#SLTDFantasyLeague VII: The Results – Week Nineteen (@SLTDLeague)

Welcome one and all to the nineteenthweek of results for the all-new SLTD Fantasy League – Season Seven. 

We want to say a huge thank you and welcome to everyone who has joined our Fantasy League for the new season! It was so nice to see so many of you returning as well as some new faces joining us this season! Make sure to tell your friends about us as beating strangers is great but beating your friends is even better! 

Below are the points that have been earned for last week for each superstar, these have been taken from Elimination Chamber, RAW, Smackdown, NXT, NXT UK & 205 Live

There will be league updates over on our twitter, especially about bonus points, so make sure you’re following @SLTDLeague to be kept up to date with everything and any questions or queries can be directed here too!

1Foxys United406
2Psycho six386
3the Full Sail elite382
5Twisted Blissfits342
6Catering Cohorts330
7The Chosen Ones306
8The Pride298
94 Easy Payments of $14.99284
10The Divine Union274
10The Dominion274
11La Dinastía272
11The Armbars Of The Galaxy272
12The Wrestle Chica’s266
13Creeper Cult UK258
14The Hexagon256
16Booking Dot Yeah242
17Glorified Jobbers232
18Carter’s legends217
20Rae-gal Legacy204
22Broken But Glorious166
23Sue’s Warriors!136
24Return of the Destroyers130
25The Wandering Loners122
25Jules friends of wonderful politics122
27Imperial Junkies118
28Phenomenal Heels116
29Vince’s Angels114
30Burn  it Down104
32The Band of Lass Kickers100
33The Fantasy Files92
34High Society84
35The Phenomenon82
36The Resistance74
36The Lennards74
36The Fallen Rise74
36Inhuman Monsters74
38The Undisputed Eraser56
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