The Digital Age

This past week has seen two events take place that is the advent of something new. For the WWE it was the first time tinkering with Facebook events for their Mixed Match challenge and for Impact it was partnering with Twitch for Barbed Wire Massacre. The digital era in entertainment has truly created an entirely …

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Who Would You Like to See in Impact? -My top five

As the new era of Impact Wrestling has begun, the era of D’Amore and Callis at the wheel we are beginning to see the small changes they were talking about. In a poor decision the company announced a few of those changes on social media. While spoilers are unavoidable when one is taping so far …

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Best Pro Wrestling Podcast 115 – A Grappling Hook in a Wrestling Angle?!

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrTnJC5-HB4[/embedyt] RIGHT CLICK HERE to download the podcast. This week Tommy. Taco and Joe start off talking some Impact spoilers of all things! Then a plug for Strong Honor breaks out where they break down Wrestle Kingdom 12. Plus a little Wrestlepalooza talk. From Raw they talk about wanting to see everyone beat up …

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A Monster’s Ball and the Need for Blood

It was with cautious enthusiasm and trepidation that I received the news that Grado would face a returning monster Abyss in a Monster’s Ball match at Bound for Glory. It set up a much-needed wrinkle to something that otherwise ran a risk of becoming a  comedy match between the rotund Scotsman and Joseph Park. Granted, …

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Can We Talk…Impact?

When podcaster Sam Roberts was on Colt Cabana’s art of Wrestling, episode 371, they mentioned something that I had been thinking about for quite some time. It struck a chord with me. They made fun of people who don’t watch wrestling, yet are quick to criticize it. More importantly, they mentioned those who throw undue …

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Old Skool Views Global Review #7

It’s Monday so it’s time for yours truly, Old Skool View, to look back at the most recent Impact show. Three Good Matches at Different Locations – This is how hard it was for me to find three good this week…i’ve had to plump for the fact that the matches taking place at different locations …

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Old Skool View’s a Global Review Episode #6 & #7

#6 A day later than normal people but here is the usual 3 good, 3 bad for the recent incarnation of Impact. As we head towards Bound For Glory will it be easy to pick the three of each? Let’s find out. Three Good oVe vs LAX Rematch – These teams have been going at it …

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Old Skool View’s A Global Review Episode #5

It’s Monday, and that means it is time for yours truly, Old Skool View to look back at the most recent Impact offering to bring you three good and three bad. One would think that with us heading towards Bound For Glory things would start to pick up and get interesting, so let’s get into …

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Old Skool Views A Global Review Episode 4

Well readers it’s that time of the week again, and this time the weekly GFW Impact show is named Victory Road. Whilst I wish this would revert to a PPV name i’ll have to take it on the chin for now. So lets go and look at three good things and three bad things for …

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Old Skool View’s A Global Review Episode 3

So it’s that time of the week again readers. I have watched the most recent episode of Impact and I am now ready to share my three good and three bad for the week, so let’s jump straight into it. Three Good Rosemary’s Short Promo –  Rosemary had a small and simple promo after Taya …

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Old Skool View’s A Global Review Episode 2

Hello everybody and welcome to OSV’s A Global Review, and we’re on episode two. I must be honest I struggled to come up with three positives for the most recent episode of Impact however I got there in the end. So let’s get to it. Three Good Braxton Sutter vs Garza Jnr – The opening contest …

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Old Skool View’s A Global Review – Episode 1

Well fans it’s been a while since venturing to an article on my own doing but all is well! I’ve been watching a lot of GFW/Impact Wrestling lately and have been in some excellent discussions with our very own Colin & Tybo about the show, which leads me into my new weekly article. As we …

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