Tag: Dean Ambrose

Rasslin Roundup: Raw “Resurgence”

Tonights RAW is to follow up on the TLC PPV, and did not disappoint. We have some major developments and “fall out” from the PPV. We also have great arcs to storylines, and to follow up from last night’s segments and action. What will happen regarding Roman Reigns and his uncharacteristic upheavals of Sheamus and …

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TLC: Owens Vs. Ambrose – Intercontinental Title

This evening two of WWE’s premier talents face off for the Intercontinental Championship, for Kevin Owens this presents him with his first real test since his Spring feud with John Cena. Dean Ambrose on the other hand needs some success, once more another year has passed and he still hasn’t really made his mark on …

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Who’s Next Up To Step Up

Dear SLTD Readers, TLC is this Sunday live on the WWE Network, don’t forget to tune in because SLTD has a new fantasy league starting January 2016 and a lot of movement and title changes may take place from now until then. I was having a debate with a buddy of mine regarding the WWE …

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Rasslin Roundup: RAW Revival

RAW on December 7th 2015 was memorable and an improvement once again. Tonight we had some surprise elements via the return of the ECW nostalgia and alumni of Rhyno. On the flip side and in playing devil’s advocate, ECW is the prop that is used for a ratings plug, and because two weeks ago- RAW …

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Rasslin Round-up: Smackdown Showcase

WWE Smackdown December 3rd 2015 provided another episode of Smackdown, as they are set to air live and on USA by the start of the New Year. Let’s take a look back at last night’s episode and analyze further. Unless it is pre-empted, the crowd reactions were more boisterous, more vociferous towards Rusev and Sheamus …

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Rasslin RAW “Revival”

RAW’s Rasslin “REVIVAL” The November 30th episode finally had some intrigue to the show. However, the ending and last segment remains the same. The villains prosper over the baby-face do-gooders, and still there is no real “hook” to entice fans to watch next week. Despite this hiccup, there are improvements. The initial bland feud between …

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Rasslin Round-up: “Thanksgiving Throw-down”

“Thanksgiving Throw-down”: WWE Smackdown 11/26/15 This show tonight exuded entertainment, and in light of the holiday; it was predicable to see some sort of a turkey/holiday segment to pep up the crowd. And in being nitpicky, the Gobble Gooker was an old rehash of an earlier Survivor Series. It was a different time then, geared …

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What’s #BestforSurvivorSeries

As much as we all had our favorites in the WWE title tournament we knew who would actually get through to the finals this Sunday. The No 1 guy in the WWE right now is Roman Reigns, since his defeat at Wrestlemania he has done more than anyone to deserve the opportunity to hold the …

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WWE Survivor Series – Preictions

Hello it’s me TWB. The Wrestling Brain is here for the second day running, and much like my previous predictions articles I will run through the card, give my opinions on each match and then predict who I think will win. So let’s get going, as The Wrestling Brain predicts Survivor Series 2015. Tyler Breeze vs …

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SLTD Predictions League – Survivor Series

Welcome to SLTD Wrestling’s Predictions League – Round Seven – Survivor Series! Don’t worry if you haven’t played before all the points roll over so if you pick right you can still win. The world-famous SLTD PPV Predictions League is BACK!!! We might have re-launched the league, but the game is the same as always. It’s …

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Memories from the Cell

With WWE’s annual PPV Hell In A Cell this Sunday, nostalgia is in the air, from Badd Blood 1997, No Way Out 2000 and Wrestlemania 28, the cell has either defined careers or ended them. From it’s inception the Cell was seen as the ultimate end to a feud, the climax between two behemoths who …

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Who is WWE’s superstar of the year?

Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Wrestling Brain. I hope everyone has had a good week, unfortunately I haven’t I have been struggling with the flu, however I promise that there will be a Wrestling Brain article every Monday. So whether this your first ever Wrestling Brain article you’ve read or not, …

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