Survivor Series 2014 – Rebooked?

Hello, it’s me TWB, The Wrestling Brain is here on a Sunday!  As it’s Survivor Series week, I thought I would try and do some sort of Survivor Series week myself, by writing 3 articles in 4 days, so today I’m going to take a trip down memory lane and revisit last year’s Survivor Series and try to re book the main event.

Personally I thought Survivor Series 2014, was a good PPV however I feel the finish could have been a bit better and therefore I’m going to re book the whole main event of Survivor Series. So let’s go back to 23rd November 2014, and the main event was a traditional 5 on 5 elimination tag team, between team Authority and team Cena. If team Authority lost The Authority were out of power, whereas if team Cena lost all members, aside from Cena, would be fired. Team Authority were; Mark Henry, Seth Rollins, Kane, Rusev and Luke Harper whereas the line up on team Cena was; John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Erick Rowan, The Big Show and Ryback. Now firstly team Authority should have had Triple H on the team, as he is The Authority, so it’s bye bye to Henry and hello to Triple H. Erick Rowan being on team Cena didn’t do a great deal, so I would replace Erick Rowan with Cesaro. So the teams would be different and for the better, however the Authority should always have the numbers game, so Big Show and Ryback would be eliminated early in the proceedings. Then Rusev gets eliminated completely the same way as he did last year, as it would keep his undefeated streak intact.

So it’s 4 on 3 and Harper is the next to go, so it comes down to Cesaro, Cena and Ziggler vs Triple H, Kane and Rollins, then Cesaro gets eliminated as WWE always seem to like to tease a Cesaro push but they never do one. Cena hits an AA, to eliminate Kane then we have Cena and Dolph who were the two guys that The Authority kept on targeting, against Rollins who was the self proclaimed  future of the WWE at that time and Triple H who is the leader of The Authority. This makes the most sense for the whole storyline, I’d then have Cena eliminated following a Curb Stomp by Rollins then we have a 2 on 1 situation and The Authority have the numbers game, until Rollins gets eliminated by Dolph and it comes down to Ziggler vs Triple H (just allow me to fantasise for a while). So Triple H hits a Pedigree onto Dolph for a 1, 2… Kick out , this is where Triple H loses it and attacks the ref and calls out for Scott Armstrong, but Armstrong doesn’t appear this where you hear the Crow sound, and Sting appears. Triple H and Sting look at each other, however Sting stays on the ramp and simply points his baseball bat at Triple H and from behind Ziggler hits a Zig Zag onto Triple H, enter the original referee, he counts 1,2,3.

Team Cena wins and Sting debuts, but most importantly Dolph wasn’t laying in the ring for about 5 minutes, whilst Triple H and Sting pranced around the ring looking at each other. Also the mystery around Sting stays instead of him announcing his intentions, by attacking Triple H instantly, he is not seen on TV for some time. Ziggler meanwhile gets a push instead of being “fired” and he draws number one in the Royal Rumble and lasts throughout the whole of the match until Triple H returns and eliminates Dolph from the match. Meanwhile we see Cena vs Brock at Royal Rumble, even though the triple threat match including Rollins was sensational we don’t have it. However Seth draws number 2 in the rumble, as he and Dolph survive throughout the whole match until Dolph is eliminated, Seth still doesn’t win as Reigns eliminates him last in the match.

So then we have the build up to Fastlane and Wrestlemania, Dolph is constantly attacked by Triple H and Seth Rollins, until Dolph pleads to John Cena to bring back The Authority. Cena does so, but is attacked by his Fastlane and Wrestlemania opponent Rusev. At Fastlane it is announced it will be Rollins and Triple H vs Ziggler, as it was for some of the match at Survivor Series. Again another screwy finish leads to a brutal beat down on Dolph by The Authority, then you hear the Crow sound again and the lights flicker and Sting appears in the ring, with his baseball bat, he looks at Seth and Triple H and hits Triple H with the baseball bat. Dolph gets back up on his feet and smacks Seth with a Superkick and Dolph and Sting leave the ring and as Triple H and Seth get up, Sting and Dolph point to the Wrestlemania sign, and it is official Dolph Ziggler and Sting vs Triple H and Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania.

Personally I don’t know what would happen in that match, however I feel it should of been a tag team match, for two reasons. First this was Sting’s first match in some time, and second neither Triple H or Sting needed a singles match against each other to protect their legacy as they are both legends in my mind and will go down in the Hall Of Fame. Dolph desperately needed a push and hey it’s something different and unexpected which no one would of seen coming. So as I reach the 900 words count on my first article of 3 in 4 days, The Wrestling Brain has booked Survivor Series 2014 and its aftermath. Tell me what you made of my bookings via Facebook, Twitter or simply comment underneath the article.

Thanks for reading and join me again tomorrow!

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