SLTD Predicts – Who will survive? Team RAW vs Team Smackdown

We are well under way with SLTD Wrestling’s #SurvivorWeek, and by now I’m sure you all know what we do. Once again Team SLTD has gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will win in the men’s traditional Survivor Series elimination match on Sunday.

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We all give our thoughts below, give them a read and then tell us what you think.

@mrnebarry (Old Skool View)

I think by now we all assume Raw is winning, and with the rumoured Roadblock main event already announced, it makes logical sense for the survivors to be Roman Reigns & Kevin Owens. Not only will that book both Champions as super strong, it also gives them the main event they want as Raw’s two best.

@TomRobinson5199 (Armbar Analysis)

If it were down to which show deserves this victory more, SmackDown! would win this one hands down. In terms of which side has the more wrestlers that WWE want to protect, RAW would win this one. Having taking into account what I think is going to happen up and down the card, surely SmackDown! has this in the bag. I believe RAW will win the Tag and Women’s matches so in order to make sure that this isn’t a major whitewash, SmackDown! must win here. If not, then I’ll accept Braun Strowman eliminating all of Team RAW by himself!

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)

This has to be one of the most stacked Survivor Series matches in some time, 5 of the best from Raw and 5 of the best from Smackdown and as much as it sickens me to say it I think team Raw will win, as it’s still the mind-set of all the top dogs in WWE that Raw is still the “A” show, even though most fans are preferring Smackdown to Raw since the brand split. How will the match go down, well I’m predicting that the first man eliminated in the match could be the powerhouse Braun Strowman, even though he’s being booked strongly I could see the whole of team Smackdown put Strowman away either with all their finishers or Shane McMahon sacrifices himself as well by hitting an elbow drop onto Strowman through the announcers table, causing a double count-out elimination. As the match closes to it’s finish expect an intense Shield stare down between former brothers Ambrose, Reigns and Rollins which is sure to get a huge pop. But the man that gets the pin and the win for team Raw will be sole survivor Kevin Owens as he eliminates AJ Styles, as I believe it’s important that the final 2 guys left in the match should be the 2 main champions on each brand.

@Ciaran_HEEL (WriteLegendWrite)

Personally I’ve argued how pointless the brand vs brand concept is so soon after the brand split in July, there is nothing at stake for the winners and I don’t see how the superstars have forged such a close bond with their respective brands. I can’t see the positives for such a match, in the weeks leading to this Sunday the stories have revolved around the teams bickering and trying to get on, this is because weeks earlier they were sworn enemies. Watching Seth Rollins stand side by side with two men who battered him inside HIAC only weeks earlier just doesn’t make sense. Why Shane McMahon was chosen to replace Baron Corbin in beyond me, surely the chance could have been given to Apollo Crews or a friend of Bryan’s from NXT? The possibilities and options were there for WWE but they instead chose to place a McMahon once more in a top feud and or match, this is just to remind you who’s the real stars of the show. I’m more in favour of team blue, only because I enjoy SDLive so much more than Raw and I am a big AJ Styles fan, who in my opinion should survive it with Dean Ambrose. Braun should look strong but not be allowed to overshadow Owens and or Styles, Jericho I think will be eliminated in some sort of mistake with KO and Shane will suffer at the hands of Brock. No matter my cynical approach the match will be highly entertaining and full of OMG moments I’m sure, let’s just hope certain talent isn’t sacrificed for Roman Reigns.

@TheWWEVoiceless (The Voice of Reason)

The men’s traditional Survivor Series match this Sunday could certainly be filled with many surprises, with so many unknown variables. Will Ambrose and Styles implode? Will Reigns and Rollins actually get along? And will Ellsworth be the chin-k in the armour? Ultimately, the WWE have put so many storylines on hold for this weekend, but it is important that coming out of the PPV, most superstars are set up for their next big feud. That leads us to who will be sole survivors and how the match will play out.

My prediction is that Owens and Jericho somehow manage cost each other and be eliminated with Braun remaining strong by eliminated through count out. This will then leave Reigns and Rollins against Styles and Ambrose, with Ellsworth costing them the elimination. Yes that’s right, contrary to popular opinion, I feel like Raw will win. WWE like to brand it as the flagship show and this is their way of proving that. Leaving Reigns and Rollins at the end keeps the same theme going of the past few weeks and having SmackDown implode continues the feud for Ambrose and Styles and let’s not forget, something could be setup for The Undertaker.

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)

I was convinced Raw would be the winning side. However, after The Undertaker’s speech on Tuesday night, I’m confident Smackdown Live will be the victors. I think the final 5 in the match will be Reigns, Owens, Rollins against Ambrose and Styles.  I think Ambrose getting the pinfall over Reigns would be interesting, but to advance storylines I think Styles pinning Owens after a miscommunication from Jericho, teasing the ultimate split of their ‘best friends’ angle.

@TownNation (The Fox Files)

The build up for this match has been pretty good. The biggest shock is definitely Shane been part of the match, but I still think he will be replaced with either The Rock or The Undertaker.

The winner for this match though, I think will be the RAW side(Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho & Braun Strowman)

I do think that some twists and turns will happen in the match, with either Strowman destroying both team RAW & Smackdown LIVE, or Dean Ambrose attacks Team SmackDown LIVE with him reuniting The Shield with Rollins & Reigns.

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