SLTD Wrestling Predicts: SummerSlam

The time is finally upon us! SummerSlam is right around the corner, and the WWE have done their best to deliver a worthy line-up, with ten matches each supported by a solid build-up. They wanted to give it WrestleMania-worthy hype, and with the aid of a well-known host, and the extension of the event to four hours, I think they succeeded.

Not to mention the fact that the show is nicely complemented by NXT Takeover: Brooklyn on Saturday Night. The WWE have truly taken over the state of New York, and if I wasn’t already subscribed, I would be chomping at the bit to fork over the $9.99 for access to the Network to witness it unfold. Cheeky plug there, I’ll expect a cheque.

Today, we’ve recruited a couple of SLTD’s finest to call this Sunday’s action, and predict the outcomes, match-by-match! We’ve lined up the ‘Five Star General’ of SLTD Wrestling, himself, Tybo, and the long-time author of ‘Under the Spotlight’, Adam O’Brien to give us an insight into the shenanigans that will surely unfold with the lights on bright in the Barclays Center. Let’s have it!


WWE Tag-Team Championship: Prime Time Players (c) vs. New Day vs. Lucha Dragons vs. Los Matadores

20150810_Summerslam_Match_tagteam_LIGHT_HPAOB: Even though I’m a big fan of the Prime Time Players, and I’m happy thay they finally earned their first Tag-Team Titles a while ago, I think The New Day had their reign cut short way too soon. The guys are just super talented; Kofi Kingston is tremendously athletic, Big E is powerful beyond belief and Xavier Woods is just so good at making people hate him.

I also like the Lucha Dragons, Kalisto is amazingly gifted and his duo with Sin Cara seems to be bringing that character back from the brink. They are a real tag-team, and I absolutely see a main roster title reign in their future as an alliance. Los Matadores… not so much, but they are talented in their own right. They just have the worst gimmick in WWE today, which is very unfortunate.

Titus O’Neil is a definite future World Champion, and Darren Young is a lot of fun to watch too, with a simple yet devastating finisher to aid his cause, but I think it’s time for The New Day to get back to the top of the mountain. This is the perfect match-type to allow them the sneaky victory, and I can’t wait to see how Xavier Woods reacts to his team winning back what’s rightfully theirs. After all, New Day Rocks!

Tybo: I always worry about these sorts of matches, as a four team tag match can turn into a bit of a mess, with not everyone knowing what they are doing or what’s going on. This being said the last few have not been all that bad, don’t get me wrong I would much prefer this match to be one team against another, preferably New Day vs Prime Time Players, but the addition of the other two teams is no bad thing.

This is a really hard match to call, honestly I think any of the teams could win. I know that Los Matadors and Lucha Dragons are not the favourites but this is SummerSlam and anything could happen. I think it would be cool to mix it up an little and have a shock victory for Lucha Dragons, I don’t think Los Matadors have been pushed enough to get the victory but again anything could happen.

Personally, I am really enjoying the Prime Time Players vs. New Day, and with the impending return of The Usos the tag division is not looking too bad at the minute. WWE could really use some more teams, but they need to build actual tag teams, not just throw two guys together and hope it works. It very rarely does. But that’s in the future and we are talking about the match on Sunday.

If I had to pick a winner, I am going to go with a New Day victory to either carry on the New Day and Prime Time Players feud or to have a heel tag team with the titles to feud with the Usos when they return, which I’m guessing will be pretty soon. Possibly even Monday on Raw.

Winners and NEW WWE Tag-Team Champions: The New Day


Stephen Amell & Neville vs. Stardust & King Barrett

20150810_Summerslam_Match_amellneville-starustbarrett_LIGHT_HP3AOB: I’ve been loving the intensity that Stardust has brought to the table in his promos ever since his return, and I’m happy for him that he’s in this match against a celebrity. Apart from the main events, this match probably has the most media attention due to the inclusion of Arrow’s Stephen Amell, who by the way, is the kind of celebrity that goes perfectly with WWE in terms of the occasional appearance.

You can get some Hollywood celebrities in there and they look so out of place in their last gasp efforts to hype up an upcoming show, book or project they’re working on, but a guy like Stephen Amell actually has passion for the industry, and it shines through in his interviews and when he steps in the ring, similarly to Hugh Jackman.

The only bad thing about celebrities competing in matches, and based on the last couple of months, the inclusion of King Barrett, is that you know there is no way that Stephen Amell gets beaten. Stars almost always get the upper hand in these situations, but on the bright side, it’s going to give Neville his first SummerSlam victory, which is an incredibly deserving feat. The man is the future, and winning this match is the first step.

Tybo: I am actually really looking forward to this match, and I am loving Stardust and the minute. I love the comic book style promo’s between him and Neville. I just hope they don’t end after SummerSlam. It adds something different to the same basic promo format.

I am a fan of Arrow/Amell, I think after seeing him move on Raw and knowing that he has been training in the ring makes me think he is going to pleasantly surprise a lot of people. The inclusion of celebrities in wrestling is never usually a good thing, especially when they get in the ring. But Amell seems like he could be really good, well here is hoping anyway.

I know the match was originally not meant to be a tag match, but I think it was a pretty good move on WWE’s part to not only protect Amell, but it’s always good to get more Superstars on big PPVs. I think Barrett has had a rough deal of late and the King Barrett gimmick has not been given the push it deserves. On a side note does anyone else think Stardust and The Cosmic King (Barrett) should form an actual tag team?

As for picking a winner, it doesn’t take a genius to work out that Stephen Amell will be getting the pin after one big move on Stardust. This is the only certain thing to happen on Sunday.

Winners: Stephen Amell & Neville


Dolph Ziggler w/ Lana vs. Rusev w/ Summer Rae

20150817_Summerslam_Match_RusevDolph_LIGHT_HPAOB: I think it would be weird to bring Dolph Ziggler back and have him lose his first match, plus given the nature of this rivalry, it’s not going to end until Lana and Rusev have some sort of closure, and Rusev having his teeth knocked right out of his mouth is the right way to go about doing that.

I hope Ziggler is sticking around, because the pop he received upon his return was unbelievable. Rusev is a great talent, but this feud has had its day in the sun and it wasn’t exactly extraordinary, so a good showing against Ziggler on Sunday before succumbing to the master of the Zig-Zag will be what’s needed to put this thing to bed. A lot of people think Lana will turn again and reunite with her old flame, but that wouldn’t benefit anybody.

Tybo: I didn’t think this match was even going to happen. I thought Zigger’s return would be pushed back to after SummerSlam as it’s been Lana and Summer Rae building this feud. I was a little worried that this was going to be a mixed tag match, which would not be great as Summer and Lana are not the best workers. That being said I think Ziggler vs. Rusev will be a pretty solid match, they are both great in the ring and seem to have great chemistry.

My only problem with this match is that it isn’t really going anywhere, they are both talented enough to be feuding for a title and they are both left out once again. I’m not really a huge fan of this ‘nice guy’ heel they have turned Rusev into either, its a a far cry from the ‘Bulgarian Brute’ he once was. He seemed to have all the momentum in the world, and as much as I hate to say it, it seems its all been downhill since Cena beat him for the U.S. Title.

I hope after SummerSlam he can somehow get back to his former glory. When picking a winner, I would be very shocked if the returning Ziggers does not defend his girl and get the victory over Rusev, but I would expect some physicality from both Lana and Summer.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler w/ Lana


Intercontinental Championship: Ryback (c) vs. Big Show vs. The Miz

20150806_Summerslam_Match_mizrybackbigshow_LIGHT-HPAOB: There’s not much to say about this one. This rivalry fell apart the moment Ryback got injured, and Big Show and The Miz have been trying to pick up the pieces. I personally think they did a fantastic job under the circumstances, but it just isn’t going to cut it.

The Intercontinental Championship was supposed to be given a beacon of hope after WrestleMania, but since then it’s been nothing but bad luck. Hopefully we see something new from the title belt soon.

The Miz has been the perfect heel over the last month, and Big Show has been entertaining too despite a lot of fans being fed up with seeing him every week, but Ryback has this one hands down. With a bit of luck he’ll jump into a meaningful rivalry after this with somebody like Rusev or even Kevin Owens. Pair Ryback with somebody with some charisma and maybe he won’t be boring as hell. Let’s hope the title reign is worth it.

Tybo: This match seems to me like it’s been months in the making. With Ryback being injured there seems to be no build-up at all for this match, I think Ryback was doing good as the Intercontinental Champion, and I think that should continue.

With the news that Big Show is reducing his TV time I think its safe to say that Show is not going to win this match. I’ll be honest I would be pretty disappointed if Show won the match as he is towards the end of his career, and giving him a title seems stupid.

I also think that The Miz is not the best fit right now for the Intercontinental Title either. The Miz is sort of doing everything except wrestling right now, which isn’t a bad thing really, he is good at what he is doing with MizTV and Tough Enough. Its a shame to say but I think its obvious that the Intercontinental Championship is the number three title. Which is firstly shocking, and secondly shows that to me Cena isn’t all bad at what he does.

With regards to who will walk out with the title, I think Ryback is retaining. After being out for over a month he is going to return and show his dominance, and show the champion he can be.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Ryback


Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro

20150813_Summerslam_Match_OwensCesaro_LIGHT_HPAOB: With two matches this weekend, one against Finn Bálor in a Ladder Match for the NXT Championship and the other against the Swiss Superman, Cesaro, Kevin Owens could very well be the most valuable player this weekend. The man always delivers, and don’t be surprised to see him pull off the match of the night on both occasions.

His clash with Cesaro in particular is a very intriguing one. We have seen so many former independent wrestlers such as CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins face off against their former indie brethren on a much bigger stage in the WWE, and this is surely going to be another one of those brilliant matches between two people who know each other so well.

As for a winner, both men could really take advantage of a victory here, with another mid-card title shot possibly on the horizon for whoever leaves with his arm raised. Cesaro has been on a roll as of late, he’s steamrolling his way to the top of the pack with fan popularity at an all-time high, so I think he should pick up the win here. I love Owens, and he does need to bounce back after his loss to Cena, but I think Cesaro is long overdue for a win in a big fight.

Tybo: I think there is a very large possibility that this match could steal the show. That is in wrestling I mean. Cesaro has been putting on an absolute clinic the last few weeks on Raw and Smackdown, he has actually been doing it for the last few months but he is really getting noticed for it the last few weeks.

I think Cesaro has really come into his own since Tyson’s injury. I would not wish an injury on anyone, but there is no denying that Kidd being out has really pushed Cesaro into the spotlight. And why shouldn’t it? In the wrestling world you try and turn every negative into a positive, and this is a perfect example of that.

That all being said, Owens is carving out a great future for himself. The former NXT Champion is proving himself to be a great asset to the company. I would hope in the not too distant future Owens and Cesaro lock up again for the WWE Championship.

As for Summer Slam, and who will come out victorious that is a tough one. Honestly, I don’t mind who gets the victory as I can see the good in then both getting the win. When it comes actually picking a winner, I am going to go with Owens. I think it would make more sense with the gimmick he is working and I don’t think it will hurt Cesaro as much to have a loss to Owens and pick up a win on Raw maybe.

Winner: Split Decision

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus

20150810_Summerslam_Match_OrtonSheamus_LIGHT-HPAOB: I would normally lean towards Sheamus in a situation like this, considering Randy Orton was victorious in their previous encounter at Battleground last month. But the fact that The Celtic Warrior is carrying that Money in the Bank briefcase means that whether he wins or loses, he has a guaranteed opportunity at the WWE World Heavyweight Championship whenever he wants it.

Look back at the last cash-in! Seth Rollins lost to Randy Orton after one of the most flawlessly-delivered RKOs in WWE history early in the night, but turned around, cashed in his contract and became the new champion before the night was done. Now I’m not saying that Sheamus is going to cash-in at SummerSlam… but yeah. The evidence speaks for itself. Expect Randy Orton to defeat Sheamus, leaving the man with little hope for the future, or so it would seem…

Tybo: Does anyone else think this match should be for the Money in the Bank Briefcase, or is that just me? To me, Sheamus has not really done anything all that great since he has been back with this new gimmick. I mean, it was cool and different to start with but now he is just a regular heel.

I think if the added the stipulation of the briefcase on the line and Sheamus absolutely destroyed Orton it would add something huge to his gimmick. It would also make people wonder if he is going to cash-in or not. Or the flip side is that Orton could win the case and Sheamus could cost him the cash-in, which would thrust both of them back onto the main even picture. This just seems like a bit of a non-match, I totally get why they are having the match but it really just seems to be to do nothing more that getting both Sheamus and Orton on the PPV.

I do think there is a huge possibility that Sheamus is going to cash-in the Money in the Bank contract, but I’ll talk about that when we get to the WWE Championship match. As for a winner, either could take this one but if Sheamus is cashing-in, then Orton is winning this one.

Winner: Randy Orton


Team Bella vs. Team B.A.D vs. Team PCB

zzzz20150810_Summerslam_Match_Divas_LIGHT-HPAOB: It should come as no surprise that I am absolutely loving this Divas Revolution. I have been waiting years for some sort of development to make women in WWE relevant again, and the day Sasha Banks, Charlotte and Becky Lynch made their debuts provided the division with some hope. Now we’re going into SummerSlam, and the Divas match has some of the best build-up we’ve seen out of them all!

You’ll see some Bella-haters complaining that this match is a cheap way to get Nikki Bella out of defending her title, because they don’t want to see her outlast AJ Lee’s record, but don’t bother with that. This is the perfect way to display the talent the Divas division has to offer, and if I could change anything, I’d add the likes of Natalya to the list of names involved, as she is one of the best female athletes that WWE has to offer.

As far as a winner, I think we can write off Team B.A.D. from the get-go, as this whole thing started with Paige and the Bella twins, and that’s how it’s going to end. I think the Bellas have been bad-mouthed for months and basically got the short end of the stick as far as the story goes, being portrayed as the sole reason that the division was the way it was. So it would be nice to see them get some retribution, maybe with Nikki eliminating Naomi.

I think in the end it will be Paige, Becky and Charlotte standing tall. As the one who initiated this revolution, Paige deserves a reward, and her second victory at SummerSlam would be a fitting way to do it. It also provides Paige and her mates with an opportunity to dethrone Nikki as champion next week before she beats out AJ’s reign!

Tybo: I’m sure I’m not the only person who is both really enjoying the ‘Divas Revolution’ but is a little disappointed that the Divas Title isn’t on the line at the ‘Biggest Party of the Summer’. It does seem clear that WWE want Nikki Bella to surpass AJ Lee’s title reign. To me this does seem a little petty, but this isn’t the first (and won’t be the last) time WWE have done something like this.

That all being put to the side, I think this will be a great match. As far as I am aware the rules are that only one diva has to be eliminated to eliminate the team, this should move the match on quite quickly and will prevent it from becoming stale. I think Team B.A.D will be eliminated first, this is only because I think the other two teams are generating an lot more momentum at the minute. This will leave the match open to anyone.

Although I would like to say that PBC are going to get the victory and whoever gets the pin will get a future Divas Title match, I’m not so sure that will happen. Throughout this whole revolution Team Bella have had very few victories, and I’m pretty sure WWE want Nikki to look strong coming out of this match, so I would not be shocked if it was Nikki who picked up the final pin in the match. Also I just want to mention, there is a small part of me that thinks Charlotte is going to turn heel and cost PCB the match, don’t quote me but it could happen.

Winner: Split Decision (Team PCB/Team Bella)


Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper

20150721_Summerslam_Match_BrayLukeDeanRoman_LIGHT_HPAOB: There are a hell of a lot of people who see this match ending due to Dean Ambrose turning on Roman Reigns to give the Wyatt Family the win. I personally love Ambrose as a face, and I’ll be honest, I would feel somewhat cheated if that was the outcome, but I know Ambrose will make a perfect heel should they pull the trigger and go with the double-cross.

It would make sense for Wyatt and Harper to pick up the win here. Why bother reuniting them if they’re going to lose immediately afterwards? Roman Reigns is already on the verge of a major breakthrough, and could be WWE World Heavyweight Champion before the year is up, so if he needs to take the loss here to give Bray Wyatt some momentum then so be it. Whether that comes as a result of an Ambrose heel turn or not, I think the Wyatt Family is the right pick for the win either way.

Tybo: This is the match is seems everyone is talking about, because they are convinced that either Reigns or Ambrose are going to turn heel. If this was going to happen I would say the better for a heel turn would be Reigns. This is purely because Ambrose’s gimmick is on the edge of being a heel already, if he was to go full heel I don’t think much would change with regards to the crowd reaction to him.

I would go so far as to say that he would be cheered more the more of a ‘lunatic’ he becomes. Where as with Reigns, his heel turn would be far more of a shock, and the gimmick he has been working him being a heel would get over far more than him being a face.

All that aside, lets talk about the actual match. As I’m sure we all know when The Wyatts and The Shield (close enough) get in the ring together it is always magic, and I really can’t see Sunday being any different. Every one these guys are great in their own right, and rightfully so. They are the future of the WWE.

As for the match, it could go either way. If there is a heel turn from either Ambrose or Reigns it’s a given that The Wyatts are taking the victory. If they decide to go the other way and keep then as faces I think there could be a new member of the Wyatt family. But maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part.

Winner: Bray Wyatt & Luke Harper


The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

20150721_Summerslam_Match_TakerLesnar_LIGHTv3_HPAOB: I’ve done a lot of these prediction posts, and this is the first time in a very long time that I’m completely at a loss. There is reason to believe that Lesnar should win, and reason to believe that the victory absolutely HAS to go to The Undertaker, so I just don’t know. All I know for sure is that WWE needs to give us a definitive winner. That’s what we got at WrestleMania 30, so if we don’t get that this time then there’s something wrong. It has to be one or the other. Let’s discuss the ramifications for either outcome.

If Lesnar wins, he proves that WrestleMania wasn’t a fluke, as if there was any question about it. He dominates everyone he steps in the ring with. He hasn’t lost a match cleanly in two years or so, and that was about as clean as a blood-stained No-DQ match can get. If Undertaker beats him, Lesnar loses that edge. The whole Suplex City thing will be brought into question at least until his next meal. He’ll probably go into hiding until ‘Mania.

If The Undertaker wins, he doesn’t reignite his undefeated streak at WrestleMania, but he does avenge the memory of it. He proves that The Phenom is still the most destructive individual in WWE history despite his age, and breaks a record that Brock Lesnar holds in that, as Paul Heyman said himself “The Undertaker has never defeated Brock Lesnar”. Talk about settling the score!

This rivalry holds a close place in my own heart as a wrestling fan, seeing as the build-up to their Hell in a Cell Match at No Mercy 2002 was my very first experience watching wrestling. Seeing Undertaker overcome the odds laid against him, having his hand crushed by a propane tank, had me hooked, and I was sad to see Lesnar walk out of No Mercy as WWE Champion. Fast forward 13 years, and the two men are still going at it. It’s special to me.

As for a winner, I think the kid in me still wants to root for The Undertaker, to avenge not only his loss at WrestleMania 30, but that match in 2002, the Biker Chain Match at No Mercy 2003 and all other matches the men have competed in against each other. He needs retribution, and this Sunday he’s going to prove that he may be taken to Suplex City, at the end of the day, it’s still his yard.

Tybo: The Match Too Big For WrestleMania seems a slightly ridiculous tagline for a match to me, and I would say it says more about the outcome than I think WWE wants it to. If you have built a career on winning the biggest matches at the grandest stage of them all, and then someone beats you and the rematch isn’t at WrestleMania, I would say there is a large possibility that you are not winning that match.

So basically, I don’t think Undertaker is winning on Sunday. As much as I would like him to, I don’t think Undertaker needs the win. Undertaker is a once a year attraction (twice this year, three times if he shows up at Survivor Series) so he doesn’t need to win, him just being at an event is an attraction enough in my eyes.

Brock Lesnar lives and dies on his previous matches, as that’s what makes him The Beast that he is. If Paul Heyman can’t come to the ring and explain in detail what Lesnar has done to his last victim, what can he say? This may be a very bold statement but if Lesnar loses on Sunday, it will completely derail all the momentum Lesnar has built over the last year. It makes no sense for Undertaker to win.

As for the match itself, I want it to be great, I want it to steal the show. In all honest, I just want Undertaker to be in better shape than he was the last time these two icons locked up. Undertaker does seem to be in better shape than he was at Wrestlemania 30, but you never know how or if he is going to walk out looking the same. I think I have made it clear who I think should win, will it go that way. I’m not sure, one think is for sure this year’s SummerSlam looks to be a good one.

Winner: Split Decision


WWE World Heavyweight & United States Championships: Seth Rollins (c) vs. John Cena (c)

20150813_Summerslam_Match_CenaRollins_LIGHT_HP_v2AOB: There is so much riding on this match for both men. If Rollins wins cleanly, he will validate his entire reign as champion thus far. If he loses, he’d potentially have to fight an uphill battle that many before him have lost, the dreaded climb back to the top after having your momentum obliterated by John Cena.

If Cena wins, on the other hand, he officially etches his name in the history books as one of only two men to hold the Heavyweight Championship 16 times, and edges his way closer to shattering the record entirely. His run with the United States Title has brought prestige back to the belt, and holding both championships would only serve to increase the stock that the mid-card title already has, for future stars to take advantage of.

So who wins? Man, this is a tough call, and I would love to see what could come from Seth Rollins walking away with both championships, and a statue at WWE Headquarters to boot, but the more I imagine it, the less likely I feel it is. John Cena is going to break Ric Flair’s record eventually, I think that’s inevitable at this point, and I think the final nail in that coffin will be hammered in this Sunday.

The man has had some of the best matches of his career with the United States Title around his waist, and I think that’s going to be rewarded at SummerSlam when he defeats Seth Rollins. The only thing I hope doesn’t happen is what Cena himself said on Raw, about Seth Rollins’ name merely being acknowledged as “who did John Cena beat to win his 16th World Title?” from then on.

However, while I do see John Cena pinning Seth Rollins in the middle of the ring and winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, I think that prestigious 16th reign is going to be short-lived. I see Sheamus cashing in Money in the Bank immediately after, or at Raw the next night, to take the gold right back from Cena, leaving him with the same title he walked in with, the US Championship.

Tybo: Can anyone really see either Cena or Rollins walking out with both WWE and United States Championships? Or am I the only one who is not so sure? Here is my issue, to do all that work since WrestleMania to make the U.S Title mean something then to have it linked with the WWE Championship is a real shame to me. If one person has both belts, whatever way you look at it, that champion is going to drop the United States Title and keep the WWE Title.

This then shows that the U.S Title means far less than the WWE Title. Which it should be, but why be so blatant about it? Unless WWE are planning on merging both titles into one. Cena has said that the United States Title belt is getting a redesign, whats a bigger redesign than incorporating it into the WWE Championship. Personally, I cant see that happening, it’s much more likely that either there will be a double count-out due to Cena or Rollins taking a major bump (possibly) through the announce table and neither of them getting up to answer the ten count.

Or they could have a DQ due to outside interference, if this was going to happen my money would be on a Kane return, or the very unlikely Shield reunion. Then there is the most obvious outcome and that is to have Sheamus cash in the Money in the Bank contract. Although I can see this happening there are some downfalls in this, that is someone would have to win both titles, then Sheamus comes down and cashes in leaving whoever wins with the U.S title.

In that scenario Cena would have to win, and I think that would be a huge waste of a title win especially if its your 16th. So, basically I have no idea what is going to happen but I am certain that we will not have a WWE World Heavyweight United States Champion on Raw. If I had to put money on one man, I would have to go with Seth Rollins.

Winner: Split Decision


So there we have it, folks. You’ve seen who we think will win each match, but be sure to keep a close eye on the site over the weekend to see more coverage for Sunday’s event, from the likes of SLTD’s Wrestle Chica, The Voice of Reason and the Legend himself, Ciaran Legend.

You can also join the fun yourself, and make your own predictions in the SLTD Wrestling Predictions League, where you can predict the outcome of every SummerSlam match and increase your chances of winning a prize at the end of the season. It’s a great way to make watching WWE with your mates even more interesting, and we recommend encouraging your friends and family to join it too. Fun for the whole family!

You can follow the guys above on Twitter at @Tybo_SLTD and @AdamOB_UTS, and stay up to date with all of the fantastic content on offer here by following us @SLTDWrestling. Do be sure to share this post on all social media if you enjoyed it, as it really helps us grow as a community when our hard work gets out there.

Finally, we hope you all have a great SummerSlam weekend and we encourage you all to tweet alongside us when the time comes. Thanks for reading!

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