SWE Spotlight: In Profile – SLTD Wrestling Meets Debbie


For the last year or more, I’ve spent a bit of time getting to know the wrestlers and performers of my local promotion, Scottish Wrestling Entertainment (SWE). In fact, I did a series of interviews towards the end of 2012 called the SWE Spotlight (which you can check out here) with a lot of the roster. I’m planning to catch up with a lot of the previous interviewees before the end of the year.

Today, the SWE Spotlight is back, and it’s shining on someone I’ve never interviewed before. She’s one of the newest, and youngest, additions to SWE’s thriving women’s division, Debbie. I’d heard a lot about her over the last few months, but I’d never actually seen her until I went to Hell for Lycra (SWE’s biggest show of the year) in August. Debbie was refereeing the Lumberjill Match that night and as soon as I saw her, I realised why people were saying good things about her.

But that’s enough from me. This interview is about Debbie and seeing what she has to say about her influences, training and the goals she’s got for her wrestling career. Let’s get to it!

When did you decide that you wanted to be a wrestler?

I decided I wanted to be a wrestler when I was 12, although, I kept that quiet. I didn’t want anyone to know! It was hard enough trying to fit in at school, could you imagine if people knew I wanted to be a wrestler?!

Tell us a little bit about how you got started in wrestling and who your influences were when you started watching it?

I was always a fan of wrestling, but I really got into it when my Mum and Dad bought tickets to the Survivor Series tour in Glasgow because my sister wanted to go. As a young kid, my main influences were The Undertaker and Stone Cold Steve Austin. Once I really got into wrestling, Jeff and Matt Hardy were the biggest influences. I’ll leave the high flying moves to them though!

You’re training down at the SWE training school. What made you decide to train there ahead of the other schools in Scotland?

I decided to train there because my cousin trained there. Location was a big factor too. I also train in Glasgow with Damian O’Connor at the source wrestling school. I’ve attended wrestling seminars with Robbie Brookside too.

What was it like when you took your first bump in the ring, and did it change your mindset at all?

Taking my first bump was scary. Your natural reaction is to stop yourself. I wasn’t given any special treatment. Sammii Jayne made someone go on all fours behind me and she pushed me backwards over them. I think she really enjoyed doing it too! Bumping gets easier with practice. It didn’t change my mind set at all. I knew starting wrestling there would be aches and pains, but it is totally worth it.

How would you describe your style?

I’m not too sure how I would describe my style. Ideally, I would like to be an all-round wrestler and I will continue to work hard at achieving that.

debbie4Over the last few months, you’ve been doing a fair bit of refereeing at SWE shows across Tayside. What’s it like to be in there as a ref and how different is it to being one of the competitors?

I loved being a referee. It’s a breeze compared to being a competitor. Plus the outfit was cute!

The first time I saw you was at Hell for Lycra when you were refereeing the Lumberjill Match between Bete Noire and Viper. What was it like to be involved at a show like that?

It is an amazing buzz being part of such a huge event. It will be an even bigger buzz wrestling a show like that.

When you’re at these kind of one-off, special shows (like the DDP show, Hell for Lycra etc), do you get a chance to pick the brains of these legends, and what advice (if any) do they give you?

I don’t really see them. They’re busy doing their thing and I’m doing my thing. They are all very nice though.

debbie2You had one of your first matches against Sammii Jayne a couple of weeks ago. What were your feelings heading into that match, and how did you think it went?

I was really nervous, but once I got out there, the nerves went. I think for a debut match it went well and a lot of thanks go to Sammii for that match.

What’s the one thing that frustrates you about the business?

I get really frustrated about people backstabbing and trying to compete against you. Everyone learns and adapts at a different pace. Everyone has their own strengths, weaknesses and abilities. People should support one another. I’m always grateful for the help and support I get, so I will always pass the kindness on to others.

Another thing that really frustrates me is the disrespect women get in wrestling. There is always something disrespectful being said about females in this industry. Not every male in wrestling is disrespectful and I always have the most respect for the males that support female wrestling and female wrestlers. They realise how hard we train and the passion we have for the business. 

There are lots of good, strong wrestling companies in the UK right now. What do you put that down to?

I put that down to people’s passion and love for wrestling. It is also down to hard work.

Over the next 12 months, who do you want to have wrestled in the ring with?

There are so many great female talents in Scotland at the moment and I would love a chance to wrestle them all.

debbie5If we were to catch up again this time next year, what do you want to have achieved?

I would like to achieve a whole lot in a year. Ideally I want to improve my technical wrestling and to be able to put on show stealing matches… I have a long way to go though!

Let’s pretend for a second that the WWE were to call you and offer you match at WrestleMania against any wrestler in the world, from the recent past or present. Who would you want to face on that stage and why?

I would choose to wrestle Mae Young, purely because I love her!

Is there a way for the fans to get in touch with you on Facebook/Twitter?

Yes, fans can get in touch on Twitter @DebbieSharp19

And there we have it. You’ve just heard from the newest addition to SWE’s women’s roster. I’ve not had the chance to see Debbie in action yet, but hopefully I’ll get to another show by the end of 2013. She looks phenomenal when you see her, and she’s got star quality. And hopefully, this interview has given you just a little insight into who Debbie really is and what her goals are for the next 12 months!

She was a complete pleasure to deal with and really generous with her time, considering what her schedule has been, and is, like at the moment! I’m just glad she had a wee bit of spare time to sit down and speak to us.

Talking of SWE and their shows, they have a MASSIVE weekend ahead of them.

They have 2 shows this weekend (18th – 20th October). First off, they present “High Voltage” from Kirkton in Dundee on Friday 18th October. Matches announced for the show include:

  • Claymore and SWE Champion Damian O’Connor vs “Tenacious” Johnny Lyons & “All Night” Ian Ambrose
  • Chaz Phoenix vs LJT in a Falls Count Anywhere match
  • Debbie goes 1-on-1 with the dominant Viper
  • Martyn Stallyon looks to regain his Future Division Championship against Jason Costello

There’ll no doubt be more matches announced as the show gets closer.

And then, on Sunday night from the Bonar Hall in Dundee, SWE are proud to bring you their “Hart & Soul” show, featuring the multi-time World Champion, WWE Hall of Famer, Bret “The Hitman” Hart! Yes. Bret Hart will be in Dundee this Sunday! You DO NOT want to miss this!

Do yourselves a favour and get along to both of those shows. The guys and girls are terrific entertainers, and they’re amazing at what they do. Everyone works really hard to put on the best show they can and who knows, there may even be a surprise or two! You’ll never know if you don’t go!

Doors open at 6:45pm at both venues on Friday and Sunday. For more information on the shows, the cards or to get tickets, go to www.sweonline.co.uk, www.facebook.com/sweonline or follow them on Twitter @SWE_online.

Thanks once again to Debbie for taking the time to speak to us. We really appreciate it and we’ll hopefully catch up with her again soon! If you’ve got any comments, feel free to leave them below.

[Images used in this article courtesy of www.facebook.com/SWEonline and @mrdavidjwilson]

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SLTD Wrestling's resident Scottish Nightmare. Some of my content may not be suitable for younger readers or those who are easily offended!

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