SLTD Predicts: Universal Championship – Lesnar vs Strowman

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to let you know our thoughts on No Mercy’s Universal Championship match, Brock Lesnar vs Braun Strowman. So do we think ‘The Beast’ will leave Brawn laying in Suplex City. Or will ‘The Monster’ burn Supex City down and walk out with the biggest prize in his short career.

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@thekantastic (Kantastics Wrestletalk Korner)
Braun Strowman has been booked on one of the most ridiculous pushes for a big monster type in WWE’s recent history. Let’s not forget that when Brock Lesnar destroyed the ring he also became WWE Champion in the same year.
With Vince’s perchance for big dominat monsters…Braun might be the guy that not only survives suplex city but makes it out with the Universal Champion. I am willing to predict that Braun will dominate Brock the way Brock dominated John Cena at Summerslam 2014.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)
I haven’t being this hyped for a PPV, due to this match. What these guys have done not only over the past few weeks with the sit-down interview and Braun showing his dominance in the ring, but also at SummerSlam really showed off what these guys can do to one-another.

Brock is my 2nd favourite of all time, and Braun is my favourite in today’s era, and I can see WWE going either way:

Brock could win, but it wouldn’t be clean. I think a predicament could happen where it’s a double countout, due to them both beating each other up on the outside of the ring. We all know Braun has a bright future and this is a way to keep Brock with the championship but also make Braun look strong.

Or, WWE could act while the fire is hot, and have Braun become the new Universal Championship. This is what I’m hoping happens.

So saying that, Braun is my pick to become the new Universal Champion.

@ColinHebertSLTD (The Curtain Jerker)
I can’t believe that WWE is running a main event with their 2 biggest faces in the whole company on a “B” show like No Mercy. I’d love to pick Strowman to win the title, but that would make his title victory seem a little small doing it at No Mercy instead of one of the “Big 4”. Lesnar retains, just barely and keeps the belt warm for Strowman until Royal Rumble.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
What will happen when “The Beast Incarnate” takes on the “Monster Among Men” this Sunday? One simple answer there will be a new WWE Universal Champion. Braun Strowman has been on a roll as of late and he is the best booked superstar in 2017, WWE would be foolish not to give Braun a run with the title. If the plans are for Brock vs Roman at Mania, then fine but that’s 6 months away, put the title on Braun, who holds it until the Rumble, where Lesnar regains it’s that simple. The ratings and attendance figures are low at the moment, it’s time to take a few risks and who knows some times risks can pay off and if it does pay off this Sunday and going forward Braun Strowman is the future of the WWE.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
Have we ever seen anyone in recent years make Brock Lesnar look more vulnerable as Strowman? Arguably the two most pushed superstars in WWE face off for Lesnar’s rarely defended Universal Title. I really enjoyed the fatal four way match at SummerSlam, but was very impressed with both of these guys in particular.
It feels real, it feels believable and going into this one you get the sort of feeling that Brock could in fact be beaten, which is a rarity. Credit to ‘The Monster Among Men’ Braun Strowman, he’s taken everything and hit it out of the park, improving as week goes by and through no fault of his own has become one of the most popular superstars on the Raw roster.
Can Braun defeat Lesnar? I think it’d get a huge pop if he were to be victorious, but then at the same time I don’t think Lesnar is losing the Universal Title just yet (thanks internet reports). Still, we can believe that it will happen, and maybe, just maybe, we’ll see history made.

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks…)
Is it just me who thinks No Mercy could be one of the best PPVs of the year? I think the this Universal Championship match has been the best in a while, its been great to see more of Lesnar too, even if he has been getting his arse handed to him. I think it would be a shame to have Strownman win the championship so soon when there is a lot more milage left in this feud.
This rivalry could easily be the calibar of Undertaker vs Lesnar in 2002, so for that reason I think they could end with a ‘no contest’ and have them both looking strong, and continue this feud till at least Survivor Series.

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