SLTD Wrestling Awards 2024: VOTE NOW!

We are back with our annual SLTD Wrestling Awards for 2024.

This year we have created our shortlist on a recent episode of the SLTD Roundtable Podcast. Check it out below if you are wondering how we got to the names and matches that appear on the shortlist.

It’s time for you to vote! Make your picks below, submit them, and check our social media and SLTD Roundtable Podcast for the results.

Triple H: WWE | Tony Kahn: AEW | Anthony Cicione: TNA | Hiroshi Tanahashi: NJPW | Billy Corgan: NWA | Or you can name your own
Any wrestling company is eligible to be entered here
Write anything you want about 2024, what you have loved, what you have hated. If you think we made the right picks, of you have loved or hated our shows. Anything you want to say, say it here and it will be read out on SLTD Roundtable Podcast Award show.

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