SLTD Wrestling PPV Predictions – WWE Survivor Series 2013


Welcome along to the latest round of SLTD Wrestling’s PPV Predictions.

We did a re-launch of sorts a couple of months ago, but the game is still the one you all know and love. We post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys tell us who you think will win! It’s that easy! And now, there’s prizes to be won!

Here’s a list of just some of the things you can win, including a couple of new prizes, courtesy of our affiliates:

  • A t-shirt from the official MFX Podcast merchandise store, featuring the characters you know and love from the MFX Wrestling Podcast – Courtesy of (@MFXPodcast) – PRIZE EXCLUSIVE TO SLTD WRESTLING
  • 2 standard tickets to any local UK wrestling show of your choice (i.e. your own LOCAL promotion) – Courtesy of (@RingsideWorld)
  • A free copy of the Wrestling Manager iPhone/Android game – Courtesy of Wrestling Manager/Serious Parody (@WrestlinManager)
  • A hamper of JR’s BBQ products – Courtesy of the good people at American Soda (@AmericanSoda)PRIZE EXCLUSIVE TO SLTD WRESTLING

The season for the Predictions League runs in 2 parts.

The first part took place between WWE Extreme Rules and finished after WWE BattleGround, when our very own Scottish Nightmare, George, finished top of the table, but Nakul Gureja, Adam O’Brien and Jonny Beggs were our prizewinners. The second part started at WWE Hell in a Cell and runs until WrestleMania 30. Whoever finishes top after WrestleMania 30 will win their prize/prizes. Fairly simple right?

(Please note that TNA is no longer a part of the league because they only hold 4 PPVs a year)

All of the scores from our old Predictions League were voided before Hell in a Cell, so let’s see what the table looks like now that the scores from Hell in a Cell have been added to our league!


Entrant Total Score Position
Aashim 6 1
Andy P 6
David Outlaw 6
Dylan Otoshiro 6
Wes Astin 6
Zara_X 6
Adam Wilson 5 2
Alex K 5
Damien Douglas 5
Daniel Walker 5
Emma Giles 5
Gabby 5
George_SLTD 5
Jake Selig 5
Jeremy 5
Joe Pascuzzo 5
Johnny Whyte 5
Karl Walker 5
Naman Jawaid 5
Rahul Jois 5
Rahul Nath 5
Ravi Teja 5
Sam Virgoe 5
Santhosh 5
Shahin 5
Shamas 5
Tom Williams 5
Tylor Touchet 5
Wrestle Ropes 5
Ahmed 4 3
Bob Sinclair 4
Chettri 4
Daniel Towes 4
David Singh 4
Donald Lucas 4
Joe Walker 4
Kirsty Hannaway 4
Osama Abass 4
Ron Onyx 4
Ryan Luckley 4
Sam Clarke 4
Sean Marshall 4
Shishir 4
Stephen 4
Adam O’Brien 3 4
Alex H 3
Ashley Randal 3
Greg_SLTD 3
Harry Bradshaw 3
Hulala 3
Matthew Tomlinson 3
Nakul Gureja 3
Rach 3
Ramesh 3
Rob Hanby 3
Roumya Das 3
Tom Young 3
Wrestling Stable 3
Bruce Hively 2 5
Jumie Awe 1 6
Jason Barker 0 7


Let’s concentrate on Survivor Series then. Beneath each match graphic, you’ll be able to make your picks as usual. For every correct prediction, you’re awarded 1 point. Because it’s one of WWE’s traditional “big 4” PPVs, we’re also offering a special incentive for both the WWE and World Championship matches at Survivor Series – there are 5 points at stake in both of those matches. Fairly simple stuff really. We’ll then add everything up and update the league table at some point next week.

Right, let’s get to it!












Please get involved with this post by choosing your own winners and then sit down to watch Survivor Series on Sunday to find out how your choices got on! Feel free to leave us a comment or tweet us your thoughts on what will happen at Survivor Series. As a quick reminder, or for those who haven’t played before, we will only accept one entry per person and any predictions we receive after 12:00am GMT on Monday 25th November will not be counted.

Thanks to everyone who takes part in the league and especially to the people at MFX Podcast, Ringside World, Wrestling Manager and American Soda. Let’s make this a success guys. We can’t do it without you. Spread the word, get involved and tell your friends! Come on… You know you want to!

[Credit to for images used in this post]

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