would ever happen. It still won’t until the match goes down.For me, AJ getting the victory here would be HUGE. It would be the logical choice as a win for Styles would mean more, and Lesnar taking the loss wouldn’t hurt him much against AJ.

Although I do know that they want to build Lesnar up as the dominant champion on the road to WrestleMania, which is why my prediction is The Beast wins the phenomenal one.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
So I don’t exactly know why or how we’ve got here, but we’re now looking at AJ Styles vs Brock Lesnar. It is a shame for Jinder Mahal, to go so long as WWE Champion only to fall short last minute before a big match to test and prove himself again ‘The Beast’. I think it’s purely because WWE have panicked over the ratings, and especially pitting a failed heavyweight champion against one that’s rarely ever there.
It’s been so far impossible for Styles to have a bad match, and despite Lesnar’s limited wrestling ability, I fully expect this one to be an exciting contest. Not sure who will win this one, as WWE seems to book AJ quite strongly, but would they have him defeat Lesnar? I’m not sure, perhaps some sort of screwy finish end to this one.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)
When rumblings had emerged of a potential Brock Lesnar vs Jinder Mahal match at Survivor Series, I was disgusted for a number of reasons. The main issue I had with this is that it’s clear to all that these two will be champions heading into WrestleMania. Therefore, why would you have a match where the only two outcomes are either Jinder beats the unbeatable Brock Lesnar or Brock massacres Jinder en route to defending the title against Cena or someone at Mania? Of course, they could have done a screwjob finish with either a count out or a no contest but the thing is, the timing of this, considering the end goal, made no sense to me. Then SmackDown! happened which changed everything. AJ Styles became the champion and he will now face Brock instead of AJ. This, therefore, translates to me that WWE has decided to have Brock beat AJ, as TLC shows that WWE is willing to be AJ regardless, Jinder will regain the title so neither Brock or Jinder are hurt with a major loss before WrestleMania. If Jinder wins the title back on the SmackDown! before this, then I don’t have an explanation for you. Brock wins if it’s truly Brock vs AJ. If Jinder regains the title, Jinder wins at Survivor Series.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I think I may be one of the only guys who were really interested in what Jinder was going to do against someone like Lesnar, as little as a year ago Mahal was basically a jobber on Raw. The closest Mahal would get to the champ would be being used as cannon fodder in a brawl-type segment and would be just another faceless superstar from the back who would at best eat an F5 from the champion.

I did, however, understand the decision to have AJ face Lesnar, it makes for a far more ‘interesting’ match, my only issue is that Lesnar very rarely wrestles a smaller guy so this could be great, or very underwhelming. As for a finish, I would be shocked if they give Styles the victory, but I would have bet money on him not beating Mahal in Manchester, so at the least Survivor Series is proving anything can happen.

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