State of the United States Championship Address


Welcome to … Roy … Is … Wrestling!! My name is Roy Hudson, the “Best in the World”, a Paul Heyman guy, and most importantly, one of the newest writers for SLTD Wrestling! This is the State of Wrestling Address, brought to you by Roy Hudson. In this week’s edition, I’ll be discussing the United States Championship. Introductions aside, let’s get into the wrestling.

The United States Championship has been a mid-card staple throughout wrestling history that represents prestige and honour in the mid-card. Unlike the Intercontinental Championship, the U.S. Championship is currently not being treated like dirt. The title is in the hands of a skilled wrestler with great charisma and a well-defined character in the form of Dean Ambrose, who won the championship from Kofi Kingston. As a member of the popular breakout trio The Shield, Ambrose brings a fair amount of legitimacy to the U.S. Championship that it’s lacked for a number of years. However, a strong champion isn’t the only component to a strong championship.

The United States Championship is an undertone for Dean Ambrose because of his prominence as a member of The Shield. The Shield are currently involved in the main-event storyline involving the corporation and the McMahon/Helmsley regime. While this is great for the young upstarts in the trio, the U.S. Championship is not getting the presentation it deserves as a result of the feud focusing on the group as a whole. A couple of the main problems with the title currently are that it’s not defended enough and it’s lacked a legitimate feud.


Although the shadows of the main-event feud are currently being cast over the title, I can see a bright title picture on the horizon. I believe The Shield will disband following the corporation storyline, leading to  a singles run with Dean Ambrose as a dominant heel U.S. Champion. Hopefully, this will lead to a meaningful feud that can be used to develop some young faces to chase the title being held by Ambrose. Dean Ambrose is fantastic at conducting himself with a heel persona and would be very effective a a singles competitor. In an ideal world, I’d like to see Ambrose defending the title against veterans because of his earlier promotion of the youth movement in WWE. Once he puts several veterans aside, a young star could shine through it all and defeat Ambrose for the title, making the whole title picture seem special again.

Thanks for reading everybody. Check me out on Twitter @pwfaninsight, and voice your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. This has been Roy Hudson’s State of Wrestling Address.

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