Tag: Dean Ambrose

RAW Roundup: March 14th 2016

WWE RAW was a show chuck full of the preceding storylines; with fallout from Roadblock this past Saturday. The Roadblock abbreviated results contain victories from: Triple H over Dean Ambrose. Charlotte remained victorious in a Divas title defense over Natalya. The New Day representatives Kofi and Big E retained their tag team titles. The New …

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TSWP 56 | Roman Reigns Is Not Over

Ryan Davis talks about his thoughts on the ending of WWE Roadblock, why Roman Reigns isn’t over and Dean Ambrose is, and how delusional and out of touch Vince McMahon really is. Follow Ryan Davis on Twitter: @RyanDavisSpeaks TSWP on TuneIn Radio | TSWP on Stitcher Radio | TSWP on iTunes | TSWP on YouTube [mixcloud …

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WWE Roadblock 2016

WWE Roadblock is a three-hour airing that appears tonight; Saturday March 12th and exclusively on the WWE Network. Ironically, for five matches, the statement has been made that it will be for three hours. For five matches; how long will these matches be? Will it be sandwiched in between filler; and will there be a …

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RAW Roundup: March 7th 2016

Monday Night RAW presented a show with developments and foreshadowing to both Roadblock and Wrestlemania. The most prominent stories again catered to the main-event players (Save for one mid-card story development). We open the show with a rousing appearance of Shane McMahon who is more than gung-ho and ready for Mania. The second and other …

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RAW Roundup: February 29th 2016

Tonights RAW had presidence to the upcoming mini-PPV leading up to Wrestlemania. This episode of RAW previewed the main events for Roadblock. The big two-do matches will pit Sheamus versus Roman Reigns; and in a WWE title match; Triple H versus Dean Ambrose. The Undertaker was the featured guest who appeared in an in-ring segment …

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RAW Rasslin Roundup: February 22

Tonight’s episode featured the surprising return of Shane McMahon to the biggest ovation thus far in 2016. The dynamic played out with family tension with a underlying of some “trump” cards (Sorry Donald) of what Shane may have up his sleeve to reclaim his proverbial throne. Shane usurped the spotlight from his sister Stephanie who …

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WWE Fastlane 2016

Tonight is a stacked and action-packed card and will be the best “lead-in” PPV prior to Wrestlemania. This photo of Styles-Jericho is going to be the one that everyone will remember most and pop for. This will be the one that makes its mark on the PPV, and most exciting, most looked-forward to bout (not …

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Smackdown 101

Welcome back to another Rasslin Roundup edition of two Smackdown episodes. This article will feature and analyze the February 11th and 18th episodes of the show. On February 11th, we saw Styles-Jericho round two, and tonight at Fastlane is the rubber match with these two superstars. Jericho opened up this episode of the show and …

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Fastlane to Wrestlemania, Simple Booking

I have deduced over the last few weeks that WWE really have lost the plot, okay I knew that already but especially since the Royal Rumble WWE really don’t listen to their audience. If you’ve watched WWE over the last 6 months you’ll realise that Dean Ambrose is the most over man on the roster, …

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Team SLTD – Who Will Walk Out of Fastlane Number One Contender?

Hello one and all. We at SLTD Wrestling have got together once again, this time we are talking about who we think will walk out of WWE Fastlane the number one contender and will go on to ‘The Grandest Stage of Them All’ Wrestlemania to face the WWE Champion Triple H. Our thoughts are below, …

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SLTD Predictions League – Fastlane

The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!! (The SLTD Predictions League points are not connected to the SLTD Fantasy League points) This may be the Forth Season of SLTD Predictions League, but the game is the same as always. It’s still the one you all know and love. For those of you who’ve never …

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RAW Round-up

The final WWE RAW before Fastlane aired last night, Monday February 15th 2016. Let us take a look back at the preview and what led up to the upcoming encounters. Fastlane is Sunday January 21st 2016. The big main event that evening is the triple threat match pitting Lesnar versus Reigns and Ambrose. The winner …

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