#SLTDPredicts – Women’s Elimination Chamber Match ( @SLTD_Wrestling )

Once again Team SLTD have gotten together to give our thoughts on who we think will come out victorious at the first ever Women’s Elimination Chamber Match this Sunday and be the RAW Women’s Champion! Will the champion Alexa Bliss be able to beat the odd’s or will Sasha Banks, Bayley, Mickie James, Sonya Deville or Mandy Rose become the new champion?

We all give our thoughts below, let us know in the comments below who you think will win!

@kieranthekiz (UKayfabe)
So we have Alexa Bliss defending against Bayley, Sasha Banks, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose and Mickie James. This is a tricky one, on the one hand I want to see a new champion crowned to make things interesting, whereas I also think Bliss against Asuka is the big payoff that’s been building for quite some time at WrestleMania.
I don’t know why, but I feel like WWE haven’t booked Alexa in anything meaningful in quite some time, I’m unsure as to how many matches she’s actually had on Raw over the last couple of months, but it can’t be many.
I very much doubt either Mandy Rose, Sonya Deville or Mickie James are going to win this match, not down to talent, just down to it would make no sense going forward. Bayley would be a good champion, but it’d be no fun to watch WWE ‘throw her to the lions’ against Asuka at WrestleMania.
I’d very much love to see Sasha Banks defend the title against Asuka, especially after how good their match on Raw was a few weeks ago.
I would HATE for Sasha to win the title only to lose it a few weeks later at WrestleMania 34, especially after her former ‘reigns’ with the title being so lacklustre. Banks deserves a lengthy title run, and one that would be worthwhile. Bliss to retain, and go on to defend against Asuka.

@callumowen98 (Facebook Manager)
Here we go again, another first time ever match for the Women’s division, and look yes it’s great that the women in WWE are getting all these historical moments, but why not space them out a bit, in the last 8 months we’ve seen two Women’s Money In The Bank matches, a Royal Rumble and now an Elimination Chamber, and the field for this Sunday’s Title match is weak. What have Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville done to deserve a title shot, where if they win, there not just Raw Women’s Champion, but they also go into WrestleMania as champion. Banks and Bayley both have had a lacklustre 12 months, and personally I see neither of them on the WrestleMania card. Mickie James is the veteran in this match, and hopefully her experience will help to carry Deville and Rose through their biggest match of their life. What more can be said about Alexa Bliss, she’s the best female competitor in WWE right now, and I think it’s a given that she wins on Sunday and moves onto face Nia Jax at WrestleMania.

@BigMatchSully (Monster Match Sully )
This one is tougher to figure out. It really comes down to what the WWE does with Asuka. If Asuka decides to challenge for the RAW Women’s title, then I think Alexa Bliss will escape from the chamber as the victor. This is as Bliss is the best female heel WWE has on RAW and will help get Asuka over for a big pop at Mania.

If she challenges for the SmackDown title, then it’s a toss-up. To me, it comes down to either Sasha, who will put on the best match at Mania. Or It will be Nia Jax, who will force her way into the Chamber after she loses to Asuka and faces Bliss for the title. This, on the other hand, would be the best story to tell, as they’ve been building this story for the past year.

@TittyFroster (It’s Wrestling
The first ever women’s Elimination Chamber is huge. It always worries me when WWE puts women in these types of matches. I remember being nervous the entire time for the first women’s HIAC match. I have 3 choices for this match. Bayley, Mickie James, and Alexa Bliss. I’m favouring Alexa strongly as I think she and Asuka would make a hell of a WrestleMania match. I predict that the first be eliminated will be Mandy Rose. She’s just not quite ready to champ in my opinion. Second to be eliminated will be Sonya Seville, as I feel the same about her. Nonetheless I think match will be fantastic.

@Chica_SLTD (Wrestle Chica)
So once again WWE are changing with the times and recognising the amazing talent in the women’s division to have the first ever Elimination Chamber match for the RAW Women’s Championship. I’ll be honest with Asuka being on RAW I am a little bit sad that this PPV isn’t on SmackDown as this would have been a good way for their to be a number one contender decided for the SmackDown Women’s Championship with Ronda Rousey being on RAW however it’s not and we now have an interesting Women’s title match. For me this match is going to be about three people and that will be Banks, Bayley and Bliss as I think they are he only ones who at the minute can be the champ. It’s far too early for Sonya Deville or Mandy Rose to win this and honestly I don’t really understand why Mickie James is in the match when Nia Jax would have been a lot better in it. Bliss is one of the best champs I’ve seen and that’s including the men! She carry’s the title like she could and acts like she runs the place like a champion should and doesn’t bitch and whine like some other champions! It’s because of this that I want to see Alexa Bliss walk out still the champion and hopefully some way Nia Jax will be added to the championship match at WrestleMania and we can see her walking out the champion then too!

@Tybo_SLTD (Tybo Talks)
I am in no way against there being a Women’s Elimination Chamber match but as always this just feeling like another gut reaction to ‘women are equal to men’. Just like the Royal Rumble, I don’t think it is needed. I think if there was a heated rivalry and all six women involved had a legitimated path to the Women’s Championship this could have been amazing, but then the same could be said for the Men’s Chamber match. Basically I think matches like this should be more organic. As for the actual match, I can’t see anyone except Bliss walking out still Women’s Champion, and she 100% deserves it. I can see the beginnings of Sasha Banks vs Bayley at WrestleMania happening in the Chamber too.

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