SLTD Wrestling: Predictions League [Round One] #RoyalRumble (Free to Play)

The SLTD Wrestling: Predictions League is back!

After a longer-than-we-all-wanted hiatus, we are so happy to announce that ‘the world-famous’ wrestling predictions league will start again with this year’s Royal Rumble!

The rules are simple, predict the winners of the PLE matches and win some wrestling swag. The ‘swag’ is currently TBC, but the winning prize will be worth playing for!

Enter your Royal Rumble picks below, and tell a friend! It’s fun to beat strangers but more fun to beat friends.

Add the four women's names in the box
Add the women's names in the box
Add the four men's names in the box
Add the man's names in the box

Your Information

This needs to stay the same throughout the duration on the league, if you change anything please let us know.
Add what socials you use (X, Instagram, etc.) we can follow you and notify you of any updates.
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