#SLTDFantasyLeague: The Results – Week Ten (@SLTDLeague)

Welcome one and all to the tenth week of results for the all-new SLTD Fantasy League – Season Six.

We want to say a huge thank you to everyone who joined our Fantasy League for the new season! It was so nice to see so many of you returning as well as some new faces joining! Welcome to you all and make sure to tell your friends about us, beating strangers is great but beating friends is even better!

Below is the leader board for this week, this has all the points earned from RAW, Smackdown, 205 Live and NXT.

There will be league updates over on our twitter, especially about bonus points, so make sure your following @SLTDLeauge to be kept up to date with everything and any questions or queries can be directed here too!

Ranking Faction Name Points
1 Day Of Phenomon 204
2 Greatness personified 192
3 Glorified Jobbers 184
4 Stugotz Army 176
Nottingham Nutters 176
5 The stars of destiny 172
6 Ryan’s Reign 170
7 JWO 168
8 No More Shield 166
9 Outlaws Society 164
High Society 164
The Creatine Dream 164
10 New Titans 162
The Rowdy Rebellion 162
11 Put Us Over ! 160
12 NXT4Life 158
13 The Lunatics 156
14 Stryker Likers 154
15 The Drifters 152
16 No Chants In Hell 148
17 The Demise 146
18 Black Thunder 144
19 Beauty BOIS 142
Superior Bunnies 142
20 The Hexagon 140
21 The Dominion 138
22 AlanUtion 136
23 TownNation 133
24 LowKeyBigHog 132
25 Wrestle Chicas 130
26 Reign of Terror 128
#JokersWILD 128
Foxy’s United 128
Creeper Cult UK 128
RaeVolution 128
27 Twisted Blissfits 126
Pyschotic six 126
The Resistance 126
28 Evilution 124
29 DDTNation 118
Five Star Generals 118
Whiz Kings 118
30 kornunitedfc 116
Three Second Tan 116
31 The Submissionists 114
Jackies league 114
32 The Best Pro Wrestling Podcast Co Host Squad V2.0 112
33 Best for business 110
34 The Libyan Lions 108
35 Ultimate Destruction 106
Triple threat 106
36 The Phenomenal Team 104
The Granted 104
37 Gods of Canvas 102
38 The NXT Originals 98
Jack’s Pack (I tried) 98
Outlaws 98
39 Team Hattersley 96
40 Demise if Austin Nehls 86
41 UndisPuted Ra 84
Dynamite Dynasty 84
42 Havoc 82
The Top 1% 82
43 Catering Cohorts 78
Black Tape Theory 78
44 Very Disputed Future 74
45 The Rope Runner 68
Disonourable 68
Elite Evolution 68
46 Serpents Inc. 64
The Expendable Youth 64
47 The Eighlite 62
48 Too Hot For Your Mom 60
Evitaerc Eb 60
Siviters champions 60
49 Wicked Possession 56
The Overlooked 56
Degeneration Pecs 56
Exeter gently 56
Team Hell Yes 56
50 The Fearless Club 54
The Expendable Youth 54
Shameless Squad 54
51 Future Smash 52
Undisputed Heels 52
Protection of the yard 52
The Styles Clashers 52
Mat Lives Matter 52
52 Lad Perfect 50
Deadly Alliance 50
Crackin’ Skulls 50
Straight Edge 50
The Renegades 50
53 True Buds 48
The World Heavyweight Podcast 48
Mean Mat Mercer 48
The suicide solution 48
The Rumble Royals 48
54 PineappleBelongsOnPizza 46
Team Shields 46
55 SugarDiamonds 42
Reapers of Blodd 42
56 The New Havens 40
Six Degrees of Destruction 40
The undisputed team 40
Rangers 40
57 Kaypizzle 38
58 RomanForHallOfFame 36
Destroyers 3 36
59 Insane Rainmasters 34
Old hogan 34
60 Strong Style United 32
61 Zachary Whitaker 30
62 CDogg’s Pack 24
Kings Reign 24
63 The F. O. T. B. 18
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