Tag: James Storm

Tybo Talks… Predictions – Slammiversary XV

Welcome once again to Tybo’s Talks! I am Tybo, and I’m sure by now you know that I am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling. Its been a long time since I have been able to do predictions for an Impact Wrestling PPV, I hope this is the beginning of …

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Impact 2-pack

Wrestling fans, let’s take look back at the most recent episodes of TNA Impact Wrestling. Tonight’s Rasslin Roundup will feature and discuss Sacrifice on April 26th 2016 and May 3rd 2016 TV taping. Sacrifice led to two new champions being crowned and the debut of Rosemary as well. The show opened with a Tyrus in …

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Impact Rasslin Roundup

TNA Impact Wrestling episode lends the first under Drew Galloway as champion. Galloway spoke and addresses the audience, but Jeff Hardy is his first championship opponent. That particular bout is set for March 29th at 9, on PopTV. Impact is coming fresh off the heels of five new talents signed to the roster, including former …

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Impact Wrestling: March 15th 2016

Hello wrestling fans and let’s take a look back at this weeks episode of Impact. We have a new TNA heavyweight champion. In a unusual booking move (and perhaps copying the set up and ending’s of New Years Resolution 2005, & Wrestlemania X) had Drew lose a mixed tag team match with his partner Gail …

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Impact Wrestling: March 8th 2016

This week’s Impact Wrestling featured a great Wrestling in-ring show, and chuck full of title matches. Additionally, they also turned Bobby Lashley heel in his match versus Kurt Angle during Angle’s swan song from TNA. Realistically, someone needs to pick up the slack and fulfill the role, and soon to be absence left of Kurt …

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Impact Lock-down 2016: February 23 2016

Tonight’s episode of Impact Wrestling is a made-for-TV PPV style show. Lockdown is the setting where all matches are featured in the six sides of steel. However, it is sad though that they are hot-shotting (or trying to) by using PPV quality matches and having it culminate for ratings (as opposed to buy-rates, and a …

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Impact Wrestling 101: Review & Roundup

Tuesday night, February 9th 2016 presented another episode of Impact Wrestling. It featured heavyweight champion Matt Hardy opening up the show, and clamoring for people to be “fired” on his new-found power trip. This show is a great “wrestling show” but consistently has matches, and “just” wrestlers wrestling. No real stories are made to make …

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TNA: Tuesday Titans??

Impact Wrestling has become a Tuesday Night Titans, although that’s where the comparison begins and ends. Initially, the TNT reference is to indicate the fact there is more action, alternatives outside of WWE on Monday and Thursday nights. Let’s take a look back at the most recent TNA Impact episode. Last week was teased of …

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TNA Impact Wrestling: Round-up & Review

Welcome fans and readers, to your latest Impact Wrestling news and results. In an earlier article, TNA was debated and dissected like a science experiment. https://www.sltdwrestling.com/tna-to-pop-on-pop-tv/ In which, the previous article and this current one is about a discussion and key points TNA still needs to change, and for the fans sake; hopefully they will …

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Tybo Talks… Top 5 TNA to NXT

Welcome one and all, I am Tybo! and by now you should know that i am the ‘Five Star General’ of this operation we call SLTD Wrestling. Now, on to business. I’m sitting here watching TNA Impact, which is aired on Sunday in the UK which I have just realised is now over a week …

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Guess Who’s Back, Back again

This week my article will mostly be written well after my usual noon deadline. I woke up this morning and realised I had not watched any TNA for two weeks, and no WWE since Summerslam. As you can probably appreciate, writing about wrestling is never made easier if you have not watched any. So this …

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MFX100 – A Century of Awesome.

That’s right folks, MFX100 is up!!  Join your heroes Duckman and Sir Ian Trumps as they celebrate 100 episodes and traverse the week in WWE and TNA.  On the show this week… The lads are in full on party mode, Sir Ian cracks some beers, and Duckman is in his pants again because it’s MFX100!  …

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