#WrestlingGuildPodcast Welcome to KMpact (@stoughe)

In this latest edition of The Wrestling Guild, Chris and Nick review Impact from June 21st 2018. Talk about the continuous fall of Eddie Edwards, the return of Konnan and Eli Drake signing a new deal. Find us: sltdwrestling.com, Stitcher, Soundcloud and youtube. Follow us: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @stoughe Music by Lensko

#WrestlingGuildPodcast That Was Scary, Man. (@stoughe)

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxWO2WtZaAM[/embedyt] In this new edition of The Wrestling Guild, Nick and Chris review and discuss Impact from June 14th. They talk about how Nick was scared twice during the show, where Eddie and Tommy are going and the new feuds developing in the show.

#BestProWrestlingPodcast 135 – Constable Corbin, Super Juniors & Wrestlepalooza! (@BPWPodcast)

  LISTEN to the PODCAST here This week Tommy, Taco & Joe are back talking about Wrestlepalooza at First Ave in Minneapolis last weekend, Best of the Super Juniors, Constable Corbin, CM Punk and more! BestProWrestlingPodcast.com SLTDWrestling.com Facebook.com/bestprowrestlingpodcast @BPWPodcast @TommyStryker @HGRevTaco @JoeBPWP @StrongHonor 

#WrestlingArtisan Review of Redemption (@stoughe)

Last Sunday Impact Wrestling put out their first new pay-per-view in a while. On the Wrestling Guild Podcast we reviewed it, match by match and as a whole. Here I present it to you.   -C. Marry Hultman

#BestProWrestlingPodcast #130 – Greatest Royal Rumble Preview (@BPWPodcast)

LISTEN to the PODCAST here! This week Tommy & Taco make their predictions for the Greatest Royal Rumble. They preview the show and all the stories coming out of Raw, Smackdown and 205 Live. Plus they talk the Andre the Giant HBO documentary, Impact Redemption, New Japan Pro Wrestling, NXT and more! BestProWrestlingPodcast.com SLTDWrestling.com Facebook.com/bestprowrestlingpodcast …

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#DigitalCorner 23rd April 2018 (@stoughe)

It is once again time for the Digital Corner presented by you lovely host The Wrestling Artisan. This past week we had some real interesting things go down, so let’s take a gander. Over on the Fite app Impact Wrestling hosted their latest pay per view Redemption. The show, which is said to have been …

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#WrestlingArtisan How Important is TV? (@stoughe)

This week the Impact Twitter account boasted several accomplishments; the highest TV ratings in a row boosted Youtube views and GWN-app interest. This is all well and good and it really seems as if Impact is riding high, but can they truly breakthrough without being on a different network? When TNA was ousted from Spike …

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#WrestlingArtison Irreplaceable You (@stoughe)

Over the past few weeks both Scott D’Amore and Don Callis have been featured on several podcasts and interviewed in various papers. They speak about their vision for Impact, their history and many other things, but there must be one question that they are getting very tired of. The most recent departures. In an earlier …

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#DigitalCorner February 26 (@stoughe)

After a week that was quite intense when it came to wrestling on social media and internet overall, we have settled down to a more calm one. Most things happened on Youtube, but several interesting podcast episodes were out too. Let’s dig in. This past week NWA put out several videos from Billy Corgan, a …

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#WrestlingArtisan Review of Canadian Clash (@stoughe)

This week has gotten away from the old Artisan over at the Guild. I did not want to leave you guys hanging. So here is an episode of my podcast, The Wrestling Guild, where my colleague Nick and I review One Night Only: Canadian Clash. Enjoy. [soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/403416600″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] C. Marry …

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#DigitalCorner February 19 2018 (@stoughe)

It has been a busy week of wrestling on the internet, both with interesting podcasts and good matches. Let’s get into it.  This week on Youtube saw the first challenger in the Aldiss Crusade. James Ellsworth was chosen by Autin Idol to take on the NWA Worlds Champion because he met the criteria of having …

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#TheWrestlingArtisan The Face of a Company (@stoughe)

In the world of wrestling, the personality of a performer is usually what decides whether they are successful or not. Sure, and indy performer can have success based on their skills, but to grab that casual audience is necessary. Only the most charismatic may then be elevated to the outward face of a wrestling company. …

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