SummerSlam: By The Numbers – Courtesy of @JoinTheRukkus

Welcome one and all, today we have something a little bit different for you.

Our good friends over at have gotten Jake Sharpless, who is equal parts obsessed with wrestling as he is with numbers, (follow him here @RukkusJake) to use his awesome knowledge of both numbers and wrestling to create a ‘SummerSlam Infographic’.

What is a Summer Slam Infographic I hear you ask? It’s SummerSlam by the numbers of course!

Before we get to that, We at SLTD want to give a shout out to @JoinTheRukkus for letting us use Jake’s work. is a pretty cool site that sells tickets but with a greater emphasis on customer service and artist discovery. Their blog is meant to provide engaging Sports/Music/Theatre related content. So make sure to give them a follow on Twitter, and check out their website.

“The stage has been set and SummerSlam is finally upon us. With the event returning to the east coast for the first time since 2007, we decided to take a step back and look at the history of SummerSlam. Breaking down all 10 of the belts that have been at stake over 27 years, we found that there have been 96 total title matches and 39 title changes. The WWE Championship has been at stake annually since 1992 and has changed hands only 8 times (30.7% of the time), including two Money In The Bank cash-ins in 2011 and 2013. The Intercontinental Title, on the other hand, has changed hands a whopping 71% of the time (15 out of 21 matches) including a run from 1988-2002 that it changed hands every year it was at stake at SummerSlam with the exception of 1993. In total 245 wrestlers have clashed in 242 matches, fighting in 35 different match types throughout the years. Below, we break down some of the favorites and took a look at the evolutions of SummerSlam as we head into Sunday.”

SummerSlam 2015

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