#stoughe – This Week on the Internet February 5th (@stoughe)

Welcome back to the Artisan’s Digital Corner. It has been a quiet week for the most part, mostly due to the fact that the Impact/Wrestlepro show did not stream live, but there are still some interesting things to check out. here is the past week on the internet.

The NWA Youtube account continues to put out content. This week thay have posed the question whether or not Tim Storm is going to retire after the loss of his title, but they have also started a new segment titled, The Aldiss Crusade. The NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldiss details his plans for defending the title and that sounds quite interesting since it looks as if he going all around the world to do so.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TtyutrL-7bk[/embedyt]

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iO6BvHC38Y[/embedyt]



On the Art of Wrestling, Colt Cabana is still going through the archive to bring us content from his past. This week he reruns the episode where he talks to Johnny Gargano, which is interesting in the shadow of Johnny Wrestling’s 5 star match from Takeover. This is a good look into a time where Gargano was not signed by WWE and there is a lot, especially his relation to the DragonGate talent.

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/392784411″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

At the same time one might want to listen to a more recent Gargano interview, since he was on the E & C Pod of Awesomeness.


On Soundcloud Scott D’Amore talked about his future plans for Impact and the wrestlers involved.


This week’s episode of Xplosion on the Global Wrestling Network showcased Kiyomiya once again, this time against the monster Kongo Kong, with Jimmy Jacobs. More interesting is the fact that GWN has launched a part called Future Stars of Wrestling. It features early matches with guys like Timothy Thatcher, Jeff Cobb and a stellar match between Ricochet and Austin Aries.





WWNLive streamed Full Impact Pro’s Everything Burns this Saturday, just as they closed their special offer of a free month when subscribing to the service. It is foolish not think that the WWNLive library would be worth the price, but when there is so much else out there one may well ask if the streaming service will last in the long run.





All Japan also announced this week that they were launching their own streaming service. It will cost 900 Yen a month which is around $8 or €6.50.

That is what went down last week on the internet. If you have any tips or recommendations that we need to keep an eye open for next week, send a tweet @stoughe. Stay save until next week.

-The Artisan


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