Tag: Dean Ambrose

Raw Revisited 14th July: The Sting Of Disappointment

Disappointment, it’s a word / emotion that WWE evokes in us far too often. Whether it be the booking decisions, the pushing / burying of certain superstars or in this case, the teasing of an iconic superstar without that superstar showing up. They dangle the carrot, we get hungry, and then they yank it away …

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Raw Revisited 07th July: You Broke My Sandhart!

Is it just me or is Raw putting so much more emphasis on the “wrestling” recently. There have been a lot less silly backstage segments, and matches (that don’t feature awful divas that cant wrestle) are being given a lot longer to go on. Look at Orton vs Ambrose. That match (given the result) would …

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Under the Spotlight – Life After Seth

Hello…? … Is this thing on? Welcome back to ‘Under the Spotlight’, everybody! It’s been a while, just over a month to be specific, but we’re back in business and things shall remain this way at least until the end of the summer. While I was out living life and gallivanting around mainland Europe for …

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Predictions League Update – Money in the Bank 2014 Results

Welcome one, welcome all to the latest update of our Predictions League following Money in the Bank 2014, which is sponsored by the good people over at Ringside World. As well as sponsoring the league, Ringside World have also provided a prize for you to win, as have Wrestling Manager, American Soda and the fine …

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But If You Try Sometimes

For the first time in a very long time, I watched a PPV live this week. WWE Money in The Bank this year was, for me anyway, a must see for one reason. We had a couple of matches where predicting the winner was always going to be pretty tough, and that uncertainty is what …

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Predictions League – Money in the Bank 2014

Welcome along to the latest round of our Predictions League for the 2014-15 season. We did a re-launch of sorts last year, but the game is still the one you all know and love. We post the match card of every WWE PPV throughout the year and let you guys tell us who you think …

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Raw Revisited 23rd June: The Bo Home Show

Not much to say about Raw this week, it wasn’t much for the most part, with a few bright spots as always. Lets get down to it.. Vickie Guererro: The Ultimate Trooper! People have hated Vickie Guerrero (in kayfabe, for the most part) since she became the screamy “Excuse me” person she did all those …

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Raw Revisited 16th June: The Future Is Here…Almost

Man, the opening two matches really set the bar high this week didn’t they?   Horrible Bosses Stephanie and Triple H will definitely go down as two of the worst bosses in the history of the workplace. However this week, it was a lot more tame than usual. They basically brought them out to tell …

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Raw Revisited 09th June:

Ugh. That’s all I can say about most of this show. I’m getting tired of Raw and tired of things happening to people that I love. Make it stop! Now that that suitably dramatic part is out of the way, this will be a quick recap with a lot of segments being skipped because of …

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Raw Revisited 02nd June: Damn Architects!

So, that happened eh? Of all the swerves in all the stories, I think this was the most likely one to shock people as no-one anticipated it. Everyone assumed Dean Ambrose would be the one to turn on his buddies because a) they heavily implied it months ago and b) he’s the “lunatic fridge” (yes …

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WWE Payback 2014 PPV Report

Tonight is Payback! Yay! The buildup to this match has been so great, with champions losing, Daniel Bryan getting injured, a bunch of ineffective brawls and just an overall lack of interest stemming from all Raws leading to this event, I’m so dang hyped for this broadcast! And of course, to start things off, we …

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AOB’s WWE Payback Predictions

It’s me! It’s me! It’s AOB! Hello, everyone! Welcome to my final article before I take some much-needed time off from SLTD Wrestling to sort out some personal stuff and take a trip around Europe. I will be back on the first Sunday in July, but until then, my predictions for this Sunday’s WWE Payback …

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